Helianthus annuus
Early Autumn 2021
- 11
Early Autumn 2020
- 8
Late Summer 2020
- 23
Late Summer 2020
- 23
Mid Summer 2020
- 18
Mid Summer 2020
- 35
Early Autumn 2018
- 11
Early Autumn 2018
- 11
Early Autumn 2018
- 11
Early Autumn 2018
- 2
Early Autumn 2018
- 7
Late Summer 2018
- 19
Late Summer 2018
- 20
Late Summer 2018
- 1

Helianthus annuus
Early Autumn 2021
Early Autumn 2020

Last one 😢 #sunflower #helianthus #sunflower-sun-king #grown-from-seed

They've been a big success 👏 💛

Wonderful 💛💛🧡

@gjones they really are 😛 I almost have seeds ready to send you 😁

@jeatacake considering only 2 germinated this year I’ve had a decent show of flowers 💛

@midnightgardener thanks Chris 😛

Hi @kez001uk This is a sunflower, too? I really like it. How about making a trade with my giant sunflower seeds? Mine looked like a huge pancake. If you have seeds from this or something similar, please let me know.😀🌻

@newbud hello 👋🏻 I do have seeds for this one, and seeds for a smaller variety too 😊 would be lovely to trade 😁 you can email me your address to kez001uk@gmail.com and I’ll get them sent out 😛
Late Summer 2020

In all its glory 🌻 #sunflower #helianthus #sunflower-sun-king #grown-from-seed

your plant is awesome Kerry 👍👍👍

So pretty! 🌻


It certainly is glorious Kerry stunning 🧡

Wowsers 😍

Incredible 💛💛💛

Wooo... I can't see his face...!😀

Love it’s furry face Kerry it’s gorgeous! 🌻💛

I agree with Jeff, incredible 💛💛💛what size can you compare it to Kez? @kez001uk

@sinukarta thank you Dyan 😀

@KariSamuel thanks Kari 😃
Late Summer 2020

💛 #sunflower #helianthus #sunflower-sun-king #grown-from-seed

It's fabulous, very like the Teddy Bear ones you can get 💛💛


Love it 💛 How tall are these ones? I recall that the teddy bear ones are quite short.

Oh wow Kerry what a stunner. Can't tell by the photo how big is it

@midnightgardener thank you Chris 😀 think they’re pretty much the same as Teddy Bear except these are full height 💛

@cyndi so fluffy 🥰

@lovemygarden65 thanks Marilyn 😃

@jeatacake thank you Jeff 😄 these are full height, can get to 6’. Probably the un-dwarf variety of Teddy Bear 😅

@gjones thanks Katy 😁 they are ones you can’t pass without giving a little squish 😂

@alan1111 thank you Alan ☺️ this one is about 4’6” I’d say. Flowers are the size of a cd once they’re fully open. They’re so lovely 💛

They are a very pretty sunflower 💛
Mid Summer 2020

#sunflower #helianthus #sunflower-sun-king #grown-from-seed

Wow! It's incredible 💛💛💛

Beautiful Kerry ....great photo 👌😮💛

Fabulous 🧡💛🧡

Wow! Looking more & more teddy bearish! 🧸

Fabulous! 👍😃

Sunflower?! That is a whole new species right there haha Very cool!

@midnightgardener thanks Chris 😊

@flof1952 thank you Pauline ☺️

@lovemygarden65 thanks Marilyn 😁

@cyndi thank you Cyndi 😄

@jeatacake it’s very strokeable 😜😂
Mid Summer 2020

#sunflower #helianthus #sunflower-sun-king #grown-from-seed

Lovely to see you back on the app! 💚

Beautiful flower, so many petals 🧡

One of the nicest sunflowers I've seen

That's fab, must have a bit of Daddy Bear in it! Ie Teddy Sunflower 🧡🧡🧡

@Soph1e thanks Sophie 😊 hope you’re good ☺️

@solly1961 they’re so fluffy, especially when it’s fully open. Think it has to be my favourite sunflower 💛

@alan1111 thanks Alan ☺️ I agree with you 💛 will save seed 😉😛

@gjones aren’t they! 😍 definitely worth another try, I’ll keep you some seed 😁 they’re supposed to get to 6’ but mine are about 4’6” in a pot 🌻

@anges I wonder if Sun King is just an alternative name for the Teddy Bear variety 🤔 they look identical!

That would be great 👍 thank you 😁

Teddy bear doesn't grow very tall, what about Sun King?
Early Autumn 2018

Last sunflower standing 🌻

Great pic 👍🏻👍🏻😊💕

@terrimclaughlin thank you 😀

@gjones hopefully you’ll have some pop up next year 😉

Looking even more fluffy!

It’s so tactile....😘

@jeatacake only grew 2 but they seem to last so much longer than normal sunflowers 😊

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom can’t help but touch them. They really are soft like they look 😂

I noticed that with mine last year 👍

@jeatacake hopefully you’ll notice next year since your seedlings won’t get eaten next spring 😋

Ha ha! Well I hope not!!! 🐀😁
Early Autumn 2018

Thankyou for the follow kez 🙂

@gavy you’re welcome Gavin 😁 you have a stunning garden!!!

Thankyou!!😊you have a beautiful garden too

@gavy thanks ☺️

@gjones they just get better and better as they open up and seem to last so much longer than normal sunflowers 😁 hope you’ll have success with the seeds I’ve to send you ☺️

Your teddy bears are just amazing 😍👍💛

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😊 they’re adorable little (big) things 😂

I love this one Kez @kez001uk ☺☺💛💛

Stunning 💛💛💛do you know which one it is, I would love to try this one.

@midnightgardener thank you Christine ☺️ it’s so fluffy and pretty 😛

@suerichards thanks Sue 😁 they’re bringing a bit of much needed brightness to my garden 💛
Early Autumn 2018

Last one to open 💛

They're so pretty and fluffy 😄💛 So sorry to hear about the loss of your little fuzzball, Kerry. 😢 How awful.. My heart goes out to you. ❤️ Sending you lots of hugs 😘

@natii thanks Natalie ☺️ they’re really lovely and different 😛 and thank you for your kind words. He got ill so suddenly and wasn’t kind to let him keep struggling to get well again. His bowel paralysed and never recovered so after a week of trying to get him better he started to struggle and couldn’t let him go through that. Would have been cruel and as much as I miss him it was the best thing to do 🖤

Oh no.. that's heartbreaking 💔 I can imagine how hard this decision was for you. But, as you said, it was the right thing, he's not feeling pain anymore. Although doing the right thing can hurt so bad. I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel any better, but I just want you to know that I feel your pain. ❤️

@natii your words are so kind, thank you, really does mean a lot ☺️ I never had pets as a kid so not something I’m used to. It was the kindest thing to do but because he was my first one it’s a little harder. And he was the sweetest little cuddly thing too. The other 3 aren’t interested in anything but food 🤣🤣🤣

I'm sure they love you although they're not so good in expressing it 😂 I can totally relate. When I was a kid we had two dogs and three cats. I loved them all, but especially my dog. I found her abandoned as a puppy and she was my everything. But then we moved from Uruguay to Germany and couldn't take them with us. It was the hardest thing to leave her and my biggest fear that she could've thought that I didn't want her anymore, 'cause she just didn't understand what's happening. So I..

.. I absolutely understand how awful it is to lose a beloved pet. 🙁 Although of course the circumstances were different

@natii must have been awful to leave her, especially as you were young 😞 but you gave her a great life when you lived in Uruguay and I’m sure she wouldn’t have thought you didn’t want her. You wanted her when nobody else did 💕 it truly is awful and I never understood how people got so upset over pets until I lost one. It’s heartbreaking. But at least we can be happy knowing we did our best to give them a great life ❤️

Such a nice thing of you to say, thank you 😊 Yes, I think what you described is the best way to deal with it. Although 9-year-old me needed much more time to understand and accept that, but finally came to the same conclusion 🤣 Treasure the memories, all those happy little moments we shared with them ❤️

@natii at 9 years old it can’t have been easy to understand but you grow to realise the good you put into the world is much more important than the few things you feel bad about 😊 we can be grateful we got to share the time we did with our little furry buddies ❤️

Very well said! 😊❤️
Early Autumn 2018

@gjones thankfully they’re still in bloom because apart from fuchsias and primroses there’s little left but foliage now 😟 the awful winds we had destroyed most flowers and now it’s suddenly got very cold. Was on the news today that UK is supposed to get 4 months of snow 😔

@gjones they do feel as fluffy as they look 😋 it’s going to be terrible if the snow comes for that long 😞 the whole country grinds to a halt if it snows for a day or 2 so I daren’t think how bad it’ll affect us 😂 all of my plants are in pots so the ones that aren’t fully hardy I’ll put in the greenhouse and I’ll fleece others that might need it. A fair few made it through the awful weather we had early in the year so hoping they should be strong enough to survive most temperatures now 🤞🏻
Early Autumn 2018

Still looking great even after the horrid weather!

Usually sun flowers have that brown bit in the middle, unlike this one... I don't know much about them... Are all giant 🌻 like this?..just curious.. ☺

@kamaki they usually do 😊 this one is called “sun king”, think it’s the same as the teddy bear variety. They just seem to be all petals. Most giants are the traditional brown cantered ones. Think there’s only a few like this ☺️

That's interesting. Thanks for letting me know Kerry. They look very nice and full of character!

@kez001uk Lovely 💛🌻💛

@kamaki no problem Andreas 😁 it’s the first time I’ve grown them so don’t know much myself 😂

@anges thank you Ange ☺️
Late Summer 2018

@gjones thanks Katy 💛 I have to touch it every time I walk past 😂 I have one more left to open and hoping it’s another of these so I get to see it fit longer 😍

@Jasonsparkes1 thank you ☺️ not quite as good looking as yours but maybe a close second once it’s open fully🤞🏼💛

@gjones it’s supposed to get to 6’ but this is in a pot thats far too small so is only about half height

Fantastic Kerry 🙂 @kez001uk

Looks fabulous Kerry. I had mine planted in the ground last summer & they never got taller than 3 ft, so you've done pretty well I'd say 👍💛

What a fab flower...🌞🌻🌞🌻

@gjones I’ll try save you some seeds to send with the others 😛

@vinny3000 thanks Gary 😁

@jeatacake thank you 😊 oh that’s not too bad then, not as small as I though 😛

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank you Elaine ☺️

@auricula that’s really nice of you to say, thank you 😄

🤗 fabulous
Late Summer 2018

@cyndi I think it is teddy bear but @thompsonmorgan1855 seeds sometimes seem to have different names. They’ve called it Sun King

@gjones it’s gorgeous isn’t it 😁 first one to flower and is much later to open than my other sunflowers

@cyndi I couldn’t find one but I’m going to start making pages for the plants I have that aren’t in the encyclopedia 😊

@gjones I always worry I’ll get something wrong or don’t know enough information to fill it in properly 🙈

@gjones I’ll give it a go. Wish they let the pages be edited on here 😂

@gjones I think a lot of people requested it when gt asked about new features. Would be helpful if others could contribute to a page too

Wow that’s gorgeous 💛💛💛👍👏

Fabulous 💛🌻💛

@suerichards thanks ☺️ I didn’t expect it to be quite as fluffy. Looking even better as it opens more too 😛

@christineb thank you Christine 😄

It does look very teddy bearish. Verh nice whatever type it is. Mine didn't do anything this year. One of the casualties from while I was away in March.

@jeatacake thank you 😁 did yours become slug food?
Late Summer 2018

Sun king
#sunflower #helianthus #sunflower-double-sun-king #grown-from-seed
Absolutely love this….got seeds for next year 👍🏼
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom you’ll adore them Elaine 😛 the fluffiness needs to be touched though 😆
@gjones they just layer up more each day 😍 hard to believe all that floof comes from such a small bud 😂
Fluff ball, I love it. It's wonderful 🧡🧡🧡
I intend to touch and feel them as often as I can……😝
@midnightgardener it really looks cuddly doesn’t it 🥰🧸
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 😂 I don’t blame you 😛
Looking perfect, especially compared to my mutant one! 😄
@jeatacake beauty & the beast 🙊