African Daisy
Early Autumn 2020
- 9
Mid Summer 2020
- 8
Mid Summer 2020
- 9
Early Summer 2020
- 5
Early Summer 2020
- 18
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Early Autumn 2018
- 8
Early Autumn 2018
- 7
Early Autumn 2018
- 9
Early Summer 2018
- 6
Mid Autumn 2017
- 10
Late Summer 2017
- 8
Mid Summer 2017
- 18
Mid Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 2

Early Autumn 2020
Mid Summer 2020

Unusual colours on this one 💘💕💘

Love it. 😍

@philstalder @gjones thank you 😆

Oh that's beautiful ....my kind of colours Keely 😮🧡💜

Fabulous 🧡🧡

@flof1952 @juliesgarden thanks ladies will be doing cuttings to try save this one for next year they never survive my winters 😬

Beautiful 🧡💜🧡

Just a lovely colour
Mid Summer 2020

Morning peeps. 💘 have a super Sunday 😆

Morning Keely, love the colour of this one 🙂 you too.

Feeling alright this morning Keels 🤣😘

@jaynehynesburton yes hun was home for 10 just right nice night had a giggle 💘😘

It will have done you the world of good, roll on Friday 😘

@jaynehynesburton I know don't laugh enough on yr own except when u stubb your little toe 😂😂 ouch

@jaynehynesburton I can't wait either soon fly 💃😘

Oh my these are gorgeous!💘😍

Beautiful, it looks so healthy and, what a great colour 🧡💕💜
Early Summer 2020

Evening peeps I have a #whirlygig on my osteos 💜💓💜💓

Wow that’s stunning. 🌟

@philstalder thanks Phil different shape flower to the others on the plant but I'm loving it too 😆

Spectacular flower 😊

Awe thank you 😘 @italydiva
Early Summer 2020

Cataloguing Lainey I'm blaming you for this one, saw it in local flower shop today and yup how could I not buy it 💖🌼💖🌼 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom no idea where its going to go, think its time to take my heuchera out that doesn't fit well in front border with been peach 😂😂

Gorgeous 🌸🌸🌸

Like that a lot 🌸

Love at first sight! Golly. How could anyone pass that up?!

I don’t blame you Keely..I’d buy it again 🤣 it’s far too pretty for its own good..🌸👍🏼

Absolutely gorgeous 🌸🌸🌸

@struddles @juliesgarden @jmlincoln @pelly so pleased I saw it thanks ladies 😄

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom when I saw yours I've never seen one so pretty will get it out at weekend so it gets established and take lots of cuttings late summer for next year 😄😘💖

That is so pretty 💗

@lovemygarden65 I couldn't believe it when I saw it today so lucky just hope it keeps its colour in soil when its planted out 😬😊

I haven’t seen this colour before Keely it must be a new one this season, I was actually thinking about cuttings but I’m useless at it but I’ll have a go...🌸🌸🌸😆 I’ve planted mine with a very dark red one and it looks fab...👍🏼😍

Ohhhh! I’m so hoping they have this in my GC at the weekend! It’s so gorgeous! 🌸💕
Mid Spring 2020

#firstbloom from last years cuttings 💞

I think that’s the same as the one I took a cutting of, from my neighbours 💜👌

@suerichards I've been nipping buds out for a while now to make them bushier so flowers are a bit late but you do get second flush then late Summer too 😀
Early Autumn 2018

These keep on giving so I will let them add a last bit of colour for now, not much left in flower in front, but its all planted up for Spring now

Very pretty !💘😍

Looking lovely Keely. I had these years ago and they came back year after year. The ones I planted in recent years never come back 🙄

@ShelleySnyder thanks Hun 😘

@susanhumphrey333 mine very rarely come back Sue Ive got 20 cuttings of different colours in Summerhouse all doing ok so far couple more weeks be ready to pot on and I put them on back bedroom window cill then for over winter as it's mainly in shade so they don't grow much 😄

Very welcome keely!💘😍

Will give them another go next year Keely. Thanks ☺️

@Jasonsparkes1 thank you 😄
Early Autumn 2018

Waiting to cut these back to put bulbs in but seems a shame when they are in full flower still

I’m waiting to cut, pull some of my plants up but they still got lots of flowers

@kathy I'm same not too much left in front but these, zinnias and dahlias all that are taking up the bulb space but still mild enough so can get last of the bulbs in a bit later I suppose

@BillWatson I take them right back to new shoots, they don't always survive winter here so I've done cuttings of all mine which I will over Winter in spare bedroom ready for next year as security. I've only ever had these come back one year when it was a really mild one

Too nice to cut back 😍

Too nice to chop them back Keely 💜💜

@susanhumphrey333 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks ladies I will hang fire a bit let them have their glory
Early Autumn 2018

#osteospermum #africandaisy #pink

Beautiful flowers and amazing picture!

Very pretty Keely 💜💜

@rin_peruna @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @pelly thank you peeps 😄

Lovely 💜

@mich awe fanx Hun 😘

You have sooo many beautiful flowers. What a pleasure just scrolling through them all . Great gardening and plenty of love in ur garden 😊💕

@terrimclaughlin awe how lovely of you to say, after work it's my haven I just love to get in garden 😄
Early Summer 2018


Love these ones too.

@charlotte @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks luvvies 😘😘

Really like these, mine have been rubbish this year

@kathy oh sorry to hear that Kathy I do these from cuttings every year for fillers have to say it's first year they have continual flowers with all the sun 😁
Mid Autumn 2017

Evening peeps lovely mild day up north managed a quick hour in garden after work 😆 loving the purple centre of this amaze me how they can change over the season. 💜💜

Evening Keely, that's so lovely. 💙💙💙

Evening Keely..that’s so pretty 💙💜

Evening Keely, that is an amazing flower 😍😍

Good evening or good morning here. 😃 that a beautiful shot!!! 👏🏼📷👏🏼

That's a beautiful one with the blue centre 😍. Yes it has been nice here too for my midweek day off 😊🌞

Beautiful picture Keely 😊😍

Beautiful photo 👌🏻

I did the same @Keely until the light went! At least i got the zambucus trimmed back. Id never noticed that they change ?

Bertie Basset would love that..???👌🏼I hope you get it..!!
Late Summer 2017

This is supposed to be my path to the front lawn but the osteos have said not, I nearly have to break my neck to get in my own front garden 😂 💞💕💞

Have to say it looks fabulous

@evelynhalsall thank you 😊

Love these, I have lots in my garden for all summer long colour. @Keely

@jerseylily me to Deborah they always get a 2nd flush this time of year I take cuttings each year of them about this time for new next year 😃

@cyndi thanks sweetie 😗

What did you say back to Osteos 😊

@linfoster thanks hun😊
Mid Summer 2017

Good morning peeps up at crack of dawn waiting for sun to show its face. 😆 GC visit this morning could be fatal 😂😂😂 Have a good day 🤗🤗🤗

Morning Keely @Keely 🙋🏻♂️beautiful flowers 🌺

Morning Keely ........still waiting for the sun here! I've banned myself from any GC at the moment - no space in the garden for a weed let alone a plant!! Have a super day :)

Post pictures of the damage!! 😄🏵🌿😆🌸🌱😁

Morning Keely, it sounds like you are in for a good morning, enjoy. 😀😀😀

Morning Keely. Sounds like a perfect day. I'm done with gc's though. Full to bursting here. I took out a couple of plants yesterday to make room for the new ones 😮😀

@Keely Morning Keely. Hope all's well with you. Any holidays planned...? 😊👋

Morning Keely, leave purse at home 🤣🤣😱, enjoy 😊

Morning Keely, waiting for sun here. Have fun shopping. And love the (purple) flowers 😎🤗

@mikethegardener morning Mike Asia cruise in November not booked as yet but few dates to chose from, wont be long before your canary one now 👍😆

@juliesgarden I was very good for a change and only bought a heucheras seen as I put loads in back border wanted a couple more for pots for autumn colour 😁

@vec morning Julie im full too but will have to rethink dahlias for next year as far too big this year in border covering up all perennials so not happy bunny with it but live n learn, put it down to manure we put in for winter n spring soil must be much better this year 😄
Mid Spring 2017

#pink 💞💕💞
Mid Spring 2017

Had to have a pink one, one colour I haven't got 💕💞💕

Has to be done! 👍🏼🌸💕🌸
Love the colour ❤️🧡❤️
Beautiful Daisies 🧡🧡
@lovemygarden65 @midnightgardener thanks ladies 😘😘
Beautiful colour. 🤩😊
Perfection 👌
These are beautiful!
@hkyfvr @lesliecole49 @gjones @italydiva thank you all 😊
Very welcome 💕