Dianthus plumarius 'Cranmere Pool'
Pink 'Cranmere Pool'
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 27
- 3
- Late Summer 2018
- 37
- 4
- Late Summer 2018
- 45
- 20
- Early Summer 2018
- 8
- 3
- Early Summer 2018
- 11
- 7
- Late Spring 2018
- 10
- 1
- Late Spring 2018
- 4
- 0
Dianthus plumarius 'Cranmere Pool'
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 27
- Late Summer 2018
- 37
@gjones and they smell soooo good 😋
What a beauty! 😍
@ukjohnny they are lovely aren’t they! A little different to the usual pink too 😊
@KariSamuel thank you Kari 😁
- Late Summer 2018
- 45
Looked terrible a few months back but dividing and repotting has made all the difference 💗
Gorgeous Kerry @kez001uk
@vinny3000 thanks Gary 😊 so glad they’ve bounced back 😁
Dividing and repotting has worked wonders Kerry 🙂 @kez001uk
Looks amazing...!!!👌👌👌
Lovely 🌸
@vinny3000 the other 4 have improved too thankfully. And got about another 20 extra plants 😂
@gjones thank you Katy 😁 they’ve recovered so well 💚
@shaz831 thanks Shaz ☺️
@Jasonsparkes1 thank you Jason 😁
@bluefox23 thank ya Alison 😋
Thats brilliant Kerry you have inspired me to do the same with mine 😊 @kez001uk
- Early Summer 2018
- 8
Even if they do look horrendous the flowers are a bee banquet 🐝
@KelsiBriana thank you kelsi 😁 the flowers are very pretty but they lost 90% of their leaves 😞 apparently you can love/water something too much 🤣
@KelsiBriana I do hope so because they’re beautiful with the silvery green foliage. Poor little things 😂
- Early Summer 2018
- 11
All 5 of my pinks have lost their lower leaves. The entire lot went yellow and dropped. I’ve moved them all into bigger pots now but they look ridiculous 😂 would anyone know why it happened?
I think overwatering as they don't like to sit in wet soil. ☺
overwatering or nitrogen deficiency
@gjones @ublaszko @moore.794 they’re in full sun for most of the day but I could be guilty of overwatering 🙈 I’ll get some chicken manure for the nitrogen just in case it’s that too. Thank you all ☺️
I'd check first if the water is draining well and if the soil dries out between waterings before adding feed. If it's overwatering the plant won't get the nutrients anyway and if you add more nutrients it will burn the leaves once you adjust watering.
@ublaszko I didn’t know that, thank you urszula ☺️ I’ve checked the pots and they’re all draining well - before I reported them they were so well rooted that it had made a mat of roots around the entire pot of soil. So I doubt that will have helped 😔 I’ll keep an eye on them and if the green leaves start to yellow I’ll know it’s a nitrogen deficiency. Thank you again 😊
- Late Spring 2018
- 10
- Late Spring 2018
- 4
Perfect 💕
@bluefox23 thanks ☺️ it’s doing so well now it’s cooler
Perfect specimen 👍