Bessera Elegans
Coral Drops
Early Autumn 2022
- 6
Late Summer 2022
- 21
Mid Autumn 2021
- 20
Early Autumn 2020
- 1
Late Summer 2020
- 18
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 4
Early Autumn 2019
- 10
Early Autumn 2019
- 13
Early Autumn 2019
- 0
Early Autumn 2019
- 34
Early Autumn 2019
- 14
Early Autumn 2019
- 4
Early Autumn 2019
- 10
Early Autumn 2019
- 23
Early Autumn 2019
- 31
Early Autumn 2019
- 17
Late Summer 2019
- 10
Late Summer 2019
- 1

Bessera Elegans
Early Autumn 2022
Late Summer 2022

A few bulbs have decided to flower but most are just leaves 😐 #coral-drops #bessera-elegans

Mine have disappeared completely😕

Lovely to see these Kerry 😍

Looking forward to seeing the flowers 😍

@cee most of mine have too. Think they rot so easily 😞 Sarah hasn’t had much luck with hers either 🫤

@KOutdoors when they flower they’re stunning! Just a shame they look a mess otherwise. The foliage is like long grass and flops all over the place. They’re a pain for dying over winter too. I started with 5 bulbs and 2 have flowered this year 🙄

@sieveheadsarah 2 flower stalks so even more must have died since last year. They’re an annoying beauty 😅

@hkyfvr oh me too 😍 I get so excited for the jade green pollen mostly 🤓😂

@KOutdoors very fussy 😜 I gave up fussing and just leave them to it now. If they survive then they’re meant to be in my garden 😅

@KOutdoors and they’re often the ones we desperately want to grow 🙈

Sorry to read that they are fussy divas. Why do plants have to be so annoying at times. Oh well at least you have the jade pollen. 🤣

They’re so annoying, I love them Kerry but I’m not paying for something that’s not guaranteed to come back year after year, maybe some research is needed to find what they like 🤨🤔
Mid Autumn 2021

Very late this year but have 5 bulbs in bloom - most I’ve ever had! ❤️ #coral-drops #bessera-elegans

They’re lovely Kerry so bright n beautiful 🧡❤️

Awesome flowers Kerry. Love the vibrant colours.😍❤️🧡

Pretty, I’ve not heard of these

So pretty Kerry, mine all rotted, maybe I’ll get some more for next year 🤨

They are pretty

Have you been out with your paintbrushes Kerry 😂 they're gorgeous ❤🧡❤

I get leaves but no flowers? Two years running

@mich @hkyfvr @vegandmore @charlotte thank you ladies ❤️ they’re back for the 3rd year and doing better than ever. The flowers are beautiful but they look pretty pointless and scruffy besides 😂

@sieveheadsarah they really do rot easily 😝 I leave mine outdoors in the pot all year round now and don’t water them at all until they sprout. Hope you give them another go 😛

@joanboston I’m sorry to hear that 😔 I read that in our climate they are sometimes so late to get moving that it’s too cold by time they should flower. They recommended to move them indoors or into the greenhouse for a chance they’ll flower 😊

Always welcome 😍
Early Autumn 2020

#coral-drops #bessera-elegans
Late Summer 2020

❤️❤️❤️ #coral-drops #bessera-elegans

Ooh, very pretty ❤

Beautiful photo ❤️🧡❤️

Wow, fabulous 🌺🌺🌺

Beautiful! I dont know what I've done to mine, they are floppy stems with no flowers 😆

Amazing😻 So lovely 💕😊

I remember these from last year 😍 gorgeous ❤️

@tinaaune thanks Tina 😀

@lovemygarden65 thank you Marilyn 😃

@pelly thanks Jane 😄

@DeborahBanks thank you Deborah 😁 don’t think you’ve done anything. The leaves are like thick floppy blades of grass 😂 they look so scruffy 😝 then the flower stalks will emerge but they have like a little claw-looking bit on the top and are a lot stronger than the floppy leaves

@hkyfvr thanks Diane ☺️
Late Summer 2020

They’re back 😍 #coral-drops #bessera-elegans
Mid Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019

#tinytreasures 😍

@novicegardenlover thank you Susan 😀

@auricula they really are cheerful little things ☺️

Awesome 😎

@gjones thank you Katy 😁 not like anything I’ve seen before

Looks like a child’s perception of a flower....😆👌🏼

@debs69 thanks Debra ☺️

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 🤣 it’s so like a drawing a kid would do, with the sun in the corner and a fluffy cloud 🤣

That's a fab flower, kind of psychedelic ✌🤪😍

@anges it’s very 60’s/70’s looking 😂 all tie-dye and not in a rush for anyone 🤣
Early Autumn 2019

@kez001uk That’s really pretty. Good photo. Thank you for sharing on this chilly rainy day. A little color made me feel warmer! Tom

@tkept I’m happy you like it Tom ☺️ certainly didn’t feel so warm outside when I was taking the photo 😂

@cyndi thanks Cyndi 😀 I just love them ❤️🧡

@gjones thanks Katy 😃

I can't get over these flowers Kerry their so unusual 😍

@alan1111 they’re great aren’t they 😛 definitely one of my highlights this year ☺️

Do the flowers last long?

@alan1111 at least a couple of weeks but probably more if it was drier and less windy. I put them back outside as they got too tall for the greenhouse bench so they’ve been exposed to endless rain 😐

Yeah I can understand that it is a bit late in the season

@alan1111 think they’re supposed to flower earlier than they did but had them in too much shade for a while 🙈

At least that's an easy fix for next year 😜

@alan1111 if I remember where I moved them to 🙈😂
Early Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019

That’s fabulous Kerry!

Wow, that’s a stunner!

Wow..........I wasn't expecting that 🌹🌹

That's so pretty Kerry 😍

Ooh that’s lovely Kerry

Definitely has the wow factor!

I love that flower color, but I’m honestly more interested in the fact that it’s pistols (and I assume by extension it’s pollen) are that teal-ish green color. I’ve never seen anything like that 🙀

Wow! 😲😍

Wow such great detail ❤️

They look good from this angle too. Didn't know they were stripey underneath! 👍

Wow! Just wow!💘😍

Gorgeous 😍😍
Early Autumn 2019

Love that Kerry 😍

Great shot! Were you laying down?😂💘😍


@sieveheadsarah thanks Sarah. It’s my new favourite 😅

@ShelleySnyder I’d still be laying there if I was 🤣 one benefit of a container garden is I can raise it up to get those angles 😜😂

@telswirld I didn’t manage to hold off posting multiple photos for very long 🙈🤣

That's true! I didn't think of that 💘😍

@ShelleySnyder saves me looking like a flipped tortoise 🤣

At least a tortoise is small! I look like a beached whale!🤣🤣🤦💘😍

@ShelleySnyder no you do not! But you do make me laugh 😂

Glad I make you laugh! We need to do alot of that!🤣🤣🤣💘😍

Reminds me of the octopus ride at the fair 😱 awesome photos ❤
Early Autumn 2019

It's so cute the way they all come out from the top. Reminds me of a ride at a fair for some reason

Your right Leslie it does look like a fair ground ride @lesliecole49

@lesliecole49 @alan1111 it does me too! Like the octopus ones that have seats on the end of long arms 😜

That'd be the one, Kerry 🤣
Early Autumn 2019

Green pollen 💚

Great looking flower, I've never heard of them ❤🧡❤

Very cool!💘😍

Looks a bit like a fuchsia. Green pollen very unusual

@anges great aren’t they 😁 just a random find really but one I’m glad of ❤️

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley ☺️

@alan1111 it is a bit like a squashed fuchsia at this angle 😛 the green pollen is my favourite bit 💚

My pleasure!💘😍

Love the way they hang for the stem

@alan1111 like little lanterns ❤️💛❤️
Early Autumn 2019

It finally flowered 😍😍😍

Not seen these before, they're gorgeous 😍😍

Ye it was worth the wait 👍❤️👍❤️

Yay! 😄

Well worth the wait Kerry it's beautiful

It didn't dissapoint! 😍😍 love it!


I like it 🤩👍

I thought it was Fuschia at first. Very pretty 😊😊❤❤

@pelly they were just random bulbs I saw online and thought looked interesting. Been so excited for them to flower 😳 they’re well worth the wait though. I’ll be boring everyone with multiple photos from tomorrow 🤣

@lovemygarden65 really was 😁 they’re gorgeous, especially inside 😛

@ublaszko amazing what a few hours in the warmth of the greenhouse can do! 😍
Early Autumn 2019

Taking forever 😴

It certainly is teasing you

@alan1111 was sure it would open today 😂 thinking you move it in the greenhouse now, just to get some heat on it 😜

Definitely testing your patience Kerry 😤

It’ll be worth the wait...👌🏼😲😘

Might be as well off Kerry you might get the weather we're having at the moment, heavy rain all day

Look forward to seeing them fully in flower soon 👍


Like this Kez 😀👍🏻


@lovemygarden65 it really is 😂 and now the weather is making it even harder to get it to open 🤣 I live in hopes though 🤞🏻

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom I’m hoping so Elaine 😛 the photos I’ve seen of it are so lovely 😋
Early Autumn 2019

Still not open 🙄

Not long to go now. Looking forward to seeing it in flower

That’s cool looking!

@alan1111 me too and it’s taking its sweet time! 😂 I swear the ones you want to open stay shut longer 🤣 every morning I check and hope there will be a flower 🙏🏻

@janetandjim thanks Janet 😁 loved the look of the flowers when I saw it online. Think it’s a bulb from Mexican origins, maybe that’s why it’s taking its time now there’s not so much warmth 😜

To me it looks great as it is now. I see your nicotiana in the background great looking (sticky) plant

@alan1111 I must admit I do too! It’s definitely unique looking 😛 oh yes, the plant version of blu-tac is trying its best to take over every pot 🤣 doesn’t have a patch on yours mind you!

You probably started them later than mine I started mine back in mid March. Yours will keep growing until the frost

@alan1111 think it was end of May that I started mine 😂 no wonder it’s so behind 😜

Your in for a treat next year ☺

@alan1111 I can’t wait 😁

Very cool looking bulb 👍
Late Summer 2019

So excited 🤗

Oh this looks interesting 💚

@tinaaune I’m really hoping they’re worth the wait. Been slow going and not all bulbs have flowered but the few that have are looking ready to pop. Not seen anyone growing them before so will be an interesting one to watch 😁

Can't wait to see👀

@tinaaune I’ll definitely post updates, becomes obsessive checking on their progress 😆

Another one I haven't seen before it'll be interesting to see what their like when open

Oh wow 😲 looks exciting Kerry

@alan1111 the photos I’ve seen online look great but whether it’ll turn out like that is yet to be seen 😂

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom kinda reminding me of a tiny agapanthus at the moment 😜 wish it would hurry up and open 😂

Late Summer 2019

Doesn’t look like much but can’t wait to see the flowers 😁
#coral-drops #bessera-elegans
These flowers are beautiful!
These are very pretty, so unusual 🤩
Love these. So very pretty 🧡