Rudbeckia hirta 'Rustic Dwarf Mix'
Rudbeckia 'Rustic Dwarf Mix'
Mid Summer 2020
- 3
Early Summer 2020
- 4
Mid Summer 2019
- 10
Mid Summer 2019
- 5
Mid Summer 2019
- 31
Mid Summer 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Early Summer 2019
- 6

Rudbeckia hirta 'Rustic Dwarf Mix'
Mid Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020

Evening peeps #firstbloom on my rudbeckias #grownfromseed Enjoy your evenings if you've all not fried 😎🌞

@gjones awe thank you 😄

Love this 💛💛🧡

@midnightgardener thanks Chris so easy to do from seed these 😘
Mid Summer 2019

Another different bloom from #rusticdwarfmix love these as they are not too tall so support themselves straight on seed list for next year 💛💛

It's on my Keels pad 😁😘

@jaynehynesburton 😂😂😘

Wow, love that 😍😍

What a gem 🧡💛❤️


@pelly @suerichards @littlemorningglory thank you peeps 😊😊😊

I’ve never bought so many plant supports this year....those look the perfect size...😉

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom they are only about a foot high Elaine but really sturdy stems OK for border edges 😁

@gjones thank you 😀
Mid Summer 2019

Love these little dwarf fillers so many different blooms from each one I've #grownfromseed 💛💘💛

@gjones so pleased with them always wonder what they will be like when trying new seeds but these have gone straight back on next years list to do, forever planning for next year 😁😁

Fabulous 👌 Again, way ahead if mine!

@jeatacake still waiting for cherry brandy n a mix tall one to bloom in border Jeff just the dwarf ones out at minute so maybe why 😊

Most of mine are in a fairly shady area, so that may be slowing mine down. Good that you'll get a succession of them there 💛👍
Mid Summer 2019

#julyblooms another from rustic dwarf mix 💛💛

Ooo like this.

@columbiariver thanks Laura so many different flowers from this mix not seen one I don't like yet 💘💛😘

@charlotte awe thanks sweetie me too 😘

Wow! Incredible color!💘😍

I love this one. The picture is perfect!!👍🏻😊💕

Waw! Stunning. 3 years and mine actually looks like flowering this year 🤞

That’s a stunner 🥰

Looks like a cooked beetroot in the middle 😂 love it though it’s going on my wish list, fab photo 💕

Those colours are amazing 😍😍

Beautiful, love it

@ShelleySnyder thanks hun 😘
Mid Summer 2019

Morning Peeps well its definitely wet outside but our gardens did need it so not complaining. I'm loving the #rusticdwarfmix of the #rudbeckia gone straight on seed list to do again next year. 💛💘💛 Have a super Saturday #julyblooms #grownfromseed #frilly

They look beautiful keely. Have a good weekend ♥️

@nmg333 thanks Neil you too 😄

Morning Keely, same here with the rain. Love those, so cheering 💛❤️

Morning Keely, they are a cheering sight 👍👍

@linfoster awe thanks hun they are different I think def one to do again next year 😘
Early Summer 2019

Loving the different blooms in the #rusticdwarfmix 💘💛💘

@gjones me too done a few different varieties this year for this border 😄

What a rich colour. I have plant envy ❤️🧡❤️

@suerichards thanks hun so many different ones opening up now 😄
Early Summer 2019

#firstbloom about to open on the #rusticdwarf mix #grownfromseed 💛💘

My first one has started to open Keely, I grew them from seed last year and managed to overwinter them, they're so pretty 😍👍🏼

@sieveheadsarah oh wow Sarah didn't know they would over winter did you lift them and put them in greenhouse or just leave them in? Would save a job if they over wintered for next year 😄

I had them in pots Keely, so just brought them in to the lean-to 👍🏼👍🏼

@sieveheadsarah thanks Sarah might try take them up and pop them in summerhouse to give them a try then 👍😄

Worth a try Keely, I've put some of my in the ground this year, so will have to remember to dig them up too 😀👍🏼
💛💛 #grownfromseed
I love this one. So very pretty 💛💛
@midnightgardener its been chewed a bit but still different which I like about it 😄