Forsythia x intermedia
Border forsythia
Mid Spring 2023
- 10
Early Spring 2022
- 11
Early Spring 2022
- 10
Late Winter 2022
- 8
Early Spring 2021
- 4
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 5
Late Winter 2021
- 12
Early Summer 2019
- 6
Early Winter 2018
- 3

Forsythia x intermedia
Mid Spring 2023
Early Spring 2022

#forsythia #border-forsythia #forsythia-intermedia

Gorgeous. I'm hoping mine looks like this next year.

So lovely and full of blooms. 👍💛💛

@DeborahBanks thanks Deborah 😀 took a year to get going but the past 2 it’s been fantastic. Hope yours will be blooming like crazy this time next year 💛

@hkyfvr thanks Diane 😃 it’s loaded this year, the entire plant has exploded 🌟🌟🌟

Very welcome Kerry. Love forsythia. Tried them twice with no luck. The second one expired as a result of my husband not being able to control his new weed whacker. He whacked the heck out of my little one. It never recovered 😩🤣😂

@hkyfvr oh no 🙈 boys and their toys 😂 hopefully you’ll get to try one again in the future 💛

After seeing yours I might have to. 💛👍

It's looking fabulous 💛💛💛

@hkyfvr 💛💛💛

@jeatacake thank you kindly ☺️😁
Early Spring 2022

💛💛💛 #forsythia #border-forsythia #forsythia-intermedia

Beautiful 💛💛💛

@jeatacake thank you Jeff 😀 noticed I need to remove that stray, bald branch that’s heading for the skies😅

It's odd how some plants do that. That branch maybe forgot it was in a pot! Looks better all in proportion 💛

@jeatacake might be telling me it wants a bigger pot 😂 but am in the middle of a spring clean up so it’ll be getting the chop soon ✂️

Sounds like the best move for now. Might be worth trying the bit you chop off as a cutting maybe?👍

@jeatacake I’d never have thought to try cuttings 😜 great idea, thank you 😁

You're welcome 👍I have tried them before many years ago & from memory it was quite successful.

@jeatacake everyone will be getting a forsythia for their Christmas present this year 😂

That's my kind of present 👍
Late Winter 2022

Can’t wait to see this in flower again 💛 #forsythia #border-forsythia #forsythia-intermedia

Lovely to see this beauty in bud. 💛💛

Mine's not as far along as yours Kerry, but the anticipation for a burst of colour is huge 💛💛

@hkyfvr @ejonesy they look incredible when they’re in full bloom. Look pretty boring the rest of the year but worth it for that yellow explosion 💛💛💛

That yellow is fantastic 💛💛

I should look at mine!

@lesliecole49 seemed to bud up out of nowhere! Fast moving once it starts growing 😁

They do!
Early Spring 2021

#forsythia #border-forsythia #forsythia-intermedia

Showy! Seems to be a good year for it

@sharonhayden first time this one had flowered but it’s definitely putting on a show. Seem to spot them everywhere at the moment. They’re a real stand-out 💛

@gjones I’m so pleased with it 💛 now I’m spotting them everywhere 😂
Early Spring 2021

#forsythia #border-forsythia #forsythia-intermedia #yellow
Early Spring 2021

#forsythia #border-forsythia #forsythia-intermedia


@lovemygarden65 first time it’s flowered in 3 years and I’m loving it 💛 absolutely smothered in blooms 💛

Those buds really burst! 💛💛💛

@jeatacake like a mass of flowerworks 😉😂🎇
Late Winter 2021

#forsythia #border-forsythia #forsythia-intermedia

That's a lot of buds in one leaf joint! 😯

@jeatacake I had no idea they were so flowery, floriferous even 😂 looks great when the whole stem is covered in bright yellow 💛💛💛

It'll look marvellous soon 💛💛💛 Mine's just starting now too.

@jeatacake same here, just exploded into flower 😁 are you managing to get out in the garden more now it’s a little warmer?

Yes, I've been outside a lot lately. All of a sudden, spring has most definitely sprung!

@jeatacake everything changes so fast at the moment! I haven’t done as much as I hoped to. Always an obstacle jumping in the way recently 😔

Now I wonder who that might be? 🤔🐕😄

@jeatacake he’ll be jumping onto the adoption list before long! 🤣 caught him running around with my zebra mallow hanging out of his mouth today 😐 digs up my plants for the sheer fun of it 😭

Oh no 🙈 At least most of your plants are in biggish pots & out of reach. He could cause havoc in borders! 😯

@jeatacake and he would no doubt! Caught him in many a pot this week but have discovered it’s because a cat is laying in them and he can smell the scent 😜

Early Summer 2019

Twig update

Very strong looking new growth 👍

@jeatacake thought it was another frost casualty but it’s slowly bouncing back. A long way off flowering I expect 😂

It should flower next spring on this year's growth if it's old enough 🤞

@jeatacake oh that’s promising 😛

Early Winter 2018


I do love a Forsythia, one of the first few flowers to appear in spring 😊

@richard.spicer.7906 the blooms are such a lovely colour. Don’t have much yellow. Come on spring!!! 😂
💛🤩💛 #forsythia #border-forsythia #forsythia-intermedia
Love this yellow beauty. 💛💛
@hkyfvr @pelly thank you ladies 💛 it’s a little beacon in on the darker days 🤩
Very welcome. 💛
Beautiful. They almost seem luminescent as the light fades.
@jeatacake dusk is the best time to see this isn’t it 🤩 the glow is gorgeous 💛
Definitely. The effect/enhancement is amazing 💛
I love Forsythia 💛💛💛💛
@midnightgardener they always put on a big, bright show 🤩