Keely, love this series of Hydrangea. Mine is white and a friend is growing some 'peppermint' for me, which I'll get next month. Beautiful and so unique in hydrangea!
@maldavis thanks it certainly is a lovely series I'm trying to keep this blue but can see it will change colour gradually but it's nice that it does that too as its like having another new plant 😄
@rachelbrooks awe hun pink is still lovely I think this will turn later in season but quite like it anyway 😆 I've put the canes under this for support of the flower heads seems to be working OK 😊
Well so far so good its still blue and not pink as most of mine usually change, potted up in eracacious compost as advised by someone on Gtags but can't remember who but thank you 💙💙💙
@rachelbrooks I still think this will change hun, it needs a bigger pot really as its grown so much this year but I will wait until end of season 😊 they say put rusty nails in them oh yeh got loads of those hanging round 😬😕
Wow 😲 it’s almost like two different flowers...
Keely, love this series of Hydrangea. Mine is white and a friend is growing some 'peppermint' for me, which I'll get next month. Beautiful and so unique in hydrangea!
Beautiful. My blue one is pink and my white one has just flopped everywhere. I can’t say I’m overly impressed with them 😏
Beautiful 💜💗💙
@maldavis thanks it certainly is a lovely series I'm trying to keep this blue but can see it will change colour gradually but it's nice that it does that too as its like having another new plant 😄
@rachelbrooks awe hun pink is still lovely I think this will turn later in season but quite like it anyway 😆 I've put the canes under this for support of the flower heads seems to be working OK 😊
@lovemygarden65 thanks hun
@gjones it is thanks hun 😘