Borago officinalis
Common borage
Late Winter 2020
- 15
Late Winter 2020
- 19
Early Summer 2018
- 0
Early Summer 2018
- 10
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 9

Borago officinalis
Late Winter 2020
Late Winter 2020

This pot only ever had white borage in it 🤔 looks like half the self sets are going to be blue 😕 #borage #common-borage #borago-officinalis

I love Borage 💙💜 😃

I've moved mine round the front of the house, if its determined to flower now I may as well show it off.

I've sown lots of the blue for this year 💙💙💙

So very pretty and a favourite of mine 😊😊💙💙

@anges pretty, fuzzy, bee magnet - can’t get much better 😍

@DeborahBanks it deserves to be shown off 😛 seems ours are on their own schedule 🤣

One of the things I wished I had grown back on London! Do you use the flowers in salads?

@gjones it’s very strange. I thought the buds looked a bit dark but presumed the endless rain had affected them. But no, the whole pot is a complete mixture 😂 how a white plant can drop blue seeds I’ll never know 🤣

@pelly it’s such an eye catching colour in the garden isn’t it 💙 has reminded me of the blue penstemon you had last year 😍 (I think it was you 🤔)

@midnightgardener they’re beautiful aren’t they 😍 will your wildflower bed have some this year?

@justinkhoo does it not grow well in your climate? Don’t laugh but I freeze the flowers in ice cubes to pretty up drinks 🙈
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

With added cement mixer feature 🤗


@ublaszko it’s quite striking! The orange compliments my dead grass so well 😍

Hopefully, not for long. Both the dead grass and the orange feature 😉😁

@ublaszko fingers crossed they’re both gone after the weekend 🤞🏼

Good luck! 👍

This plant got great energy it doesn't stop growing I harvested hundreds of seeds from one plant and makes a good herbal salad and always eat a few leaves when I walk by

@ublaszko thanks urszula 😁

@rayman these were given to me as zinnia plants but have turned out not to be zinnia at all 🤣 I’d only known about borage for the flowers but @cyndi sent me some links so learning how much more than a flower it is! Still very pretty though 😛

Yes it tastes a bit like cucumber
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

@cyndi this is a progress photo on the mistaken zinnia. Do you still think borage?

@cyndi thank you for the link 😁 I best tell my uncle about this because he’s planted them everywhere thinking they’re zinnia 🙈 must have marked his seed trays wrong 😂

@gjones you all have so much knowledge! I’ve no idea what things are even when they flower 😂😂😳

Most definitely BORAGE Kerry ....very pretty and does self seed 👍😊

@cyndi changed now, thank you again for the help id-ing this zinnia wannabe 😂

@flof1952 thank you Pauline ☺️ I’ll grow my own zinnia next year then am guaranteed to get some 😂
Early Summer 2018

Fuzzy buds

Which Colour 🤔😊

@gauravsh6 I was given these as tiny seedlings so I’ve no idea what they’ll end up being. Can’t wait to find out 😁

Ah so Surprise Awaits You 😊

@gauravsh6 it does 😁 will make them even more special when they flower 😊

@cyndi I’m not sure as the seedlings were given to me. I’ve never grown zinnia before so be interesting if they even turn out to be that 😂

@cyndi I’d be happy with borage, the flowers on that are lovely 😁

My first thought was borage too. Perhaps the white variety.

@DickieLeysh I’ll add photos as it opens 😁shame it’s not zinnia but at least it’s going to be pretty 😛
#borage #common-borage #borago-officinalis
Beautiful, such a clear photo 💙
Can’t wait for mine to look this lovely 💙💙💙
Oh very pretty..
@anges thanks Ange 😊 the fuzz is showing itself off well 😅
@cyndi thank you Cyndi ☺️🙏🏻
@pelly hopefully yours won’t change colour like this one 😂 self seeded from a white plant 🤷🏻♀️
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😁
#fuzzy #hairy 😍😍
Fuzz is good! 😃💙
I wouldn’t mind if a few did but I want them primarily because of the colour and the fact that they’re bee magnets of course 💙🐝
@sherrisgarden so cute isn’t it 😛