Echinacea purpurea 'Pas702917' (PowWow Series) syn. Echinacea 'PowWow Wild Berry'
Coneflower 'PowWow Wild Berry'
Mid Winter 2024
- 2
Mid Summer 2022
- 12
Mid Summer 2021
- 16
Early Summer 2021
- 17
Mid Summer 2020
- 13
Mid Summer 2019
- 16
Mid Summer 2019
- 9
Mid Summer 2019
- 33
Mid Summer 2019
- 14
Early Summer 2019
- 5
Early Summer 2019
- 22
Early Summer 2019
- 18
Late Summer 2018
- 16
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 31
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 3
Early Summer 2018
- 0
Early Summer 2018
- 0
Late Spring 2018
- 1

Echinacea purpurea 'Pas702917' (PowWow Series) syn. Echinacea 'PowWow Wild Berry'
Mid Winter 2024
Mid Summer 2022

#echinacea #coneflower #echinacea-powwow-wild-berry #grown-from-seed

Wow! What a Pop of color!💘😍

Hard-core hot-pink #colorpop #midwesternnative #101uses

Looks amazing. Love the pink. 💗💗💗

Beautiful 😍

Love the colour. This is another plant that didn’t come back. Not the same as yours but I bought three last year and they’re nowhere to be seen 😢

@ShelleySnyder @emch @hkyfvr @gjones @vegandmore thank you muchly 😀 they never disappoint and have clearly loved all this heat 💗💓💗

Very welcome!💘😍

@pelly all 3? 😧 I’m sorry Jane ☹️

Very welcome. Mine have done so well in our heat too. 💗.

I bought them as reduced plants so maybe they were weak in the first place. It is odd that none of them came back though 🤔

@pelly that’s the strange part, losing all 3. A weak variety maybe 🤔
Mid Summer 2021

#echinacea #coneflower #echinacea-powwow-wild-berry #grown-from-seed

Super co.our and I love the name 💗💗💗

Perfect 👍

Beautiful 💕

So pretty😍

@pelly the name fits perfectly 🥊💗💗

@debsgarden99 thank you Deb 😀

@hkyfvr thanks Diane 😃

@crabby58 thank you Thelma 😄

I'm still greatfull for the seeds they done great so many flowers 😊

Most welcome Kerry 😍

Gorgeous 💕 Mine are just starting to colour up 👍
Early Summer 2021

#echinacea #coneflower #echinacea-powwow-wild-berry #grown-from-seed

That looks lovely already 💚💚💚

Great photo…love how they look at this stage 😀

Looking good Kerry. 💚💚

@pelly they’re amazing as buds, just perfect and so organised. Love the order in the layers 💚

@italydiva me too 😍 the ocd in me loves the symmetry and order 💚

@hkyfvr thank you Diane ☺️ a way off yet but always excited for these to flower 😋

Very welcome Kerry. Mine looked so pretty today. The colour was unexpected. 👍😍

@hkyfvr I am a little in love with yours. Your plants are extending my shopping list so much 🤣

Oh well. That is what we do best. Shop for plants we see on here. 🤣🤣♥️♥️

Awesome photo!

Amazing geometry 👌
Mid Summer 2020

#echinacea #coneflower #echinacea-powwow-wild-berry #grown-from-seed

They are screaming their name in that large grouping! Pow, pow, wow, pow!

Their gorgeous Kerry mine are just about to flower thanks for the seeds 😊

Hi Kerry, those are absolutely beautiful!!! Such bright vibrant colors!!! 💗💕💗💕

@jmlincoln think they may have outgrown their pot but I love them on a dense clump like this 😍 they certainly live up to their name 😛

@gjones thank you Katy 😀 still one of my favourite seed-grown plants 💗

@alan1111 thank you Alan 😃 oh wow, they’re going to flower already?? 😯 can’t wait to see them 😁

@columbiariver thank you Laura 😄

@suzieshadow1227gmailcom thank you Suzie 😁 the perfect pink 💕

They're just one big happy family Kerry! 😀 They seem happy as can be even if they're overgrown for their spot

@jmlincoln they’re definitely happy in this heatwave. At least one of us is 🤣🤣🤣

Only a few flowers Kerry I'm happy with that for the first year 😁
Mid Summer 2019


Beautiful photo 💕

Great combo....💗🧡💗

Incredible photo Kerry!💘😍

Your pow wows are proving very popular all round! 😉 🐝🦋👍

@suerichards thank you Sue 😁

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom perfect match 😛

@columbiariver thanks Laura 😄

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley 😃 (should see the numerous bad ones I took in pursuit of this little critter 😳🤣)

@jeatacake they seem to be drawing a crowd 😉😅

@cyndi thanks Cyndi 😀 finally a butterfly I didn’t scare away! 🤣

I know how that goes Kerry!😂🤦💘😍
Mid Summer 2019


I think I like that plant more than the bees 😂

That's a popular plant! I don't blame them!💘😍

@alan1111 you’ll be clinging to yours when it’s up and flowering 😅

@ShelleySnyder it seems attractive to human and animal alike 😆

@cyndi thanks Cyndi ☺️

That makes it double good then!💘😍

I'll be buzzing 😂

@gjones the bees cover it all day. Must have stripped it of pollen by now 😂 thanks Katy 😁
Mid Summer 2019

Can’t count that high 🤣

Gorgeous! Need! 💗

So many flowers 👌💗

@dan5584 they’ve gone insane this year. Grew them from seed and they’re my proudest achievement 😂

@jeatacake it’s just gone nuts. Love it 💕

They are fabulous! Well done!

Candy to my eyes 😍

Pow wow wow wow!!💘😍

These look fab! Need some pink ones next year!!

Gorgeous 💗💗

Certainly has! They're incredible & so beautiful too 💕💕💕

Uhh I love these! 😍 They look fabulous 🌸🌸
Mid Summer 2019

Pow wow alright 💗💗💗

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom I’m in love with it 😂

It really is pow wow

I bet....

Pow wowzers!!💘😍

Definitely worth having a pow wow for this one 👍

Going straight on to my wish list 😍

@ublaszko my best success from seed 💕

@ShelleySnyder proper punch of colour 💕

@jeatacake can’t beat a good ol’ plant pow wow 😛 thanks Jeff ☺️

@alan1111 if I manage to save seed I’m happy to send some ☺️

@gjones thanks Katy 😄 can’t wait to see it with your white ones next summer 😍
Early Summer 2019

Very pretty again 😊😊💕💕

@midnightgardener thanks Christine ☺️ it’s really come into its own this year. So pleased with it 😁

@gjones the non-purple purple one 😜😂

So pretty and it lives up to its name....

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine ☺️
Early Summer 2019

Beautiful. I want one.

@laketitlow thank you Annette ☺️ grown from seed too so love them just a bit more 😅

Was it easy to grow them from seed?

So beautiful💕 Some of my seed sown ones are about to flower for the first time too 👍

@laketitlow it was 😁 they germinate fairly readily, then you just grow them on and they’ll flower the second year. This is the 3rd year for this one and it’s gone from a few flowers last year to 20-30 this year 💕

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😁 I cant wait to see what ones you’ve grown 😍

I think mine will turn out to be purple ones, but won't know for sure for maybe another week or so 🤔

@jeatacake oh purple 💜 Katy @gjones bought some purple ones as they are hardier for her but they ended up being white 😜 don’t think I’ve ever seen purple ones 🤔

Oh well, maybe you soon will 🤞 Watch this space 😉💜

@jeatacake they best be purple now 🤣🤣🤣

Otherwise I'm in trouble, lol! 😮😉

Early Summer 2019


Wow. What a pink coneflower.

Wow pow....💗

Another beauty 💕

I like that, I like that a lot

Fantastic 🌸

@laketitlow thank Annette ☺️ one of my first successful plants from seed 😋

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom some plants are perfectly named aren’t they 😛

@jeatacake thank you Jeff 😁

@alan1111 thanks Alan ☺️ I grew it from seed a couple of years back. Best it’s looked 💕

Kerry dose it hold its colour long

@gjones thanks Katy 😀 next year I’ll be able to combine them with the white ones you sent me seeds for 😛
Late Summer 2018

Great colour!

@ublaszko thanks 😊 it’s been flowering ages too

I had echinaceas one year but they had some kind of disease and I didn't get a replacement afterwards. I think I will try again next year. 😊

@ublaszko I think mine do, or at least a lot of the leaves go funny sometimes. But they’re well worth growing. These were from seed so I love them even more 😂

I love the name 😂 'PowWow' 😆😆 I'm not sure what mine was as I never got to see the flowers. I quite like these bright ones. Pinks and oranges and greens.

Gorgeous Kerry @kez001uk

What a beauty 👍

@ublaszko it’s a cute name isn’t it 😛 those colour echinacea together would look so nice 😋

@vinny3000 thank you 😁

@jeatacake thanks Jeff. Still going strong, one of the few plants that is 😐

I think so too. Another fruit-inspired flower mix for your garden 😊😊

@ublaszko brighter the better 😁😁😁
Late Summer 2018

@gjones thank you 😊 the angle makes them look a lot shorter but they are quite small flowers
Mid Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

Beautiful photo 💗

@lovemygarden65 thank you ☺️

@gjones me too! I still expect them to be soft every time 🤣🤣

Gawjus love this one 💓💖💓

@Keely thanks 😃

Great herb for the immune system and viral infections

@rayman must admit I don’t make it myself but I love a cup of echinacea tea 😋

That's nice yes I'm as all about the herbs now my echinacea is barely surviving I moved last year from the coast line to a place with harch winters so starting over can't wait for the summer coz i grow everything from seed 😅

@rayman that sounds like a lot of work to start over! But won’t be long before you’re back to a plant-filled garden 😋

Thanks for the positivity yes I can't wait one more month to start planting outdoors it's gonna be a great medicinal garden but will have the morning glory heavenly blue to cover the fence😉

@rayman sounds like it’s going to be wonderful. I look forward to seeing your photos 😊 morning glory, aren’t they just beautiful! 😍

Thank you will keep you updated and yes love them morning glory's they say you can make wine with the flowers
Early Summer 2018

@gjones they’re steadily growing now, starting to look like the seed packet photo 😂
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

First ever!

@cyndi oh I do hope so 😁 I grew these from seed and they’re tiny still but can’t wait til they’re fully grown

@cyndi that’s good to know! I thought this is how they’d stay since they’ve not grown a great deal this year. Fingers crossed for next year 🤞🏼
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018
Late Spring 2018

Does anyone know why the leaves are going brown?
#echinacea #coneflower #echinacea-powwow-wild-berry #grown-from-seed
Colour pop. 💗