Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Anne Russell'
Burkwood Viburnum 'Anne Russell
Late Winter 2020
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Late Winter 2020
- 5
Early Spring 2019
- 6
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Late Winter 2018
- 7
Early Spring 2017
- 3
Early Spring 2017
- 4
Late Winter 2017
- 3
Early Spring 2016
- 2

Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Anne Russell'
Late Winter 2020
Late Winter 2020

Just coming into bloom #viburnum #signsofspring

Sweet little flowers. Viburnum are amazing 😊😊♥️♥️

@midnightgardener they are fab Spring blooms always first to bloom in my garden 😊

It makes us feel like spring is within touching distance. Would you like us to include it in our email newsletter? 😀

@ukgardentags oh yes please that would be great 👍
Early Spring 2019

This one is a mass of blooms at the minute #viburnum #springblooms

Another one that just blooms and blooms! Great pic babe. Such diddy flowers 🌸

@rachelbrooks thanks sweetie love how the blooms open before the leaves are established

Gorgeous, I've just bought Viburnum Charles Lamont 💕💕

@gjones thank you 😄

@pelly they are lovely spring plants you will love it nice bit of colour for Spring 😄
Early Spring 2018

Another of my favourite Spring shrubs 💖💖💖

@Jasonsparkes1 thank you 😄

@LyndaClack yes just lovely 😊

Gorgeous 🌸

@rachelbrooks thanks Hun 😘
Early Spring 2018

This always reminds me of #harrogateflowershow as I bought it from one of the show gardens 2 years ago. Look forward to going again and meeting up with fellow Gtag buddies on Sunday 🙆🙆😍

Me too Keely 😍😍

Don’t do that!! Thought “bloody hell I didn’t realise it was this Sunday” then checked and I’m alright, haven’t got to panic! 😱😂 aww I can’t wait but I won’t be able to cuddle you as tight this time! 😆😆

@rachelbrooks oh sorry hun it does look like it is this Sunday noooo end of month u r safe and hopefully be fully recovered by then pains easing a bit now although had the odd bad day so I'm taking each day as it comes at min. Need them better to carry all plants 😂😂😂

Oh gawd yes! Hadn’t thought of that! Lugging all the plants about! 😬 glad they’re recovering a bit! Make sure you’re resting then lovely! 😘
Late Winter 2018


Lovely ❤️

@lovemygarden65 thank you 😄

@gjones I love this one it's got a great shape to it for my border may need moving next year further into corner so it can grow more height then 😄

@Jasonsparkes1 cheers Chuck 😄

Gorgeous keely @keely Great pic 👌😘

@jadojado29 thanks sweetie 😘
Early Spring 2017

Last flower going over 😥

So pretty 🌸 and a lovely shot with the sunlight behind Keely ☀️
Very pretty
Early Spring 2017

Photos don't do this shrub justice its just lovely I'm leaving this to get taller in front border to show it off more, gets bigger each year 😍😍😍

Looks lovely 😊

Gorgeous 😍😍😍

Love it 😊
Late Winter 2017
Such a pretty #shrub for spring 😍
Wow I love this! I'm really keen on these. I think I need another one 😊😊♥️♥️🌸🌸
It’s blooming gorgeous....
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @midnightgardener awe thanks ladies its a shame it doesn't last through to summer too 😊
@Keely It sure is Keely. Are you feeling better these days?🌸🌸
@midnightgardener I'm not fully back running Chris as still out of breath walking far bruising has come out now 5 wks later but as long as I don't over do it I'm getting there slowly I def know my limits now, first day back at work today but only in for 2 days then 10 days leave so I can get a bit more done in garden over next 10 days still lots to do out there will keep me busy for a wee while now 😊 especially now I've been told we have to work from home permanently due to Covd 😷
@Keely Heavens, they're wanting to shut everything down. What kind of company do you work for? I used to work in a big Solicitor s in Leeds C Centre but I bet they're taking evasive action too. I think it's especially hard what the government are planning for the over 70 year olds. One of my best friends was 70 in Feb and it'll ruin his life and plans. It's too long 4 months isolation. I don't know how they can expect folks to get by. I really don't it's shocking. Take care Keely 🌸🌸
@midnightgardener I work in social housing sector for charitable housing association but I work from home most days anyway so it won't bother me but it will some 😳 change of life for alot of people ahead so many will go into poverty n lose businesses 😩 stay safe hun
@Keely I'm thinking surely Boris J will have a contingency plan. After all it's hardly fair telling people not to go to restaurants and pubs etc. There just has to be something in place I hope. It's not on if these good businesses go under through no fault of their own. I hope Boris announces something to address this. There will be a lot of very worried people out there. I am concerned for them. I keep myself safe I can't imagine getting the virus but we just never know do we. Worrying times 😳