Mid Spring 2020
- 12
Early Winter 2020
- 14
Early Summer 2019
- 2
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 16

Clarkia amoena syn. Clarkia grandiflora ; Godetia grandiflora
Mid Spring 2020
Early Winter 2020

All self seeded from last year and looking better than the original plants 😂 #clarkia #clarkia-double-mixed #grown-from-seed #self-seeded

Incredible growth for this time of year. When did they start growing?

@jeatacake and the frosts don’t seem to touch them either! They had started emerging as the original plants died back in early November but hadn’t noticed them looking this big. Are about a foot high now 😂

@gjones it’s amazing how much better they’re doing than the original plants. Found that with my cornflowers too, the self sets seem much stronger and healthier. Can’t wait for the flowers 😋

Amazing. That's what you can truly call a hardy annual!

@jeatacake never really done the winter sowing for any seeds before but if this is the results I can expect then maybe next year I’ll do a few more different ones 😛

Definitely worth a go. I know from my self sown helichrysums that anything remotely hardy can grow well from seed in the greenhouse over winter 👍

@jeatacake that’s next winter sorted then 😂 but no doubt I’ll leave them outdoors like these so I don’t have to tend to them too much 🤭

Ha ha ha. Even stuff in my greenhouse isn't getting too much attention at the moment! ☺️

@jeatacake mine either. Had to force myself to spend some time in there yesterday 🙈

Been trapped in there a few times, when it's decided to chuck it down when I've been in the greenhouse. It's about a 50M walk back to the house!

@jeatacake natures way of keeping you working away in there 😂 has big ideas of getting a few more bits done in there today but the winds are horrendous 🙈 is it bad up your way?
Early Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

@gjones hopefully you’ll have some next year too 😁
Early Summer 2019

Double mixed. Grown from seed

Nice little plants 👍 I tried some from seed too, but just one reached the flowering stage. Yours is a much nicer colour 😍

@gjones they really are the prettiest little things aren’t they 😛 I have seed for a few varieties so I’ll set you some aside 😊

@jeatacake I only have limited success with them. Most of the time they rot before they’re big enough to flower 😂 shame because they really are pretty. Thank you Jeff 😄

You're very welcome. That's just what happened with most of mine 😑

@jeatacake I find a lot of the so-called easy seeds quite hard to grow. The clarkia ones though, I grew them in the greenhouse and they did ok once I put up the shading. Slightest bit of overheating and they’re mush

@gjones you’re always welcome ☺️

Youre right. Some seeds are very fickle & need absolutely consistent conditions, which is almost impossible to achieve, especially when the weather here is so variable. The electric propogator certainly helps, as well as the shading of course 👍

@jeatacake I shouldn’t be hoping for winter but can’t wait to try my heated propagator 😛 some I’ve tried numerous times but can’t give up til I get them growing 😂

@columbiariver my plants? You’re too kind 😜 thank you Laura, it means a lot coming from you and seeing how beautiful yours are 😘

Didn't know you'd got one now. You'll find it makes a tremendous difference & yes, never give up, at least until you've tried them in your new gizmo! 😁

@columbiariver I do try, as we all do 😛 lovely to hear that the time I spend out there is showing ☺️ thank you so much 😁
#clarkia #clarkia-double-mixed #grown-from-seed #self-seeded
I planted some of these out recently but nowhere near as advanced as yours!👍
@jeatacake these are from last years plants. They self seeded too well, finding them everywhere 🤣 I expect that’s why they’re early. Don’t usually appear for another 6 weeks
That's great & it shows how hardy they are 👍
@jeatacake only problem is they are about 2’ tall now 😂 hopefully they’ll flower top to bottom 🤞🏻
That is tall, but I seem to remember that those I grew last year or the year before looked a bit spindly for a while
@jeatacake definitely look spindly. Might benefit from growing through a shorter plant to cover the bare stems at the bottom 🤔
That could be a very good idea 👍 Mine are still quite small & I'm wondering if pinching out the growing tip could work? 🤔
@jeatacake I tried that last year and it didn’t seem to make much of a difference. I read it helps make a bushier plant but I only ever got one stem regardless 😂
Oh! 😮 I'll leave mine alone then! 😁 Especially while they're still quite small 👍
@jeatacake read up a bit tonight and apparently they grow very tall in shadier areas but shouldn’t need pinching out in full sun 👍🏻
That makes a lot of sense 👍 I'll keep mine in a sunny spot! 🌞