Clematis Destiny
Clematis Destiny
Mid Summer 2024
- 2
Late Winter 2024
- 2
Late Summer 2022
- 10
Late Spring 2022
- 20
Late Summer 2021
- 5
Early Autumn 2020
- 15
Early Summer 2020
- 3
Early Summer 2020
- 13
Early Summer 2020
- 3
Late Spring 2020
- 7
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Early Autumn 2019
- 19
Mid Summer 2019
- 7
Late Spring 2019
- 1

Clematis Destiny
Mid Summer 2024
Late Summer 2022

Second flush, better than the first 🤍 #clematis #clematis-destiny

Such a pure white. I think my clematis is dying. Turning brown and crispy from the roots up. Will try again next year 👍

It’s beautiful Kerry 🤍🤍🤍

Absolute perfection 🤍🤍

@hkyfvr could just be because it’s the end of its season. Should be back with a bang in spring 🤞🏻😁

@pelly @italydiva thank you both 😀 the first flush was very sparse but finally has plenty of flowers 🤍

Thanks Kerry. My first clematis and I was worried. Will look for it in the Spring 👍😍

@hkyfvr should send up new shoots in spring and old stems will come back to life too. I have cut all mine back to ground level this year (thanks cat 😂) and they’ve all re-emerged ☺️

Yes that cat 🙀 Thanks for the info. Will cut them back soon and look forward to seeing them come Spring. 👍

@hkyfvr you’re always welcome 😁
Late Spring 2022

#clematis #clematis-destiny

That's a lovely one Kerry 🤍🤍🤍

Love that Kerry 🤍🤍

Very elegant. 🤍

@pelly @KOutdoors @juliesgarden @hkyfvr thank you ladies ☺️ it looked lovely before a neighbour cat used it as a ladder 😅

Always welcome. Oh no. I can imagine the claw marks. 🫣

@hkyfvr @KOutdoors wish it had just been claw marks. I have a row of clematises along a stretch of fence - think there’s 9 different ones - and the cat must have done a diagonal run as it took down chunks of 6 different vines 😏 fortunately there’s still about half of each left but this white one had to be cut back entirely

@KOutdoors I think maybe a small 4 legged creature with big teeth and a long tail 🙈 my neighbour has them around his pond 😡

I am so sorry that happened Kerry. If it isn’t pests or weather it is an animal attacking plants and gardens. So many obstacles to overcome. We gardeners are a hardy lot. It will grow back better than ever. 👍😊


@hkyfvr we have to be pretty resilient to fight nature, even though all we are trying to do is nurture it 😜 you’re right though, they’ll grow back. Probably be better than before too 😁

@KOutdoors sadly so 😞 I’ve lined all the baseboards of my fence with steel so they don’t try come in 😂 I watched the cat on my wildlife camera and you can see he heard it scuttling next door. So long as they stay there!!! 🥴
Late Summer 2021
Early Autumn 2020

#clematis #clematis-destiny

Good to see some clematis plants still flowering 🥰

Those pointed petals 😍

@alif thanks Alif 😀

@jeatacake had a few more until the weekend winds. They tore whole vines off my clematises, much more destruction too 😖

@sherrisgarden they’re lovely aren’t they 🤍 usually they’ve been chewed by earwigs so rare to see a perfect flower on this 😂

#winnerwinnerchickendinner 🤣

@sherrisgarden 🤣🤣🐓

Oh no 😟 It's not been so windy here, but so cold 😨

@jeatacake really has dropped so suddenly hasn’t it 🥶 be time to move things back into the greenhouse soon 😐

It certainly will be. Just got to get rid of the scraggly old tomato plants to make room. Have brought a few things in already ❄

@jeatacake did you get a big harvest from your many tomato plants?
Early Summer 2020

#clematis #clematis-destiny

They're lovely 🌼🌼

@midnightgardener thanks Christine 😀
Early Summer 2020

#clematis #clematis-destiny #wildlifewednesday

Lovely bumblebee 🐝 against stark white of clematis 🤍

What a shot!! Wonderful photo!

Great photo 👍 Not been a great few days for the bees weather-wise 🐝

Super photo.....🤍🐝

Great shot Kerry 🐝🤍

@solly1961 thank you Mark 😀 they’re always welcome in any photo 🥰

@jmlincoln thanks Jackie 😃

@jeatacake thank you Jeff 😄 this was taken last Thursday. Think the heat had exhausted him 😴 expect they’ve been a bit soaked and windswept this week!

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😁

@sabbanrula thank you Rula ☺️

@gjones thanks Katy 😛 luckily he wasn’t in any great rush to move so managed a decent photo 🐝
Early Summer 2020

#clematis #clematis-destiny

Just perfect 👌

@suerichards thanks Sue ☺️
Late Spring 2020

#clematis #clematis-destiny

It has a simple beauty Kerry, lovely 😍😍😍

Beauty 🤍


@pelly nice change from the fluffy, colourful ones 🤍

@solly1961 thanks Mark 😊

@suzieshadow1227gmailcom thanks Suzie ☺️
Mid Spring 2020

#clematis #clematis-destiny

A pretty one Kerry....👌🏼🤍

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank you Elaine 😀 these cheap Tesco ones are doing better than I expected 🤩
Early Autumn 2019

Looks like that's got some decent seeds forming. 2 years ago I got one to grow from a seed head like this for the first time ever!

@jeatacake I’m taking it from that they’re difficult to grow from seed then? I wouldn’t mind trying though 😜 are they ready to stick in compost now?

I've found it difficult (& cuttings of them impossible!) I'd let them get a tinge of brown first. What I did was to lay the whole seed head on the compost & covered it with about 5 mm of grit & next spring, one seedling emerged! It was from my mum's too! 😊

@jeatacake that’s great it was from your mums ☺️ they do sound like fussy things to grow yourself though 😜 I shall take your advice and see how we go 😛 thanks Jeff 🙏🏻

Cheers Kerry. Worth a try & nothing to lose really. Hoping mine will flower next year 🤞 Keep us posted with yours 👍

@jeatacake will be great if it does! 🤞🏻 and I certainly will 😛

@keezooluk clematis is one of my favorite. I have 2 and just now figured out what one was and the group it belongs to. Still scratching my head thinking about pruning it.

@ReginaSanders they have such beautiful flowers don’t they 😍 I must admit I have little clue about pruning them. I did it wrong with most of mine so haven’t had many flowers so far so this year I’ve left them all alone to see what happens. It’s all very confusing isn’t it 😂

@keezooluk I have done so much research but the only thing I learned is I need to get the group you give a hard prune late winter/early spring. Or as soon as you see a little life.

@ReginaSanders are yours well established plants? All mine are still tiny so if I hard prune now I’d have nothing left 😂

@keezooluk I have a purple one I've had 3 years and it's literally been ripped out of it's pot 7 times by my dog and my cousins dog. Poor thing is still kicking. I've never trimmed it. Still trying to figure out what it is. The other one I got for my birthday in July. It was pretty good size but I had to repot it and I don't think that pots big enough. 👎it's a Miss Bateman. I'll sure keep you posted.

@ReginaSanders the Miss Bateman one is beautiful 😍 I look forward to seeing photos when you post them 😁 maybe with the purple one it might be worth pruning some of the plant and leaving some old growth. At least then you can see what works best and if you do make a mistake you won’t affect the whole plant 🤔
Mid Summer 2019

So pretty Kerry!

@PunkyKy thanks Ky 😁

You are very welcome! 💋

That’s unusual hun 👌🏼😍

@lexijane thanks Lexi ☺️ cheap thing from Tesco so wasn’t expecting much but it’s turned out nice 😛

@gjones it’s so much nicer than I expected. Small flowers too but love the pure white. Hoping it’ll mix with my pink bougainvillea 😍

You can’t beat a bargain chick 🙌🏼
Late Spring 2019

Destiny. Cataloging
#clematis #clematis-destiny