@tessie they like we'll drained soil will flower better with sun thougn , I have them popping through grasses any of the carex variety grasses do well in North facing gardens as more about foliage you could try heucheras with them too as some varieties like shade and great foliage colours with little flower spikes 😄
Ignore next few posts cataloguing new plants
Love the cocktail series 🍹
@rachelbrooks not has them before but love the geums thriving in my back border so got a couple to go through grasses 😄
Any tips for a Geum @keely? And planting partners? I have a north facing garden so I hope it survives in my borders.
@tessie they like we'll drained soil will flower better with sun thougn , I have them popping through grasses any of the carex variety grasses do well in North facing gardens as more about foliage you could try heucheras with them too as some varieties like shade and great foliage colours with little flower spikes 😄
Ok thanks for the tip :) i have some carex in a pot. I’ll plant and hope for the best 👍🏻