Phlox paniculata 'Salmon Orange'
Phlox Salmon Orange
Early Summer 2020
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Early Summer 2020
- 8
Early Summer 2020
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Early Summer 2020
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Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Late Spring 2019
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Late Summer 2018
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Phlox paniculata 'Salmon Orange'
Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020

💖 almost full bloom 💖

The colour stands out so well doesn't it 💞💞💞

@pelly probably one of my best ones with dark foliage too, just sent you message on messenger x

Beautiful 💗

@gjones @jmlincoln thank you ladies 😄😄

Beautiful...💗 it’s a nice soft colour...

So very pretty 💕💕

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @midnightgardener thank you ladies 😆😆
Early Summer 2020


That's going to be covered in pink! #pinkalicious

@lesliecole49 it is Leslie not too established as yet only its 2nd year but love it with the dark foliage 💞

Ohh 🌸🌸

Doesn’t look very norange to me! 😉💕😘

@rachelbrooks its salmon norange so that means pinky 😂😂💕

@juliesgarden thanks hun 😆

Well why didn’t they just say that?! 😜😉😘

For some reason, phlox dont grow for me, they turn brown at the base and it works it's way up the plant. Each one I've tried. I do have some very small ones that seem to have come up from dropped seed. Dont think they'll do much this year, at least they sure don't look like it
Early Summer 2020

Love the #darkfoliage of this #phlox #abouttoburst 💞

😁 you beat me to it, I was going to post this 😁

Beautiful 💗💜💗 for some reason my plox kept getting mildew no matter what I did so binned it I’m afraid 😟

@pelly awe u can still post it so you've a record on your plants of time its about to bloom 😊

@lovemygarden65 that's strange never had mildew on any of mine n I'm in clay soil so its quite wet at times 😯

@Keely It’s as if some plants decide they don’t like your garden and tell you 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Good thinking Keely 👍 I get mildew, but only on one of mine, I found it had started yesterday so I sprayed it, hopefully I've caught it in time @lovemygarden65

@pelly I really hope so Jane , they are such pretty plants 👍

They are Marilyn, thank you 💞 @lovemygarden65
Early Summer 2019

💗💗💗 huge blooms on this one

Stonking 🌸🌸🌸

Gorgeous 🌸💕 and still not orange! 😉

They really are huge this year aren't they 🌼🌼

Beautiful 💗💗💗

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks hun 💕

@rachelbrooks thanks sweet good job they are in pastel border, they had been straight out if it was orange 😁😄

@pelly they are clearly loving the mixed bag of weather 💕

@lovemygarden65 thanks sweet 💕

@gjones awe thanks hopefully yours won't be long now 💗

@jaynehynesburton this is it ❤❤❤
Early Summer 2019


But it's pink 🤔🤔🤔

@charlotte I know no idea why they call it salmon orange suppose salmon ins pink!! 😯

I’m wondering if this is the same as mine, the only thing it said on the label was Phlox Paniculata 🤔🤔

Lovely salmon orange colour...🤭

@pelly @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom its right one as took pic of label if you scroll across def match! 😯

It is thanks 💗😘
Early Summer 2019

#firstbloom on this pretty dark foliage #phlox 💖


@hayleyaj thanks sweetie one of last years SGC purchase all but two stems as window cleaner snapped them off grrr!!!

@gardengirlla awe thank you hun

😔that’s a shame hun. It will grow back

Salmon orange..? 🤔 looks pretty pink to me! 💕
Late Spring 2019

Can't wait for this to open love the colour of foliage
Late Summer 2018

Cataloguing now its flowered

That's the one they sent me that should have been Orange! Now have the orange too foc, can't complain as love this one too 😁

@hayleyaj I'm waiting for the orange one to flower as I don't think its going to be orange its got white tints in petal so they will be getting an email as I ordered orange one too for back border but I do love this one that's why I ordered it when I saw yours not got a pale pink one its a lovely colour

That looks like the one I have, but other than Phlox Paniculate I don't have any more information. I wonder if it's the same one? 🤔🤔🌸

Gorgeous colour..

Stunning flower 💕

@Jasonsparkes1 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @suerichards it is a pretty one thanks peeps. @pelly maybe Jane if its a pale one it could be hun
Probably my favourite #phlox as I love the dark foliage against the pale pink 💕