Hebe 'Heartbreaker'
Shrubby Veronica 'Heartbreaker'
Late Autumn 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 27
Early Winter 2020
- 16
Mid Autumn 2019
- 5
Late Spring 2019
- 6
Mid Autumn 2018
- 7
Early Autumn 2018
- 14
Late Summer 2018
- 7
Late Spring 2018
- 0

Hebe 'Heartbreaker'
Late Autumn 2020
Late Winter 2020

#hebe #shrubby-veronica #hebe-heartbreaker #foliagefriday

That's a fabulous colour Kerry 😍

Lovely colours 😊😊💜💜

Absolutely gorgeous 💜💚💗

Beautiful 💖💚💖

What a beautiful heart breaker you have Kerry!💘😍

Very beautiful

Beautiful leaf colour 💜

Gorgeous foliage.

Lovely colour foliage 💓💗

@dirtgirlworld thanks Maggie 😊
Early Winter 2020

#hebe #shrubby-veronica #hebe-heartbreaker

Love it!💚❤

It's breaking my heart 💔 that you have it and I don't!🤣🤗💘😍

@ripjuju thank you Judy 😀 looking it’s best this time of year 😛

@ShelleySnyder 😂😜 you might have to let one fall into your cart at the garden centre 😉😉

I would if I could find one!🤗💘😍

@kez001uk Kerry same here! There are some things we are not ment to have. ☹

@ShelleySnyder I thought they’d be readily available ☹️

@ripjuju that’s true, but thankfully we get to see them on here 😋 I have an imaginary garden full of plants I see on here 😂

No, they aren't! Hebe yes but specific ones are a different story 💘😍

@ShelleySnyder that’s a shame 😔 these dwarf ones are cute and keep their shape too. Only one I have to bother with is the flowering one 😜 hopefully they’ll show up when you least expect 😛

Possibly! I also try not to get any that are out of my zone💘😍
Mid Autumn 2019


What a beauty!💘😍

@gjones thank you Katy ☺️ it’s at its best this time of year 💚💗💚

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley 😁 love a dwarf hebe 😍

Welcome! I agree with you Kerry!💘😍
Late Spring 2019

That's a pretty one Kerry 💗💚

Very pretty Kerry!💘😍

@pelly thanks Jane 😀

@gjones thanks Katy 😃

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😄

Mid Autumn 2018

@gjones I think this one changes the most, the pink is sooooo bright! 💕

@kez001uk Wow this is my favourite one, suits its name 😀💖

That's gorgeous Kerry 💕💕

@gjones definitely brings some lovely winter colour 😁

@anges it’s really vibrant. Doesn’t look like much in the summer but as soon as it cools down it turns to this 😊

@pelly thanks Jane ☺️ it’s quite a colour 😋

@kez001uk That's great for Autumn colour then 💟
Early Autumn 2018

Your veronicas are giving you a fair bit of colour as well as your chrysanths 👌👌

@kez001uk Lovely!

Nice colour

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😁 I’m really confused that they’re called Veronica now though 🤣 last time I added a photo they were hebe but not anymore 😕

@anges thank you Ange ☺️

@nej thanks Nej 😄 this one has changed a lot in the few months I’ve had it

@gjones thanks Katy 🙂 it’s going pink again thankfully, I love it. You’ve really got me enjoying foliage plants 😛

@gjones especially evergreen foliage plants 😁 trying to build an all-year garden is quite difficult but these types of plants are great additions

Really? I must admit that they do look more like hebes. I just never doubted the accuracy of the description on here 🤔

@jeatacake they are hebes but I don’t know why they’ve suddenly changed in the encyclopedia. The grey name is still hebe but the green has changed to shrubby Veronica. It’s so confusing 😜

Hmmmm, very confusing. There are a few other cases where unfamiliar names (here in the UK) are used, but the switch makes it all the more puzzling? 🤔🤔🤔

@jeatacake glad I’m not the only one it’s confusing to 🤣
Late Summer 2018

@gjones thank you Katy ☺️ I wish it stayed as pink as the previous photo

@gjones I’m starting to appreciate foliage much more now thanks to you and @ShelleySnyder 🤗

Ooooooh!! This is a real beauty Kerry! There is so much beauty in so many leaves, it's hard to have flowers all the time but you'll always have the colorful leaves!😉💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I’d never really thought about foliage being a new gardener. Was only concerned at having pretty flowers. But they only last a little while and the foliage is there way before and after the blooms are. So I’m starting to think about both. Trying to get a garden that doesn’t just look good for a couple of months is hard work 😂

Yes it can be hard work, just take your time and don't stress about it and you'll enjoy it more! Just remember that you can always move the plant or trim it or even replace it if need be! You'll make a truck load of mistakes but we've all done that so you won't be alone! Don't ever hesitate to ask anything cuz there really is no dumb questions!😁💘😍

@ShelleySnyder thank you so much Shelley ☺️

You are so welcome Kerry!😉💘😍
Late Spring 2018
Tiniest little leaves 🥰 #hebe #shrubby-veronica #hebe-heartbreaker