Uncinia rubra 'Everflame' syn. Uncinia rubra 'Belinda's Find'
Red Hook Sedge 'Everflame'
Early Autumn 2019
- 5
Mid Spring 2019
- 12

Uncinia rubra 'Everflame' syn. Uncinia rubra 'Belinda's Find'
Early Autumn 2019
Mid Spring 2019

Cataloguing new grass have added a couple to bedding pots

I love this one it's fab

Ooh love these Keely ❤️

@carolgs @lovemygarden65 I've been wanting this one for ages couldn't find one nursery at Harrogate that sold it but thankfully one of show gardens had them and were selling them off at end of show got 4 for £10 mum nabbed one though, these are very well established so I was over moon they will look lovely in pots and will add one to back border too 😄

Great purchase Keely, they look amazing

@jpea thank you 😄

Another amazing bargain ❤️👏👏

Love this Keely ❤️❤️

@suerichards I though so too when he said price, he had loads of grasses and said do you want anymore unfortunately I had most of what he had but for anyone that didn't great buy 😄

@pelly thanks Hun you know me n grasses 😄

😂😂I do and seeing the Pheasants Tail Grass you have given Graham @gardengimp reminded me that I never got round to putting mine that you so kindly gave me in my plant list. It’s looking really healthy now. 😍😍

@barrowman Chris this is it 😄
#grasses stays a darker colour if kept in shade
That's lovely 😊😊❤❤
@midnightgardener thank you 😘
Gorgeous colour @keely
@cazz47 awe thank you 😊