Callistemon Splendens x Pallidus 'Hot Pink'
Bottlebrush 'Hot Pink'
Early Autumn 2022
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Early Summer 2022
- 19
Late Spring 2022
- 12
Early Summer 2021
- 28
Late Spring 2021
- 9
Late Spring 2021
- 10
Late Autumn 2020
- 3
Late Spring 2020
- 13
Late Spring 2020
- 11
Late Spring 2020
- 11
Mid Spring 2020
- 9
Mid Spring 2020
- 7
Late Winter 2020
- 7
Early Autumn 2019
- 7
Early Autumn 2019
- 4
Late Summer 2019
- 2
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Late Spring 2019
- 4
Late Spring 2019
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Late Spring 2019
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Late Summer 2018
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 3

Callistemon Splendens x Pallidus 'Hot Pink'
Early Autumn 2022
Early Summer 2022

#bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink

Such a vibrant pink. These flowers always make me smile 💗💗💗

@kezloouk they look great

@hkyfvr @gwenniemom thank you both ☺️ they are interesting looking flowers, and so soft too 🥰 would love more in the garden as I’ve seen cream/yellow, pastel pink, green & white ones 🙈

@KOutdoors thanks Karen 😀 these can get big too so you’d need a fair bit of space 😜 we all need acres of land for the plants we’d like to grow 😂

Very welcome. Did not realize they came in so many colours. Pink and green sound lovely but I do like the red 💗💚♥️

@hkyfvr I didn’t either but I googled them and had to stop myself getting more 😂 saving up for a good sized Judas Tree so my spending is being limited 😜 the red bottlebrush will be making an appearance tomorrow 😉

@KOutdoors this one doesn’t get too big, 1.5m at most. The red one I think can get gigantic 🙈

Will look forward to the red one. That is the colour I always picture when I think of this. Now I must google Judas Tree. It sounds biblical. 🙏

Just found the Judas Tree. Here they call it Canadian Redbud. It is amazing. The flowers on it are beautiful and it has heart shaped leaves. Is this the right one?

Fabulous 💖💖💖

@hkyfvr that’s the one 😛 not even sure why it’s called a Judas Tree but it’s so beautiful. Do you see many around your area? It’s expensive for a decent sized tree but can’t wait years to see those flowers 😜
Late Spring 2022

#bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink

These are so lovely. 💗💗

Oolala! Gorgesness! 💘😍

@KOutdoors @hkyfvr @ShelleySnyder thanks ladies 😄 was looking all bright & beautiful in the weekend sunshine. It’s rather soggy now 🤣🌧

Very welcome. We are having heavy rains today too for a few days. It is hard on the blooming plants. We take the bad with the good. We hope for more good though 👍😊

@KOutdoors it can be so destructive, especially to the tall plants or ones with lots of petals 😥 still, saves us watering 😉😆

@hkyfvr you must need some rain after the warm weekend but it is too much for the little plants 😔 a little rain and a lot of sun - perfect ratio 😂

We did need the rain but it may be heavy with a thunderstorm. I will move the container plants if needed. 🤷♀️

Very welcome Kerry! 💘😍

@hkyfvr hope it wasn’t too heavy 🤞🏻

It was heavy at times all day today. My plants are pretty waterlogged. We may get a day or 2 of sun to dry out a bit. Thanks for asking 😊

@hkyfvr that sun better get to work for you!! 😛
Early Summer 2021

#bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink #macro


Beautiful macro shot

Wow 🤩

That is so amazingly pretty💗💗💗

Stunning photo. 💗💕💗

Just wow😱


That’s definitely pink! 😆 Lovely! 😍


Most definitely “Hot Pink”!!! 💗💗💗

@pelly 💖💖💖
Late Spring 2021

#bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink #wildlifewednesday

Fabulous pic….💞🐝

Love that with the sun coming through it 💗☀️💗

Amazing photo. Bottlebrush and a bee-wow. 💕💗🐝🐝

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine ☺️

@pelly thanks Jane 😃 need a bush of them to filter out the sun right now 😅

@hkyfvr the perfect combination 😛 and they’re one of the few flowers the bees stay on for long enough to photograph 😂

That is fantastic. I find it so hard to photograph a bee. They do not stay still long enough. 🐝🐝😁😁

@hkyfvr they have you chasing them most of the time! 😆
Late Spring 2021

Pink one is on the way 😍 #bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink

Wow that’s amazing….

#bestofjune #juneblooms


They look fabulous 💗💚💗

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom strawberry laces, except they’re pink 😂

@crabby58 💗🙏🏻💗

@italydiva thank you Angela 😁

@hkyfvr thank you Diane 😄

Always welcome Kerry 💕💚💕
Late Autumn 2020

🕸 #bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink

Definitely a lot going on there.

@patburke58 too much! 😱 knowing where they all came from terrifies me 😂
Late Spring 2020

💗 #bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink

Hey you’ve got sunshine.....we haven’t 😟❤️

I like that, it makes a change from the red 💖💖💖

That’s a beauty Kerry 💖💖

That's looking great 💗💗💗

They've all opened, lovely 👌

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom barely lasted before the clouds came 😐

@pelly it’s nice isn’t it 😋 but you should see Pink Champagne 🤤🤤🤤

@gjones thanks Katy 😀 it’s covered in flowers this year but they are much smaller 😐

@sabbanrula thank you Rula 😃

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😄

@alan1111 thanks Alan 😁 there’s still a fair few left to open but think that’s the best it’ll look 💗
Late Spring 2020

#bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink

It'll be feeling at home in this weather 👍❤

@jeatacake I thought it would be too but the flowers are looking a little frazzled 🤨

Must have got too used to our cooler weather 😏

@jeatacake it’s weakened it 😫

Like the rest of us! 😄☀️

@jeatacake I was talking to Cyndi last night and she said it was mid 80’s at 9pm. We can’t even deal with that in the day 🤣

It's really odd how you can perceive the temperatures based on expectations. Here when it's say 25C, it feels no different to 35C in Thailand where you expect it to be hot. I've always thought that but just can't really explain it 🤔

@jeatacake I agree! Always just put it down to us not being used to the heat here but we can tolerate it more in other countries when it’s hotter 😕 could be many reasons why but still doesn’t make sense how it feels so much hotter here 😂

It's a mystery that I doubt I'll ever figure out! 🤪

@jeatacake that’ll make 2 of us! 😆
Late Spring 2020

#bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink

Beauty 💗

Can't wait to see these when in full flower 👍❤

Won’t be long...👌🏼

Lovely their almost open. Will it have many blooms this year

@solly1961 thanks Mark 😀

@jeatacake I can’t either. They’re great looking plants for the brief time they’re in flower 💗

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom hope all this sunshine will get them all open 🤞🏻

@alan1111 love watching them opening. Fascinating flowers 🤩 the entire thing is covered in buds so if they all open around the same time it’ll be quite a display!

I'm sure they will open together it's going to look great

@alan1111 🤞🏻
Mid Spring 2020

So many buds! 💓 #bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink

That's going to be amazing 💕💕💕

It'll be fantastic 🤩👍

Kudos; that looks really healthy!

@pelly thanks Jane 😀 I’ve got big hopes for it! 😛

@jeatacake it’s pinkness will rival the bougainvillea 😂

@dreggennedd thanks Martin 😃 it’s doing pretty well for its second year 💗

Now that's quite a standard to live up to! 💗

@jeatacake it’s already covered a lot of it in this view 😜 creeping into the pond just to get a look in 😂
Mid Spring 2020

#bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink

Not long now Kerry its going to be beautiful

@alan1111 I can never tell if the buds are foliage or flowers 😂 I have no idea what I’m doing 😜 just winging it 🤣

It's definitely a bud you got there

You're doing a great job of "winging it" !! 🤣😋. Never knew this came in pink

@alan1111 yesssss! 😁 means there’s plenty of flowers on the way 🤗

@sherrisgarden thank you Sherri 😘 if you scroll back there’s photos from last year. It’s the brightest pink too!!
Late Winter 2020

#bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink

Beautiful! Is that one hardy or do you have to bring it in

@alan1111 thanks Alan ☺️ love the buds 💗 this one is hardy and seems a lot more resilient than the red one too. Had to cut off a lot of frost damage from it today so not expecting flowers this year ☹️

That's a pity they are gorgeous flowers maybe cover it on frosty nights a guy up the road from me dose it with his

@alan1111 they really are! I have been recently, just hadn’t happened before so wasn’t expecting it. Think because the new growth is so early this year it’s taken damage that it usually wouldn’t 😐 here’s hoping I’ve saved a few branches from being flowerless 😅

You'd settle for anything at this stage 😅

@alan1111 too true 😂
Early Autumn 2019

Even more flowers 🙈

It's thinking that an Aussie summer is just around the corner!

@jeatacake oh wouldn’t that be perfect 🙏🏻🤞🏻😜😂

@gjones thank you Katy 😁 it’s definitely liking something out there 😂

Yes until we all got fed up of it being too hot! 😁

@jeatacake to be honest I don’t think we’d ever be happy. There’s never any middle ground here and even if there was I reckon we’d moan about that too 😆

Ha ha Yes I think we would ☀️🌧❄😂
Early Autumn 2019

Lovely it’s very much like the silk tree....👌🏼

Still can’t believe this is flowering now!!

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom oh yeah, they do look similar. But much better foliage on silk tree 💚

@bluefox23 me either 😜 and noticed another flowering stem today too 🙈
Late Summer 2019
Late Summer 2019

More flowers 🙈
Early Summer 2019

Lovely ❤❤❤

@jeatacake thanks Jeff. Think I like this pink one even more than the red but they’re scruffy looking plants 😂

The flower more than makes up for any scruffiness I'm sure ❤

@jeatacake most definitely 😛 and watching the bees swarm on it is just great 💗🐝
Late Spring 2019


That is cool looking.

@janetandjim thanks Janet 😁 they’re fascinating things! And the colour 💕💞💕

@gardengirlla thank you Maggie 😁
Late Spring 2019
Late Spring 2019

A curly one at that....😉

This one is very cool!!😊💕

On my wishlist 😊💕

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom love their curly look 😛

@terrimclaughlin it’s a gorgeous colour, so bright 💕💞💕
Late Summer 2018

Flowers maybe?

@gjones yay!!! Hasn’t flowered before so I’m super excited to see it in bloom 😛

Leaf buds I would say based on my bottlebrush but could be wrong as I keep getting leaf and flower buds mixed up on other plants!!

@bluefox23 oh I want flowers so bad 😫 did yours flower already this year?

Oh I no, I'm like that with some of my plants! Yes mine flowered in June/July. The bottom sections might become buds but top bits are definitely leaves.

@bluefox23 I like waiting and watching but new plants I just can’t wait to see flower for the first time 😂 I think I’ve missed the flowering for this year then. I’ll settle for new leaves though 😛
Early Summer 2018

Being an Aussie his is probably my favourite plant @kez001uk !

@dilby they’re gorgeous aren’t they! I saw your red one the other day and reminded me I had this one 😂 cheers for the nudge 😛

@kez001uk haha no problems makes me happy that I could help, you’ve helped me out too! 🤩
#bottlebrush #callistemon #callistemon-hot-pink