Mid Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2019

Oh that’s gorgeous Kerry 💚

@rachelbrooks thanks Rachel ☺️ a different twist on a cornflower but even prettier I think 😍 just wish there were blue ones 🤤😅

Did you grow them from seed? I like them! Perhaps I should try them with the wildflower cornflowers 💙💜

@ublaszko I did and they seem much stronger than the normal cornflowers. They’d make a nice combination with them and might help with keeping them upright too 😂

I just like the flower shape and the colours but yeah, would help to keep my floppy cornflowers upright 😅 (There's a joke there somewhere 😁😁). I'm off to bed now because Pudgy doesn't like the light from the screen 😅😅😅

@ublaszko I can imagine the punchline 🤣🤣🤣

@gjones thanks Katy 😛
Mid Summer 2019

Wow that's so darn cute n fluffy!! I love love love it!😊😊💕💕

That's a lovely little beauty

@midnightgardener thanks Christine 😀 a different kind of cornflower than I was expecting but they’re so cute 💜

@alan1111 thank you Alan 😃

@gjones thanks Katy 😄

@kez001uk It's one I'll look out for I love it 😊😊

@midnightgardener if I can save seed I’ll send some with the morning glory 😁

@kez001uk You're so kind Kez 😊😊it was white Borage you-re kindly sending me

@midnightgardener I have white borage, double pink morning glory and these cornflowers for you 😁

@kez001uk Wow what a lovely surprise Kez. Thank you so very much 😊😊💕💕

@midnightgardener always welcome ☺️

@kez001uk If there's a cutting or anything I could send you please let me know 😊😊💕💕
Mid Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2019

Mixed. Grown from seed

Very nice.

@novicegardenlover thank you Susan 😁 quite like these fluffier ones 😋

Cute little thing

Little white explosions 👌🏼

@lesliecole49 thanks Leslie ☺️

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom that they are 😛

Lovely - These remind me of Amberboa moschata, which I think used to be called Centaurea

@richard.spicer.7906 aaaah! You’re a legend Rich! 🙏🏻 last summer I grew ‘Sweet Sultan’ from seed and added it on here. Went to add a other photo later in the season and it had been renamed to cornflower. Just checked ‘Amberboa Moschata’ online and that’s the proper name for ‘Sweet Sultan’ 😁 thank you for inadvertently helping with that 😛

@richard.spicer.7906 these are a Thompson & Morgan seed mix just called ‘Cornflower Mixed’ 😂 helpful of them 🤣 but they’re lovely little flowers, like a tiny soft thistle

@gjones aren’t they 😛 nice change from the traditional cornflower

My pleasure! Sounds like someone in the admin team thought they were still Centaurea and merged your new record 🤔 - create it again (just do the name if you like if you don’t know the rest of the details) and I’ll make sure the rest gets completed and kept at Amberboa / Sweet Sultan. I help out on the encyclopaedia now 👍🏼
So many different flowers are blooming in your garden! Beautiful
@kaporyash thanks Yash 😁 it’s all starting to open up now, just could do with a bit more sunshine 😜
@gjones thanks Katy 😀 they don’t look as soft and fluffy as they are. Can’t help but squish them when I walk past 😂