Heuchera 'Forever Purple'
Early Autumn 2020
Late Summer 2020

#heuchera #alumroot #heuchera-forever-purple

Somebody's been to the garden center! @kez001uk

One of my favourites 💜💜💜

@saco I have 4 new borders to fill so it’s sort of justified 🤣 that’s what I’m telling myself anyway 😋

@lovemygarden65 I can see why 💜 it looks like it glows 🤩

Wow! Kerry, I think you've caut the huchera bug 😅 and got it bad 🤣

@alan1111 I got a bit carried away 🤭 need a lot of plants to fill 4 new borders in the front garden so figured some all-year colour wouldn’t go wrong. No idea what I’m going to fill the rest of the space with 🤣

4 new borders, no pots? Nice, you'll find it so much easier to maintain. Your of to a good start with the hucheras 👍 I'll look forward to seeing the borders develop 😁

@alan1111 gravel borders, loads more pots 😂 I don’t like to make life simple 🤣

No you don't that's for sure Kerry 😅 how many more pots are you talking

@alan1111 I’m hoping to move some of what’s round back to the front but I expect I’ll need a good 40 decent sized plants and lots of little gap fillers 😭😭😭

Oh kerry that's a lot of extra work and cost would you not put them in the ground. Honestly it's a lot less work
Love the fuzz 🥰 #heuchera #alumroot #heuchera-forever-purple
Great photo
@jendren thank you Nicola ☺️ never noticed how fluffy they were before. Amazing what you discover when you’re repotting 😜
Great Shot 😍
@sherrisgarden thanks Sherri 😃 gotta love the fuzzy ones 🥰
Yes ma'am ! 😍