Borago officinalis var. 'Alba'
White Borage
Early Spring 2020
- 16
Late Winter 2020
- 18
Early Autumn 2019
- 5
Mid Summer 2019
- 36
Early Summer 2019
- 2

Borago officinalis var. 'Alba'
Early Spring 2020
Late Winter 2020

#borage #white-borage #borage-alba #grown-from-seed #self-seeded

This borage was so beautiful last year 😍😍

Wow that's looking good. Super growth 😊😊♥️♥️

@ublaszko it really was! Hoping for a better display given these are self seeded. Usually turn out much better 🤞🏻

@midnightgardener thank you Christine 😊

@cyndi thanks Cyndi ☺️

Do you use it for drinks? Apparently, you can add it to gin 😆

@ublaszko I made little ice cubes with the flowers last summer but the heavy handed measures of gin negates any taste of borage 🤣🤣🤣

😂😂 How cute! 😍

@ublaszko was a rare moment of girly 😂

Tried these from seed a couple yrs ago but, as you know, I suck at seeds so I still don't have any borage!

@lesliecole49 once you get one to flowering stage you’ll never be short of them 😛 did you sow them direct?
Early Autumn 2019

Self seeded and trying to grow 😂

Amazing 😊😊💕💕

More flowers for next year 😆 👍

@midnightgardener more than I know what to do with 😂

@ublaszko just a shame they won’t make it through winter outdoors 😟 daren’t bring them in the greenhouse because there’s alliums in the pot 🙈
Mid Summer 2019

I think I prefer the white one 😍😍

Oh, I have never seen a #white #borage! Pretty. #boragoofficinalis #alba

@ublaszko isn’t it lovely 😍 blue is pretty but this one is a nice change

@lovestogarden thinking the blue and white together would be a lovely combination 😋 I have spare seeds if you ever fancy trying some Janice 😁

Ooh I like the white👍👍👍

@tinaaune thank you Tina ☺️ have spare seed if you ever want any 😁

Thank you, Kerry, but I think I should say no right now. They really take over my garden with their self seeding. Thank you so much. It is very kind of you to offer. 💗

@lovestogarden no problem Janice ☺️

Very pretty! Sorry I haven't responded straight away. I'm currently addicted to a new game called June's Journey. It's like a murder mystery novel set in 1920s but there's a whole side to it about creating your own posh estate and gardens 😆😆😆 I've done an Italianate garden and now I'm making a tropical one 😅

@ublaszko oh my god, I just started playing that last week!!! 🤣 it really is addictive but keep running out of energy 😫

😂😂😂😂😂 Me too! I play it at breakfast and after dinner so it has time to recharge the energy. Also if I run out of energy but have an unopened box, I wait until the energy recharges before opening the box so I get the max energy 😂😂 I keep falling short of flowers to progress to the next level because I don't buy enough items and then I have to wait until they get built 😰 Need to buy more! 😂

@ublaszko love that you time it to make the most of the energy 😛 I’m hardly progressing because I’m determined not to use real money 😜 but I wanna get some land expansions 😡
#borage #white-borage #borage-alba #grown-from-seed #self-seeded
Wow! The white ones are really different to the blue ones but equally very nice!! 😊😊♥️♥️
So elegant looking
@cyndi thanks Cyndi 😊
@midnightgardener thanks Christine ☺️ they do look lovely together too 💙🤍
@alan1111 thank you Alan 😁 love the blue but this white is so pretty 😍
It's a nice photo you captured it lovely
@alan1111 you’re very kind 😛 how’s things?
Grand, got out to the garden today started some seeds still so much to do. I haven't been able to get the garden resently. On the bright side today is the spring equinox
@alan1111 I’m happy to hear it 😊 feels good to get things started I’m sure 😛 the aquarium coming along well?
@gjones about 2/3 of the pot is white I think. Still have no idea where the blue ones came from but they’re a nice combination 😁
@gjones a little more sun and there will be enough flowers to combine 😂