Hydrangea macrophylla 'Glam Rock'
Hydrangea 'Glam Rock'
Early Winter 2025
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Late Winter 2024
- 1
Mid Summer 2022
- 11
Mid Summer 2022
- 13
Late Spring 2022
- 3
Late Autumn 2021
- 7
Late Autumn 2021
- 10
Late Summer 2021
- 9
Mid Summer 2021
- 10
Early Summer 2021
- 10
Early Summer 2021
- 13
Mid Summer 2020
- 5
Mid Summer 2020
- 11
Late Winter 2020
- 10
Late Autumn 2019
- 13
Late Autumn 2019
- 23
Mid Autumn 2019
- 13
Mid Autumn 2019
- 0
Early Autumn 2019
- 18
Late Summer 2019
- 3
Late Summer 2019
- 14
Mid Summer 2019
- 3
Mid Summer 2019
- 18
Mid Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Summer 2019
- 19
Mid Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Summer 2019
- 5
Mid Autumn 2018
- 13
Early Autumn 2018
- 17
Late Summer 2018
- 9
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 9
Mid Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Summer 2018
- 5
Mid Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Summer 2018
- 14
Mid Summer 2018
- 20
Mid Summer 2018
- 0
Early Summer 2018
- 0
Early Summer 2018
- 0
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 0

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Glam Rock'
Early Winter 2025
Late Winter 2024

#hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock
Mid Summer 2022

#hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock


Very pretty. Love the pink centres 💚💗

It looks a lot more green this year or is this just one if its phases? Still very glam though & old Noddy would be impressed too 😁🎩🎶🎸🎤🎻

@emch @gjones @hkyfvr thanks ladies 😀 the flowers have been very varied this year 💗💚

@jeatacake a lot more green than usual. Losing its colour like noddy’s hair 😉😂

Most welcome. 😍


It’s a beauty 🤗

This is definitely on my to get list! It's stunning 💚💕

@godfreye @charlie30 thank you both ☺️ it’s quite different to a lot of hydrangeas, not as delicate. And the colours are fantastic 💚💗
Mid Summer 2022

#hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock

#eyecandy #jawdropping #gorgeous #plantporn #bestofjuly

Absolutely beautiful 💗💚💙

Oh my what a glam girl! 💘😍

@kez001uk what soil do you have her in mine are in the ground and it’s deep deep pink lost it’s green this year?

Lovely 😊

Fabulous colours!

@KariSamuel @hkyfvr @ShelleySnyder @vegandmore @italydiva thank you all ☺️ the colours are more muted than usual but a lot of my plants seem to be. I’m guessing the heat has affected them somewhat 😜

@rainbowgardener mine is just in regular all purpose compost. The colours aren’t like usual and all the flowers came through green to start with. Is yours in full sun?

Very welcome Kerry!💘😍

Always welcome Kerry😍

@kez001uk well I’m moving all my bushes this autumn so I think they’ll have to have full sun lol
Late Spring 2022
Late Autumn 2021

#hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock

Still pretty though 💗💗💗

Beautiful in December 😍😍

Wowzers! Still gorgeous!💘😍

@pelly @gjones @hkyfvr @ShelleySnyder thank you ladies 😁 it’s holding up so well considering the terrible weather we’ve had 😜 last hydrangea standing 💚

My pleasure! 💘😍

Always welcome Kerry 😍
Late Autumn 2021

Less glam now 😂 #hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock

Still loving the colours. Such a pretty pink 💗💚

Love the name

@gjones @hkyfvr @lesliecole49 thank you all ☺️ usually by this point it would be nothing but a few twigs! Lovely to see it still covered in flowers & decent leaves 💚💕

Very welcome Kerry. So much better for you than last Winter. Hope it continues 👍😍

It's standing up well to the cold. Noddy must be wearing his thermals! 😉🤣

@hkyfvr 🤞🏻🤞🏻

@jeatacake those sideburns are good insulation 😉😆

In this weather, it might be worth trying them myself! 🤣

@jeatacake me three!!! 🙈🤣
Late Summer 2021

#hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock

Love this one. Great colours 😍


@hkyfvr @racha thank you both 😀 it’s one of my absolute favourite plants. So much variety from just 2 colours 💚💗

Very welcome 💗💚

It's certainly gone through some colour changes this summer 💚💖❤️💜

@jeatacake oh yes! And not all good either 😜 you can still see some of the colour hasn’t returned to some of the leaves. Tomato feed has helped but it looked a sorry sight for a while. Same happened with another hydrangea and that’s not recovering so well 😐

A few of my fairly new ones (which are still quite small) haven't flowered at all this year . I'm blaming the many frosts we had in spring ❄

@jeatacake they have a lot to answer for! 😅
Mid Summer 2021

#hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock

So very pretty. Pretty flowers and lots of healthy foliage. 👍😍


@hkyfvr thanks Diane 😀 the foliage I’d colouring up again after a few feeds 💚

@crabby58 thanks Thelma 😃 one of my favourite hydrangeas. It’s a little different 💚💕

Very welcome Kerry. Looks great 👍

@gjones thanks Katy 😛 it always performs well 💚💕

Keeping Noddy happy 😁😉

@jeatacake can hear his voice again now 😜😂🤣🤣

Early Summer 2021

💚💚💗 #hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock

This is beautiful Kerry. Love the foliage. Lovely variegation and the pink too. 💚💛💗

@hkyfvr it’s taking it’s time to colour up this year but happy to see that pink coming along 😛

Love the pink. I just noticed it lining the outside of the leaves. 👍💖💚

@gjones true to its name 😛

@hkyfvr the whole plant is usually lined with pink but the leaves are looking a little deficient after all the rain we had. Feeding is helping but taking its time 🙄😅

Mine's actually doing alright this year. I might even dare to post a pic!

It will come along in its own time. My one dahlia is driving me nuts as it is so slow. My best one too. Cannot rush a plant. 🤦♀️🤷♀️

@jeatacake please do 😛 Noddy needs his time in the spotlight 🤩

@hkyfvr it’s always the ones you want to see most 🙈 they know they’re worth the wait 😁
Early Summer 2021

💚 #hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock

The name makes me want to settle back and wait for the mullet and platform shoes to develop LOL

Love hydrangea at all its stages. 💚💚

@gjones it’s been so long since I saw it at this stage 😜 always seems to miss it when it’s all green 💚

@emch 😂 it will start to rock out soon 😉🤩

@hkyfvr they look so good new & old 😍

I love it when the flowers are two colours then become the one colour they were meant to be. Even when they are fading they look good. Like you said, old and new. 👍💚

@hkyfvr when they fade and turn to old lace, I love that look 😍 they really are the prettiest flowers, no matter the type of hydrangea you have 😋 my new one, French Bolero, is supposed to flower all over rather than just at the ends of branches. Can’t wait to see what that looks like 😍

That sounds so pretty. Will watch her progress for sure. Mine is endless summer s it flowers all summer I hope. My first hydrangea 👍🌟💕💗

@hkyfvr endless summer is a beautiful hydrangea 😍 but aren’t they all 😜😆

Very much so. Love them all 👍😍

@kez001uk no mine are in partial shade I have 2 and I seem to have the opposite problem not enough green
Mid Summer 2020

#hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock

Oooooooooeeeeee!!! She's rockin this world!💘😍

@gjones aren’t they the sweetest little things 🥰

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley ☺️ she certainly is! Some great colours coming out in the heat 💗🧡💚

My pleasure!💘😍
Mid Summer 2020

#hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock

I very nearly bought one this week. I remembered people saying they took a year to stop pretending to die. Have you had any problems with it?

My son has ordered me 2 for my birthday any tips for they’re care @kez001uk
Very pretty:)

@DeborahBanks they’re so worth having! You gotta get one 😛 first year I had mine it was pointless quite frankly 😂 looked like the leaves were rotting off constantly. But once I moved it into a sunnier position (now in full sun) it has flowered like mad the past 2 years. I’ll tag you on insta so you can see how big it is this year 💚💗

@gjones it changes so much but think it looks best towards the end of flowering when it’s all dark and autumnal 😍

@rainbowgardener you have a good son there! 😉 what’s worked for mine is having it in the sun. Never did well in shade but it’s huge and covered in flowers the past 2 years since it was moved. Looks pointless for the first few months but they’ll just explode next summer 💚💗

@seclarke thank you Stacey ☺️

I ordered one, and then another hydrangea, hebe, rose and echinacea 😆 can I blame you for being a bad influence? 😂😂😂

@DeborahBanks 😂 well it did need company. They don’t like to travel alone 😉😂🤣 I’ll take the blame gladly! You’re my plant buying hero 😍😂

Ha ha 'plant buying hero' love it! 😆😁😇
Late Winter 2020

Old & new 🤎💚 #hydrangea #hydrangea-glam-rock

It's great to see all the new growth on the hydrangeas 💚💚💚

Mine too! Though not as much as yours yet

@pelly I agree! The new growth is lovely. Just worry how much will survive any frosts we have to come 😬

@lesliecole49 you’ve had some awful weather though! Great that they’re making a comeback so early 😁

Thanks Kerry, I checked on it yesterday after the freezes we had. Still showing good fresh growth. Whoop!

@lesliecole49 will have flowers in no time 😁 roll on summer! 😜

I know what you mean, I’ve got quite a few perennials putting on growth, it is worrying 🤔😨

@pelly could be a lot of new growth damaged if the weather takes a turn. And still a fair while left til danger of frosts are over 🙈
Late Autumn 2019

So here it is merry Christmas, everybody's having fun.....😁

Still rockin it for sure!💘😍

You’re on a roll Jeff ! Or should I say a rock n roll? Nothing much happening in Bangkok? @jeatacake

Losing some of its glam but still rockn

@angiie thanks Angie 😀

@jeatacake he’s got his snowy sideboards 😉😉

@ShelleySnyder it looked great at that moment. Hours later every leaf had dropped 😂 was a mean frost 🥶

@alan1111 the flower heads stay looking great don’t they 😛

Their still looking good Kerry can still some autumnal colours in it

Had a few days resting up & buying presents to take home & all that. Off to Bangkok's Botanical Gardens again today as they're having a flower show. Went to one there a few years ago & it was amazing, so expect a few photos later! 😁 @sharonhayden

I thought we'd get there eventually! 🤣

Late Autumn 2019


Isn't hydrangea foliage wonderful at this time of the year 💚💖💜

Beautiful 😍

Still plenty of glam there!

It's still rocking 😜

@pelly it’s gorgeous! Just keeps giving even after it’s supposedly at its best 😍

@lovemygarden65 thank you Marilyn 😛

@gjones thanks Katy 😃

@jeatacake not looking bad is it 😛

@alan1111 😂 that it’s is 😛


Many weeks away from looking like old Noddy! 😂
Mid Autumn 2019

Lovely colour! 😋

Almost the same colour as the leaves....


This is really true to its name 👍

Still Looking great 😍

@natii thanks Natalie 😀

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it’s trying to camouflage itself 😛

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley 😃

@ublaszko isn’t it just 🤩

@jeatacake thank you Jeff 😄

Very welcome!💘😍

Holy cow, that color!! Incredible 💚💚
Mid Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019

It has mine well & truly beaten 👍

A real beauty!💘😍

It’s glamorous all right...💗🍂💗

Love love love the name

Great name it's definitely not a shy plant 😜

@gjones it’s really held its colour well 💗💚

@jeatacake you’re too kind 😜

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😀

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom still living up to its name 😛

@heatherdirtyhands isn’t it great 😛 and when it’s at its best, perfectly fitting 🤩

@alan1111 oh most certainly it isn’t 😂 last year it only had one bloom and it faded pretty fast. But this year it’s had loads and all opened at different times so lasted brilliantly 😋

Brilliant! I found it a good year for my hydrangeas as well
Late Summer 2019

Show off!!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder it keeps begging for its photo to be taken 😜

Late Summer 2019

@cyndi thanks Cyndi 😀 was nice to see the different stages of colour at one time 💗💚

Looking great & now with the little flowers in the middle 🤩

I love this! So pretty 💚

Great photo. Wonderful colour mix.

What a show off!!💘😍

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😁 the little flowers are the best bit 😛

The real "glam" bit. Like little stars 🤩

@BrittneeSue thank you Brittnee 😃

@Annettenoosa thanks Annette 😁 love the different intensities as it matures 😍

@gjones thanks Katy ☺️ it’s been great this year 🤩

@ShelleySnyder it is a bit of an attention seeker 😉

@jeatacake they do remind me of glasses Elton John would wear 😂
Mid Summer 2019

Yep! One of my favorites of yours!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley 😀 it’s doing so well this year too 💕

Mid Summer 2019

I must go & check mine 🤔 💗💚

@lexijane they seem to colour up so fast! Hope yours is doing ok in these winds 🙈

Mine looks nothing like this. I’m hoping it is actually Glam Rock 😏🤷🏼♀️

The winds aren’t affecting them thank goodness

@lexijane I’m glad to hear it 😁


@ShelleySnyder quite a looker isn’t it 🤩

Definitely glamming up well 👍 Mine still looks like Noddy Holder on a bad day! 😄

Yes indeedy!💘😍

@jeatacake he’s still a big hungover huh 😉🤣

Looking like something the cat dragged in, lol! 🤪

@jeatacake 😂 know that look well! 🤣
Mid Summer 2019


@ShelleySnyder the colour changes this one goes through is amazing. And the tiny flowers in the centres are too cute 😛

I agree!💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy ☺️ this one changes colour so fast but thankfully more than one flower head this year so get more chance to see its evolution 😍
Mid Summer 2019

Great name it really suites it 😉

@alan1111 it definitely has that look about it 😅

Love it !! So pretty. 😍😍

@sherrisgarden thanks Sherri 😛 they turn all sorts of colours, love watching them change ☺️

Love the colors and the name!💘😍

Beautiful! #hydrangea #hydrangeamacrophylla #lookslikeitsname

Lovely pic really shows its true colours 💘💚💘

Much more glam than mine again! 😀

@gjones its an unusual one compared with most hydrangeas I’ve seen. The flowers are almost the same as the leaves. It gets more intense in colour, pinks/purples, then dies back

@ShelleySnyder perfectly matched 😉

@lovestogarden thank you Janice 😁 it’s perfectly named 😛

@Keely thanks Keely 😁 just waiting on the tiny little flowers to open, love how it looks then 🤩
Mid Summer 2019

Zingy! 😁

@ublaszko wish some stayed this like colour 💚


@ShelleySnyder I like this stage too 💚
Mid Summer 2019


@ShelleySnyder this one excites me. Goes from looking like just green leaves to covered in flowers within days 💗💚

It looks amazing!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I’ll be filling the feed with its progress no doubt 🙈

Good! Wanna see it!💘😍
Mid Autumn 2018

Loads of new growth 😕

@gjones all the old foliage dropped but has left behind replacements!

The frost here killed off all the leaves on mine. Looks like yours have escaped or are tougher than mine!

@jeatacake most of the big leaves are gone but 3 of my 5 hydrangeas have lots of new growth. I guess frost will kill that off over winter though. Only had a couple of very slight frosts here so far. Yours will come back with a vengeance though 😛

Oh yes, they'll be fine next year 👍 Some of those I have withstood -20C about 8 years ago

@jeatacake oh my god, -20 😱 I’m surprised anything made it through that!!!

A few things did die & plenty only just made it. It must have been almost that cold where you are in that winter of 2009/10 (I think)

@jeatacake thankfully most pulled through 😁 all I had up until 2 years ago was grass and a shed 🤣 wasn’t anything to die so can’t say I remember that winter 🙈

It was very cold with lots of snow from early December to mid January up here

@jeatacake that sounds horrendous considering this country grinds to a halt at the slightest sign of snow!

That was exceptional. I ground go a halt too for a few days too as my car froze to the driveway! ☺

@jeatacake 😂😂😂 a good excuse to rest up if you can’t get out the driveway 😉
Early Autumn 2018


So Beautiful...😍

Lovely Kerry i have one just like this and its fantastic 😊 @kez001uk

@gjones thanks Katy 😀

@Sussanah thank you Sussanah 😃

@shaz831 thanks Shaz 😄

@scaryskates cheers Gary 😁

@vinny3000 thank ya Gary 😊 they are fantastic, especially now the leaves are changing too 😁

@auricula thanks Elise ☺️ this is it’s second summer, first time it’s flowered though. Only had one bloom too but it’s lasted and lasted, still full of colour. Hope yours flowers next year, you’ll love it 😍

Very Welcome Kerry mine are turning a beautiful deep red colour now @kez001uk

@vinny3000 oh I can’t wait for that 😋 I thought they just turned brown and died like the incrediball one I have but these are so interesting!

The leaves go red Kerry and the veins remain a green colour its really lovely 😊 @kez001uk
Late Summer 2018

I'm not saying there's any similarity, but Noddy Holder's looking a bit rough round the edges these days! 😁

@gjones I’ve never seen one like it but I’ve been impressed at how long it has been in flower! Hopefully more than one flower head next year though 😂

@jeatacake 😂😂😂 this seems to be greying up like him too 🤣🤣🤣

Oooooh that's a bit harsh.........on your hydrangea 🤣🤣🤣

@jeatacake glad you added the last part 😂

@columbiariver thank you ☺️ it’s unlike any other hydrangea I have and the way the colours develop is fascinating. It’s a lovely plant 💚💗

@columbiariver lime green when it’s at its brightest 😋

@columbiariver this would fit the bill then 😁 especially early on it is a yellowish green and the foliage is too 😋

@columbiariver I hope you manage to find one 🤞🏼
Mid Summer 2018

@gjones I love it with the lime green 💗💚 hope next year there will be more flower heads 🤞🏼
Mid Summer 2018

Blimey, that's thrown up some new shoots quickly 😲

@jeatacake it’s come out of practically nowhere 😂 must be liking its new position 😛

Certainly does. Noddy Holder's been left standing! 😮

@jeatacake 🤣🤣🤣 his bandmates are overtaking!

I think those new shoots are more punk rock now! 😀

@jeatacake Johnny rotten emerging strong and Billy Idol not far behind 😆


Don't start me on all them! That was my era 🎶🎵🔊🎶🎶🔊

@jeatacake I just missed it but still know who they are 😉
Mid Summer 2018

Looking more & more colourful 👍

@gjones @jeatacake it’s really a lovely mix of colour too. Becoming a favourite - but aren’t they all at some point 😂

@gjones thank you mr gjones 😁😁😁 it’s really unusual and always catches your eye wherever you are in my garden. I just hope it has more than one flower cluster next year 🙏🏼 a whole plant like this would be stunning!
Mid Summer 2018

Very glam 💚💗

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it’s not one you can miss is it 😂

Gawjus 💕

@gjones it’s really getting better looking by the day isn’t it 😋 and the little flowers that open in the centre are so cute!

@Keely thank you 😁
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

Oh wow that’s nice!!

I'm not a fan of hydrangeas but I think I may be ever so slightly in love with this one. Both the name and the colours are wonderful! 🎸 🌟 🌸

@Yollymac it’s starting to look lovely after big doing very much at all. Worth the wait 😛

@Soph1e it’s certainly something a bit different 😉


@richard.spicer.7906 love how the pink is bleeding into the green, fascinating to see it change every day

Gorgeous!🤗😍 @kez001uk

Getting brighter by the day 😎👍

Wow Beautiful colours for a plant💙🌱

@tinaaune thank you 😁

@gjones it is but getting impatient waiting on the purple 😂

@jeatacake it definitely is 😁
Mid Summer 2018

@gjones from what I remember the outer edge stays lime, the mid-leaf turns pink and the very centre is blue/purple. This one hasn’t flowered for me before so whether it actually goes that way I can’t be sure. But I’m really hoping so 😁

#hydrangea #hydrangeamacrophylla #glamrockhydrangea

Starting to colour up nicely 👌

@jeatacake was slow until the last few days and it’s just taken on so much colour 😍

It'll be looking like Noddy Holder of Slade in a few days 😁😁😁

@jeatacake long as it doesn’t grow his hair I don’t mind 😉😆

Now that would be a strange & scary sight, lol! 😆😆😆

@jeatacake so long as it doesn’t start screaming Christmas songs at me I’ll be ok 🙉

Oh no, definitely not, especially in July! 🎅

@jeatacake it’s coming around fast Jeff 😉😆

Ohhh give over! 🚫🎅🚫 😆

@jeatacake aren’t you getting excited? 🤣
Mid Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

I can’t wait to see it flower. Had it since last year but was just a plug plant then
Early Summer 2018

Flowers hopefully 😁
Mid Spring 2018
#hydrangea #hydrangea-macrophylla #hydrangea-glam-rock