Brighamia insignis
Hawaiian Palm
Mid Autumn 2018
- 14
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 15
Late Summer 2018
- 13
Mid Summer 2018
- 13
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 6

Brighamia insignis
Mid Autumn 2018
Mid Autumn 2018

@gjones thank you Katy 💛
Mid Autumn 2018

I Love This Plant !! My first time seeing one.

@sherrisgarden it’s beautiful isn’t it 😁 my first one barely even produced leaves so to get this in flower was a great surprise! They’re not so easy to take care of, for me anyway, so hoping I can do this one a bit more justice 🤞🏻

The surprises are like Christmas for us crazy plant people !! You're a good plant mom Kerry .. @kez001uk

@sherrisgarden couldn’t be more true! Thank you Sherri, as are you! ☺️ I’m trying to get better at it, still a whole lot to learn 😛

@cyndi hopefully will look better still once it’s settled 🤞🏻

@gjones I do hope I can keep this one looking healthy 😂 couldn’t ever get the last one to grow more than a few leaves and then one day the whole thing just collapsed 😔

You're welcome..

@gjones that’s a really nice way of looking at it ☺️ I’ll give it my best shot 🤞🏻

@kez001uk That's unusual 💛

It’s lovely and I’ve never seen one before 👍🏼

@anges I struggle to keep them alive but keep trying because they’re lovely when they’re at their best ☺️

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😁 they’re definitely unusual, never seen it flower before either 😍
Late Summer 2018

It’s made a lot of progress from a few weeks ago when it dropped all its leaves 💚


@porto it’s looking ok isn’t it 😁

Much better then mine! RIP💀😁😉👌🌴 @kez001uk

@porto RIP De Sousa palm 🙏🏼 his spirit can live on through mine 😇

😂😂😂 funny you! 😙 @kez001uk 😉👍

@porto have to remember our fallen plants 😉 I have too many to remember 🤣🤣🤣

In memory to all the fallen palms!😞✊🏻....😉 @kez001uk

@porto we should have poured out a little Estrella for them 😉😂

Little? Kerry🍻🍻🍻😁😏 @kez001uk

@porto don’t want to waste too much 😉😉😋

We won't @kez001uk 😚😏😉🍻
Mid Summer 2018

After shedding all its leaves again 🙄

@gjones it just never seems to have more than 5 at once. A bit of a bald palm 😂

Mine did this over winter, but they grew back again, but odd for it to happen in summer 🤔

Had one of these but unfortunately died after a couple of mouths 😑... Lovely little pain though 🌴 @kez001uk

@jeatacake maybe I’m not watering it enough in this heat 😕

@porto oh no, he died 😢 yours looked so good too! Mine hasn’t ever had that many leaves 😂

Maybe? Almost all mine are in the greenhouse but seem ok & growing fast. Has yours ever flowered?

@jeatacake mine is in the living room window so think it dries out too much. Never flowered but only had it a few months. When do they usually flower?

I have no idea really Kerry. I have some 18 month & 6 month old seedlings. I would imagine they flower in summer but who knows? It may take several years too. Our climate & changes in day length may not suit their flowering cycle here either? 🤔

@jeatacake would be nice to get some flowers but even if not they’re still pretty and unusual 💚

It would, especially for several of mine from seed off a big tree in Thailand which had dark red flowers, but as you say, they make attractive plants even if they don't flower 👍

@jeatacake oh wow, you grew your own from seed 😯 and bright red flowers sound lovely ❤️
Late Spring 2018

More to come 🌿🌴🌿
Late Spring 2018

Got this about a month ago and when it arrived it was full of big healthy green leaves. Sadly when I potted it up all of those leaves turned yellow and dropped. The same happened for the next few sets of leaves that grew. But now since I’ve moved him into a brighter window he looks to have got over his shock and is settling in by keeping hold of those shiny leaves 💚 and there’s even more sprouting 😁

Nice! #plantshock #Hawaiianpalm #brighamiainsignis #brighamiain

@lovestogarden I’m hoping he’s in the right place to flourish now 😛

She is looking happy. ❤

Janice do you know if these plants are sold out here ? @lovestogarden

I am not sure. I am guessing yes, but I have no idea where. ❤️ @sherrisgarden
@gjones they’re so lovely, the plant is covered with them 😁 it’s a houseplant but can be put outside in summer. I’m never brave enough to do that though 😅
Gorgeous little flowers 👌🏼
Aww that’s lovely 💛💛
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank ya 😄
@lexijane thanks Lexi 😁
A new one to me too 👍💛
@jeatacake I had one before but it died before it ever flowered 😔 this came already in flower so at least if it goes the same way I’ve managed to see what the blooms are like 🤣
That's a very philosophical view & hopefully this one will last at least a little longer👍
@jeatacake I do hope it will because they’re too expensive to keep replacing 🙈
I can imagine being something of the ordinary 😮
@jeatacake £25 😜 not too bad if it lasts for a while but the last one didn’t make it a year!
It's a nice plant, but if this one bites the dust, I don't think if it was me, that I'd be thinking "3rd time lucky"!