Asplenium scolopendrium 'Undulatum'
Hart's Tongue Fern
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Early Summer 2020
- 9
Late Winter 2020
- 2
Early Summer 2019
- 9
Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 7
Late Summer 2018
- 14
Mid Summer 2018
- 0
Early Summer 2018
- 0
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 0

Asplenium scolopendrium 'Undulatum'
Late Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020

#fern #harts-tongue-fern #asplenium-scolopendrium #spores #foliagefriday

@kez001uk fabulous photos 💚

This is very unusual. Don’t think I’ve seen one before. Impressive!

Thank you for clearly pointing out how they procreate. Very much appreciated. Hugs x

Aren't they great love them litte or no maintenance

@suerichards thank you Sue 😀

@italydiva thanks Angela 😃 they freak me out but interesting to see how they vary from fern to fern

@jamescallifer very welcome 😄 I enjoy looking at the smaller details in a plant

@alan1111 they’re one of the best plants for a shady spot. They get watered and fed on occasion, cut back once a year. Need virtually nothing but they never stop looking good 💚
Late Winter 2020
Early Summer 2019


Bet that took you ages....👌🏼😘

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom had my colouring pens out so thought why not 😉😂

@cyndi these ones I don’t mind so much. It’s the round ones that freak me out 🤢

@gjones thanks Katy 😊 hasn’t noticed the different stages before

@cyndi I have some weird garden phobias 🤣

@cyndi I’m with you on spiders! But luckily here we don’t have to worry anywhere near as much as you. Some of yours are naaaaasty things 🙈

@cyndi it’s the ones in Australia that terrify me most. The ones that hide under the toilet 😱

@cyndi 🤣 you and me both! 🕷🚫
Mid Spring 2019

Early Spring 2019

That’s really cool how that white is like that!!!! I have a kangaroo fern and I really thought it was an elk fern because it has texture like that in the branches too but the color on mine is brown. Like em both. Look great!😊💕

@terrimclaughlin thank you Terri 😊 it’s great how they look when new fronds unfurl. The white does turn brown as it grows out though.

Yeah those are cool plants 🤗🤗😊💕

#fern #hartstongue #asplenium #asplenium-scolopendrium

@lovestogarden thank you 😁

Adore these ferns!

@Mikekally they always look so great don’t they 😛 and do good for those shady areas
Late Summer 2018

Even more fern freckles @cyndi

@cyndi I did read up on it and am going to try my luck 😁 thanks for the links Cyndi ☺️

@gjones I’m going to give it a go. Have a lot of leaves with these on so hoping at least a few work 🤞🏼☺️

@gjones exactly, free plants never go wrong 😉

always wanted to try. keep us ppsted

@moore.794 I certainly will do Terry 😊

@cyndi hey Cyndi is it the same to propagate crows nest ferns. My fronds are 2 m long with plenty of spores.

@cyndi cheers mate. Super dooper

@cyndi I’m going to have to wait a few weeks for night temps to get to the high teens. Been unusually cold and rainy here

We could all be trying to grow mushrooms too. Maybe some similarities? 🍄

@jeatacake now that’s something I would like to grow 😋😋😋

Me too, but like most things, it's having the time & space for it on top of everything else 🤔
Mid Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018
Late Spring 2018

New growth looking like tiny caterpillars 🐛
Mid Spring 2018
#fern #harts-tongue-fern #asplenium-scolopendrium