Penstemon 'Heavenly Blue'
Beardtongue 'Heavenly Blue'
Early Summer 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 11
Late Spring 2020
- 15
Late Spring 2020
- 4
Late Summer 2019
- 9
Mid Summer 2019
- 15
Late Spring 2019
- 7
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Early Summer 2018
- 17
Late Spring 2018
- 13
Late Spring 2018
- 7
Early Summer 2017
- 9

Penstemon 'Heavenly Blue'
Early Summer 2020
Late Spring 2020

#pollinators #pollinator #bee #penstemon they are all over this one 💜💕🐝

Beautiful 🐝💕🐝 picture Keely

@auricula they really are a very busy plant 😄

@debs69 awe thanks Debs 😘

Beautiful photo 💜💙💜🐝

@lovemygarden65 awe thanks sweetie 😘

Great bee photo 💙💙

@midnightgardener cheers Chris 😀

Fabulous 📷, loving the glass veined detail on 🐝

Fantastic pic Keely😍

@solly1961 @Davidward thanks guys 😊
Late Spring 2020

💜💞💙💜💞💙 full bloom on this one will cut it back once its finished hopefully get a 2nd flush late Summer

So gorgeous!!! Yours come so early! 💜

Love this! 💕💜 God knows what happened to mine! 🤷🏻♀️

@dan5584 I never cut mine back in early Spring otherwise there would be very little in flower down path border so I let them bloom then cut back after in hope I get a second flush as all summer perennials n annuals will be in bloom then so border has a bit of colour by then anyway, method behind my madness 😀 never stick to rule if thumb 😄

@rachelbrooks awe this has been in some time now got another bunch same n one under window too its been fab, we are forever losing plants though with our soil 😯

Yep! Sure I lose more than I buy! 🤔🙈🤣😉

Mine's not flowering as well this year as it did last year, I'm hoping after I prune it the second flush will be better. I didn't cut it back last fall tho. Still in the learning stage for me.

@gjones awe thank you 😘

@lesliecole49 hopefully it will give you a late display 😊

That's so lovely and blue is a must for a garden 💙💙💜

@Keely Sorry! It's purple 💜💜same applies, must have in a garden 😁💜💜

@midnightgardener didn't you have your glasses on Chris 😂😂😘💜
Late Spring 2020
Late Summer 2019

Love the colour on this one 💜💞💜💞


Love 💙 one day this WILL grow properly in my garden!

@bandicoot cheers 😊

@rachelbrooks oh dear missis wot u doing Wong? This ones was a cutting from last years plant hmmm now don't remember seeing last years plant today under window must check it probably smothered by a big fat dahlia 😱

No idea babe 🤷🏻♀️🙈 tried it in 2 or 3 spots and it just doesn’t do well! Oops! Well if it is at least you have this one! 👍🏼

Wow that's an electric blue. So pretty Keely 😊😊💙💙

@midnightgardener its a fab colour I love it hun 👍

@gjones thank you 😁
Mid Summer 2019

#secondflush on this #penstemon 💕💜💕

Ooh lovely. I had this til Wilma dug it up and ran across the garden with it! 😱🙈 I managed to retrieve part of it and replant it...

I just deadheaded mine this afternoon, hoping for a second flush.

Oh No! 🤣🤣 @rachelbrooks

I’m losing plants quicker than even I can buy them Leslie! 🙈🤣 @lesliecole49

@rachelbrooks she was only trying to do yiu a cutting so you had more of those pretty blooms 😂😂😂

@lesliecole49 I never cut mine back in spring so they flowered early this year 😀

@gjones thank you me too 😆


Their just beautiful!😊💕

@terrimclaughlin awe thank you so much 😃

@damavand thank you
Late Spring 2019

#beefriendly #penstemon 💜💓🐝

Lovely photo 🐝💜💗💜

@lovemygarden65 thank you hun 😘

I think this bumblebee may be ‘nectar robbing’

@victorial very much it was going mad hard to get pics when they are so busy 😁

Great capture! #savethebees 🐝

@KariSamuel awe thank you Kari 😘
Late Spring 2019

This ones looking heavenly in the sunrise this morning #pink

@gjones just caught it this morning as the sun showed its face for once can soon change lol

Love it 💕 mine isn’t doing very well 🤔 gonna have to move it I think!

@auricula its a lovely one easy to take cuttings from too I gave a cutting to mum and its doing great now and got an extra in my garden too

@rachelbrooks oh noo mines in quite a bit if sun at front hun
Early Summer 2018

Another lovely #colourcombo #salvia #penstemon

Lovely combination 🙂@Keely

Beautiful Keely, I'm so going to pinch this idea 💙💜

@emeraldt thank you hun 😄

@pelly it worked just as I planned and both flowering together I often think about combos but always get flowering times wrong this has worked feel free to pinch Hun 😘

It truly has 💜💙


Beautiful 💜💙💜

@kathy @cyndi @maritgank you so much ladies 😘

Wonderful colour combo keely @Keely you could say it’s “Heavenly” 💙💜😘

Wow Hun that just looks brilliant together such a fab combo 💙💜

@jadojado29 awe thank you very apt 😄
Late Spring 2018

Loving colours in this one 💜💖💜💖💜

That’s a really lovely one Keely 💕💙

Beautiful colours 💜💗💜

@pelly @lovemygarden65 bought this one from my holibobs last year in Wales it travelled on coach with me all way as it was on my wishlist so when I saw it had to get it 😊👌

Love the two tone on this 💜💙

@suzyw it is I'm loving it 😄 thank you 😊

@rachelbrooks it's a beauty Hun 😘 thank you 😄

Gawjus this one Hun got it when we went to Harrogate 💜💗

@nessas isn't it I've got a few different ones in garden done from seeds but not sure what colours they are going to be yet 😊 this is a lovely healthy one from last year now. Must take cuttings job to do tmz 😄

I’ve done a couple from seed and forgotten the colours I also have one which I must take a pic and show you but it’s leaves are so different 🤔 yes your is so much more lush than mine it’s only got one stalk so far with a few blooms I’m hoping to be able to take a cutting from it 😬😬

@nessas just took 4 cuttings from this today not many side shoots yet but lots to come so will try more later, if they take Hun will bring you one to Harrogate in sept if you go 😘

@gjones thank you 😄
Late Spring 2018

First flowers starting to bloom love it 💕💜💕💜

For some reason I think that looks like a happy flower. 😊

Love the colour 🌸💜

@charlotte well it made me happy does that count 😁

@pelly isn't it just divine 😄

It truly is, I don't have any flowers on my Penstemons yet but my Harrogate buy is in bud so I'm looking forward to seeing that 😍😍

@pelly I've put a couple of new ones in this year that Jayne @jaynehynesburton brought me last year so looking forward to seeing those too as colours vary will be a surprise 😄👌
Early Summer 2017

OK so on holibibs you cant walk past a nursery can you especially when it was one on wish list. This will always remind me of the beautiful countryside in Wales 💙💜💙

Oh now that looks a beauty 💙💙

How lovely Keely @Keely and a lovely way for some special moments whilst on holiday 😍😘

@nessas @jadojado29 thank you ladies its really @angiecrazycatlady Angie's fault after seeing her gawjus one 👍😄

Lovely Keely. I always like to buy a little plant on holidays 👍😊

Well you have to have a souvenir...👍🏼😉

This app does open your eyes to new goodies doesn't it. They are really easy to take cuttings from I started with one plant I've got loads now 😊

@angiecrazycatlady I've just planted it this morning Angie, will take a cutting just in case it doesn't survive over Winter too so thanks for tip 👍😆

I haven't lost many to the winter but always good to have lots of plants 😊
#wildlifewednesday #bee 🐝💕