Grevillea lanigera 'Mount Tamboritha'
Grevillea 'Mount Tamboritha'
Late Winter 2022
- 12
Mid Winter 2022
- 18
Late Autumn 2020
- 14
Early Autumn 2020
- 4
Mid Spring 2020
- 16
Mid Spring 2020
- 20
Early Spring 2020
- 4
Late Winter 2020
- 9
Late Winter 2020
- 5
Early Winter 2020
- 5
Mid Summer 2019
- 7
Early Summer 2019
- 2

Grevillea lanigera 'Mount Tamboritha'
Late Winter 2022
Mid Winter 2022

#grevillea #spider-flower #wooly-grevillea #grevillea-mount-tamboritha


Such a beautiful flower 💞💞💞

What an amazing flower. Perfect name for it. 💗💗💗

Gorgeous 💞


Very pretty!

@gjones @Dragon_Warrior @pelly @hkyfvr @juliesgarden @ShelleySnyder @richard.spicer.7906 thank you all 😁 such unusual looking flowers but they’re so pretty & fluffy 😛 it’s one of those plants that rarely stops flowering!

Always welcome 😍 You have the most unique and exotic flowers Kerry 👍👍🥰

@hkyfvr gotta love the unusual ones 😛

Fantastic plant then! Most welcome!💘😍

Super pic! Mount Tamboritha is in Victoria, Australia.
Late Autumn 2020

So many flowers this year 😍 #grevillea #spider-flower #wooly-grevillea #grevillea-mount-tamboritha #wintercolour

These are amazing things. So enthralling 💕👍

This is really unusual 💗💚💗

So pretty and very unique. 💖💖

@jeatacake crazy aren’t they 😜 looks so good now it’s trailing, covered with little flowers. Organic Christmas bobbles 😂

@pelly it is different but such a great plant. Evergreen, doesn’t need much attention, flowers when you need colour most 😍

@hkyfvr thanks Diane 😀 surprises me still that an Australian plant does well in U.K. 😅

Always welcome Kerry. Did not even realize it was an Australian plant. 👍😊

Do you bring it in if very cold weather is forecast?

@jeatacake I haven’t brought it in before but I’d fleece it if it got too cold. Think they’re ok with a little cold but not fully hardy

I'm tempted by them but by the sound of it, it would definitely need to be in a pot here to bring in for winter.

@jeatacake if I can get seed from them I’ll let you know 😛 I know some have seeds but not sure I’ve ever seen them on mine 😂 wouldn’t want to be shifting them every winter. Not the bigger ones anyway 😝
Early Autumn 2020

😍 #grevillea #spider-flower #wooly-grevillea #grevillea-mount-tamboritha

I love this!!! Are those little flowers on the tips. Very cool. Hope your doing good. I sure miss everyone I’ll be back a lot more in the spring. Getting the greenhouse ready for winter. Miss you!!!😊💕

@terrimclaughlin hi Terri 😁 they are tiny little flowers that should get a lot bigger and interesting. Only ever had a couple before so great to see it with so many. Hope you’re well ☺️

@gjones the cascading effect is really pretty. Needs a bigger pot and hoping I can get it to grow around rather than just over one side 😂 very Christmassy! And comes with integrated decorations 😉😂
Mid Spring 2020

Getting its shape now 😁 #grevillea #spider-flower #wooly-grevillea #grevillea-mount-tamboritha

Oh wow that’s changed a lot...😍

Well hello! Slowly showing it's true colours 😍

Wow 🤩🤩 it’s wonderful to see the progress 💖💖

It's such a fascinating flower 💞💞💞

Love these Kerry ❤️

Loving these, are they easy to grow? Whats their best position to get them looking so well.

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom just needed a load of sun 😛 still a bit off the final flower but less cashew nut-like 😂

@jeatacake for some reason it reminds me of a corn on the cob 😂

@sabbanrula thanks Rula 😀 it’s taken so long but been an interesting one to watch 💕

@pelly crazy looking things aren’t they 😜

@juliesgarden they get addictive watching them progress 😂 amazing flowers, just slow in our climate 🥶
Mid Spring 2020

#grevillea #spider-flower #wooly-grevillea #grevillea-mount-tamboritha #thefinerdetail

Wow! That reminds me of a stick of rock 💕💕💕

Oh WoW 😮

The detail in that photo is amazing Kerry 💖💖💖

Incredible photo Kerry!💘😍

Fascinating flowers 😮

Stupendo senza parole 😍

Such unusual flowers 😍

@anges I can see why 😋 now I fancy a stick 😅

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom pink cashews are cracking open! 😉

@pelly thank you Jane 😁 it’s really shifting now there’s some sun on it ☀️

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley 😀 I’m desperate for it to open properly 😂
Early Spring 2020

Will it ever open 🤷🏻♀️ #grevillea #spider-flower #wooly-grevillea #grevillea-mount-tamboritha

Oh how unusual....a cluster of pink cashew nuts...😃

That's a great description Elaine 👍 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 😂 brilliant description! And who wouldn’t love pink cashews 😋
Late Winter 2020

🙈 #grevillea #spider-flower #wooly-grevillea #grevillea-mount-tamboritha

Really want a grevillea 😍

@juliesgarden they’re fascinating looking aren’t they 😛 this has been in bud since mid January but in no hurry to open. Need more sun 😜

Beautiful 😊😊♥️♥️

@midnightgardener thanks Christine 😀 hoping it’ll fully open someday soon 😂 2 months waiting on a flower is long enough 🙄

@kez001uk That's nothing compared to my silly Agapanthus. Only had it since last year or longer actually! I've got foliage but no flower. I didn't know they can take a long time to flower. Can't remember what Jane said but I don't much like plants that take ages to flower! Shouldn't have bought Peonies either should I!😀they take a couple of years apparently. I think I might buy an established one 💕💕

@midnightgardener oh I meant it has been in bud for 2 months but still hasn’t opened 😂 I read agapanthus can take a while and peonies too. Plus peonies won’t flower if they’re planted too deep either. Think they’re fussy but well worth it when they do bloom. An established one is probably the way to go 😁

@kez001uk Ah thank you you've made my day. I didn't plant them too deep at all. I was worried that I'd left too much showing. I really didn't know what to do with the strange things to be honest. Having said that, one of them has shooted up. So it might, just might flower this year. I'll still get an established one though ♥️♥️

@midnightgardener it’s about an inch under the soil they advise. I hope yours does flower 🤞🏻 but having a reliable backup can’t hurt 😉
Late Winter 2020

Slowest. Plant. Ever! #grevillea #spider-flower #wooly-grevillea #grevillea-mount-tamboritha

I’m sure I could beat it...🤣

@dirtgirlworld they do look similar to your red spider lilies! 😍 this hasn’t flowered for me before so hoping it’s as good as photos I’ve seen 😜

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 🤣😂🤣 the race is on! 🏁

Early Winter 2020

Another first time flowering 😁 #grevillea #spider-flower #wooly-grevillea #grevillea-mount-tamboritha

Interesting 😮 I don't think I've seen these before 💜

@jeatacake I got 3 in summer but this one is the only one to flower so far. Wasn’t expecting winter flowers from an Australian native. Thought they’d need lots of heat to flower 😜 can’t wait til the flowers open 🤗

You must have had that dryer on again 😉 It certainly will be interesting to see it in full flower & how it develops over the summer 👍

@jeatacake gotta keep the garden heated 😉😉 they look gorgeous from the photos I’ve seen 😍
Mid Summer 2019

Loads of new growth after dropping leaves after potting up

Interesting! Just checked out a pic of it in flower & I like it 👍

@jeatacake weird things aren’t they! Figure was worth trying for something a little different 😛

Well worth I'd say 👍

@jeatacake the other 2 are more like shrubs, growing upright. This is a weird one, like a ground cover I guess

I think they'll all look amazing when in flower 👍🤩

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😛
The many stages in one photo 🤩 #grevillea #spider-flower #wooly-grevillea #grevillea-mount-tamboritha
Wow! I love this 💕💕💕
Need this Kerry 💞
It’s a fascinating plant 💗💚💗
@anges @gjones @pelly thanks ladies 😃 it’s so unusual but does so well in our weather. Can’t go wrong with weird & wonderful winter flowers 😍
@juliesgarden you’d not regret it Julie 😛 this is a trailing/low growing one there are proper shrub type ones too. My ones of those don’t flower quite as well but they are evergreen 💚
@KOutdoors well worth looking at. They’re an Australian native but seem to do brilliantly here and are very eye catching when in flower 😍
@KOutdoors I can’t say I’ve ever seen one in a garden centre but that’s not to say they’re not available. I bought mine as a pack of 3 from yougarden I think 🤔
@KOutdoors always welcome 😊
I just love this one! 💖
@jeatacake it’s a crazy looking thing isn’t it 😛 starting to cascade down the pot nicely too