Nemesia aroma 'Rhubarb And Custard'
Nemesia Rhubarb and Custard
Early Summer 2019
- 12
Late Spring 2019
- 12
Mid Spring 2019
- 13
Mid Autumn 2018
- 8
Mid Spring 2018
- 9
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Autumn 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2017
- 6
Late Spring 2017
- 10
Mid Spring 2017
- 4
Mid Spring 2017
- 4

Nemesia aroma 'Rhubarb And Custard'
Early Summer 2019
Late Spring 2019

Morning peeps anyone for pudding for breakfast as #rhubarbandcustard is looking promising at the minute lol. Have a fab Friday #nemesia

Morning Keely! I had this last year and it flowered it’s heart out, really great plant!

@rbetts25 morning this is a cutting from my last year one they do flower for ages one of my favourite summer bedding for pots

Morning Keely 👋☺💛💜💛

I’d never thought of taking cuttings, I’ll have to give that a go!

@rbetts25 I over winter them in house take them late September do that with all my nemesias as they don't over winter well in damp Yorkshire!

Morning Keely, such pretty colours on this one 💜💛

Anytime is custard time! 😋

I have this one it's so pretty

Love that combo 💜💛

Morning keely...just gorgeous 💜💛

Love this combination 💜💛💜
Mid Spring 2019

Pudding anyone?

That is stunning!

Wow Keely!💘😍

@allhop74 thank you 😊

@ShelleySnyder awe thanks so much 😘

Very welcome!💘😍

What an amazing bloom!!😊💕

Love this 💜💛💜

@terrimclaughlin I do love this one only got a couple of survivors from last year's cuttings at least I can take more for next year though 😄

@lovemygarden65 thank you I usually put it with one of the purple heucheras they look fab together late season 💜💛💜💛

So pretty! 💛💜

@mich thanks hun x
Mid Autumn 2018

#tinytreasures still blooming in November and cuttings doing well for next year, what's not to like #nemesia #rhubarbandcustard


@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Hun reluctant to cut them back despite all new growth at the base of it 😄

I know it’s a dilemma isn’t it...🙁

Absolutely nothing Keely, everything is topsy turvy this year isn't it 🙄🙄

Mine are still going too! Did take cuttings but like you, can’t bring myself to cut them back yet!

@pelly isn't it just they will stay out this year as I've got my cuttings anyway

@rachelbrooks I've brought my cuttings in bedroom now so they survive as they would struggle in cold only teeny, will keep parent plants outside and they can try their luck over winter
Mid Spring 2018

Or maybe rhubarb n custard #fragrantfriday 💜💛💜💛

What a color combo that is!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder isn't it just works so well together. Thank you 😄

Welcome Keely!💘😍

Duddler der duddler der de de de de der 🎶😂😂😂 oh dear. Think I may have sunstroke! You started it though! 😜

@gjones thank you 😄

@rachelbrooks think Alan has sent you funny babe best sleep it off. 😂😂

All perfectly sensible again now babe...😳😜

Gorgeous 😍
Mid Spring 2018
Mid Autumn 2017

Lunch break garden wander and spotted these hiding away, have mulched them to brim and seem to like it must do some cuttings though 💜💛💜💛

I love this Nemesia Keely 💜💛💜💛💜💛

@columbiariver just dropped lucky with this one as it was in local flower shop not one I've seen anywhere else either keep forgetting to take cuttings with dark nights it is a lovely one its under eaves of house so protected and hopefully mulched it enough prov Winters not harsh 😆

@susanhumphrey333 thanks sue it is a lovely colour 😆

Love this one 💜💛💚💜💛
Early Summer 2017

Anyone for a bit of rhubarb and custard 💜💛💜💛😋😋😋

Fabulous 👍 Like baby snaspdragons 😀👌

They look like children all very slightly different! 💜💜

Ooh yes please. I love rhubarb & custard sweets 😋

Yummy, so sweet 💜💛

Or maybe rubarb custard!
Late Spring 2017

#rainbow 💜💛💜💛

Beautiful 😍


Fab colours Keely @keely 😍👌😘

Just love these ones Keely think we're going to have to start #nemesiaaholics up 😂😂

I NEED Nemesia. Never, ever had any, so must make room 👍😂😊

Gorgeous 💜💛💜💛

@susanhumphrey333 oh you must they spread and flower for months Sue only got 3 myself put 3 in a pot to try save for next year and 1 in garden some great colours 👍

@nessas arent they lovely I only discovered them last year got 4 this year 😍😍😍

Great colour combo 🤗
Mid Spring 2017

Bit of #fragrantfriday if you like the smell of rhubarb n custard 💜💛💜💛💜

These are gorgeous

🤣🤣🤣... I loooove these colors 💜💛💜💛

I do! 💜💛😉
Mid Spring 2017

How can you not buy something that says rhubarb n custard 💜💛💜💛


Sounds disgusting but looks beautiful 😂💛💜

I love rhubarb and custard! Great colours
#purple n pudding 💜💛💜
Love this crazy color combo!💜💛💜💛💘😍
Reminds me of those sweets we had as children 🙂
@ShelleySnyder awe thanks hun I've got it with the lime green vine and a purple heuchera look good together
@charlotte 😋😋
Welcome! I bet they do look good together!💘😍
Beautiful 💜💛💜
@lovemygarden65 thanks hun 😘
@bandicoot cheers James 😆
Pretty colour..💜💛💜
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @gjones thank you sweeties 😘😘