Justicia floribunda syn. Justicia rizzinii, Jacobinia pauciflora
Brazilian Fuchsia
Late Winter 2022
- 24
Late Winter 2022
- 14
Mid Winter 2022
- 23
Mid Winter 2022
- 14
Mid Winter 2022
- 30
Early Winter 2021
- 11
Late Winter 2021
- 18
Mid Winter 2021
- 3
Early Spring 2020
- 19
Early Spring 2020
- 17
Early Spring 2020
- 16
Late Winter 2020
- 24
Late Winter 2020
- 23
Mid Winter 2020
- 14
Mid Winter 2020
- 3
Early Winter 2020
- 21
Mid Summer 2019
- 5

Justicia floribunda syn. Justicia rizzinii, Jacobinia pauciflora
Late Winter 2022
Late Winter 2022

#brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora

That's really lovely Kerry 💛🧡💛

Wow 🧡💛

Beautiful flowers 😍😍

That’s so beautiful! Is it in a heated greenhouse, Kerry? 🤔

@pelly @gjones @juliesgarden @hkyfvr thanks ladies 😁 it’s very tropical looking for this time of year 🥶😅

@jacaranda thank you Barbara 😄 it stays in an unheated greenhouse all year round. I think it was Sue Richards who had one that was planted in her garden and did well too. I’m just not brave enough to take the chance 😂

Most welcome. 😍😍

Looks fabulous. I have 3 of these outside year round but they’re not flowering yet even though it’s been close to 90, (32c) what’s the secret 🤫 lol 😂

@philstalder oh I bet they’ll be amazing when they bloom!!! 😍 to be honest I just try make sure they’re well watered and they aren’t in too much sun. Mine did terribly when they were outside so they now live in the greenhouse all year, which is shaded in summer

Oh ok I have 2 in the shade and they are alive and 1 in full sun and it’s alive so it must be like having tea with jam and bread but without the jam. Lol 😂

@philstalder 🤣😂🤣 I do like that analogy 😆 it was trial and error to find the right place but you’ll soon see where’s best for yours ☺️
Mid Winter 2022

Updating, plant 2. #brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora

These are really lovely 💚💛❤


That's pretty . Thought it was a chilli plant at 1st.

That really is spectacular 😍 @kez001uk

Looks fab Kerry, more healthier than mine! I didn’t realise you had two pots of it…

Beautiful 😍 needs to be out in summer ☀️

Beautiful plant. So full and healthy. Great that you have 2 of these beauties 💛♥️💚

They both look lovely.

Wow! It's looking fantastic Kerry 💛🧡 I can just see tiny little buds on mine so far!

@pelly @kamaki @Dragon_Warrior @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @hkyfvr @novicegardenlover @gjones thank you all 😀 it’s a great little plant, lives in the greenhouse year-round as I’m not brave enough to try it in the garden 😂

@charlotte it looks very like those ornamental chilli plants you get with the mix of colours ❤️🧡💛
Mid Winter 2022

Updating, plant 1. #brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora

Lovely plant. The blooms are so pretty. 💛♥️

@hkyfvr thank you Diane ☺️ those flowers just make me wish for summer even more 😂

Always welcome. I can see why as they are so pretty. My mandevilla flowers make me wish for summer too. 😆 I like the plant outside in the summer as it is getting too big for the house. 🤣🤷♀️

@hkyfvr your Mandevilla makes me want a Mandevilla 😂 is it keeping well indoors?

It really is despite having mealy bugs twice. I caught them early and treated those pesky bugs fast. The plant appears not to have suffered and even has a few flowers all the time now. 💗💗

@hkyfvr oh no, they can be disastrous 🙈 good thing you spotted them in time! A benefit from it being indoors and being seen more often 😛

So true. I keep a close eye on my plants. A few have had these over the years. I use alcohol and Q-tips then douse the plant with insecticidal soap. Need 2 treatments. 🤦♀️🤷♀️

@hkyfvr a lot of work but well worth the effort for some plants 😁 the things we do for our greenery 🤣

I was thinking earlier that the plants get more attention than my cats as I read the new Breck’s catalogue. 😂🤣

@hkyfvr 🤣😂 but plants are pets really, just immobile ones 😉🤣

We have enough “pets” to open a zoo. 🤣
Mid Winter 2022

They’re coming 😍❤️🧡💛 #brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora

Nice 😊


Very pretty. Love the colours 💛🧡❤️

@vegandmore @novicegardenlover @hkyfvr @gjones thank you ladies 😃 they’ve started flowering a little earlier this year but should go on for a couple of months 😍

Very welcome 😍

Beautiful colours 🧡❤️

@midnightgardener thanks Chris ☺️ it’s really starting to open up now. Brightening up the greenhouse no end 😍

Wow! They certainly are 👍 Still leaves only on mine 😏

@jeatacake they’ve really taken off this week too! Yours won’t be too long away 😛 how are you keeping? The allotment coming on ok?

The plant looks healthy, so as you say, it'll be flowering sooner rather than later. I'm doing right thanks. Completely recovered from the worst & longest lasting cold I've ever had. Hope you're doing fine too. It's gradual progress at the allotment. At least I've got a new shed up now after the existing one was demolished in the gales we had in December. Otherwise much digging, creating pathways & putting down black weed suppressing matting goes on & on! Will post an update photo soon👍

@jeatacake that’s the most important thing, a healthy plant 😛 I’m glad you’re feeling better now 🥰 how are the eyes? I’m doing ok thanks. A reaction to the booster was unpleasant and a few Covid scares since. I barely leave the house but seems the few people I do see are germy idiots 🤣 sounds like you’re making really great progress! Looking forward to seeing the update 😁
Early Winter 2021

One of my favourites is back 🥳 #brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora

Very pretty colours. Great foliage too. 💚❤️💛

Wow! Didn't thing they'd be flowering yet. No sign of any on mine.

@hkyfvr thanks Diane 😀 it’s a gorgeous plant and gives great colour through winter, even though I’m not sure it’s supposed to 🤣

@jeatacake I’m not sure it’s supposed to be 😂 has always flowered in winter for me though 🤔 maybe it’s warm enough in the greenhouse to kickstart it early

Very welcome. It’s like my mandevilla that now has 2 buds on it that are probably not supposed to be there either. 🤣😂 🎄🎄

@hkyfvr I’m not surprised your mandevilla is still going strong! Was amazing all summer 💗

Thanks Kerry. I was so worried it would not do well indoors. Hope it continues to thrive. I added a humidifier in the plant room and it seems to be helping. 👍😍

Mine has certainly put on a fair bit of new growth & probably needs repotting. I'll settle for it flowering in spring 👍

@jeatacake they do seem to grow like mad all of a sudden 😛 more plant means more flowers 😉

Absolutely 👍😊
Late Winter 2021

A little frost damaged but still flowering away ❤️🧡💛 #brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora

Still colourful though 😍😍😍

Amazing that it's flowering even at this time of year 👍 Mine's still in hibernation!

@pelly it is so tropical looking 😍

@jeatacake mine is now too 😜 the frost damaged so much that I’ve cut it right back 🙈 any sign of flower buds on yours?

Oh dear 😧 Hope it'll recover ok 🙏 Mine has some new leaves, but no sign of any flower buds yet

@jeatacake great that it’s getting new growth already! Hopefully will get a few late flowers 🤞🏻

Cheers Kerry 😊 I'll be happy for it to bulk up a bit more, even if there's no flowers until next year 👍

@jeatacake I must say that cutting mine back and getting it to bush out made for a much better display the second year 👍🏻

I'll bear that in mind, although there'll be no need for mine to be cut back at the moment!

@jeatacake I didn’t have much choice sadly. Under watering crisped up the new growth 🙈

Oh no 😧 I'll have to watch out for that with mine.
Mid Winter 2021
Early Spring 2020

Nectar droplets 💧 #brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora


Incredible photo Kerry 😍

Oh wow...that’s spectacular Kerry...

Lady’s eardrop

That's cool have you tasted it 😉

@ublaszko can you tell how bored I was without internet 🤣🤣🤣 was looking far too closely at every plant 🙈

@pelly thank you Jane 😊

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine ☺️

@Abedin58 like diamonds 💎

@alan1111 I’m never brave enough to try even edible stuff 😂 I’d talk myself into toxic shock 🤣

I'm surprised I'm not dead by now 🤣
Early Spring 2020

Still going ❤️🧡💛 #brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora

Just can't get enough of this 🧡💛🧡💛

Pretty ❤❤

Beautiful! You've had so many flowers on it is there many buds left

@jeatacake me either 😛 I’m amazed at how many flowers it produces 😜

@cyndi thank you Cyndi 😀

@laketitlow thank you Annette 😃

@alan1111 thanks Alan 😄 there’s a few left but think it’s about done flowering now. Not bad considering it started blooming in mid-January 😋

It gave you colour all through the coldest, darkest days of the winter. Dose it go outside for summer

@alan1111 was much needed too ☺️ it is spending the days outside at the moment. I’ll leave it out once the nights are a little warmer

Hasn't the weather been great and more to come for the long weekend

@alan1111 it’s been so nice! Great to be able to get outside and do some big jobs without that evil wind! Seemed to go on for months 😜 and set for a nice Easter for a change 😛
Early Spring 2020

All flowers 😍 #brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora #yellow

Wow that looks amazing 💛💘💛💘


Love this, so unusual looking 💛🧡💛

WOW! Love it!💘😍

Wow 🤩

Wow Kerry so many blooms love it

@Keely thanks Keely 😊 they’ve been in flower for a couple of months now and just gets better 😍

@jeatacake it’s a bit lovely isn’t it ☺️

@pelly thank you Jane 😄 looks so unassuming without the flowers but then just comes alive 🤩

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley 😁 it’s a little showstopper ❤️🧡💛

@juliesgarden thanks Julie ☺️ not bad for a winter bloomer 😛
Late Winter 2020

#brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora

Beautiful 😍

My word!! This just gets better and better!💘😍

That's looking incredible ❤💛❤💛

Amazing 😍

@dirtgirlworld thanks Maggie 😊

@lovemygarden65 thanks Marilyn ☺️

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😁 so pleased with it 😍

@cyndi thanks Cyndi 😄 and it’s twin is starting to flower now too 😛

@jeatacake thank you Jeff 😃 it’s been amazing for winter colour ❤️🧡💛

@Navydsouza thank you Navy 😀

I'm going to have to seriously think about getting one! 💛😍❤
Late Winter 2020

#brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora

Nice colour!

It looks like ‘Spanish Flag’ @pelly Jane sent me seeds I wonder if it has another name..

Similar Elaine but not the same plant @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 👍

@pelly 👍🏼 🇪🇸

This looks great Kerry! I really like this one!💘😍

This is looking amazing. More at home there tha BrazilI reckon!


@mattfeaton thank you Matt 😀

@dirtgirlworld thank you Maggie 😃

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom the colours are definitely similar ❤️🧡💛

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😄 it’s really brightening up a corner of the greenhouse 🤩
Mid Winter 2020

#brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora


Mines not changed much since last pic. Yours is really starting to shine now 😄

Love it 😍😍

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank you Elaine 😀

@cyndi it does! Exact colours 😋 thanks Cyndi 😃

@richard.spicer.7906 one of mine is at a standstill but think this has the most sun in the greenhouse. Surprised how long the flowers last!

@ublaszko it’s gorgeous isn’t it 😛 little splashes of brightness ❤️🧡💛

I love how the colours fade into each other 😍😍

@ublaszko some are perfect ombré 😋


@laketitlow thanks Annette ☺️ it’s brightening up the greenhouse no end 😍
Mid Winter 2020

#brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora

Looking good 👍🏼

@richard.spicer.7906 thanks Rich 😁 the frosts last weekend have caused a fair few leaves to turn yellow but buds are still opening thankfully ❤️🧡💛
Early Winter 2020

Surprised to find this flowering 😍 #brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora

@cyndi thanks Cyndi 😊

Why are you surprised? Almost everything you have is still blooming! 😅 you're garden is amazing!

@lesliecole49 Leslie, you’re too lovely! 🥰 there’s plenty of bad bits at the moment, trust me 😂 this one has never flowered before and they came out of nowhere 😜 thought they were dead leaves at first 😂

As Leslie says, your garden is amazing for having so much in bloom all year & especially now, during winter. It must be all the warm air from your tumble dryer 😉😁

That's really pretty Kerry 😍😍

Wow! I absolutely love this Kerry!💘😍

@jeatacake thank you loads Jeff ☺️ I’m lucky with where I live mostly, and the greenhouse helps as well you know 😛 oh and can’t forget the constant supply of fabric softener scented warm air 😛🤣

@pelly thank you Jane 😀 I didn’t expect to get it through winter so I’m chuffed it’s flowering. And absolutely loaded with buds too ❤️💛

Lovely! They are generally winter/early spring flowering- well mine has always been that

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley 😃 was a nice surprise 😁 the flowers are really lovely up close too, although not fuchsia-like at all 😂

@richard.spicer.7906 thank you Rich 😄 I think because of the “Brazilian” bit I expected it to be a summer flowering plant. It’s a beautiful little thing though. Was looking at your photos earlier to make sure mine was doing what it’s supposed to 😂
Mid Summer 2019


Not heard of these but they look interesting 🙂

@jeatacake thought I’d give it a go. Not hardy though but seen on here that they’ve been left outdoors and survived. Like that they’re evergreen too 💚

Keep us posted. Hope it flowers this year 👍

@jeatacake I definitely will do 😁 and me too 🤞🏻
#brazilian-fuchsia #jacobinia-pauciflora
Gorgeous ❤🧡💛 😍
So pretty. Love the colours. 😍😍
Beautiful. I love this one ❤️❤️💛💛
@hebelover @gjones @hkyfvr @midnightgardener thanks all ☺️ it’s brightening up an otherwise dull greenhouse ❤️🧡💛
Always welcome. We need more bright 😍😍
@hkyfvr we most definitely do! Winter has felt very long this year ☹️
It sure has. Below zero and snow again tomorrow here. Tomorrow is March. 👍 Spring is almost here. 😍
@hkyfvr nooooo, not more snow 🙈 thankfully it’s the tail end now so won’t be long until you see the ground again 😂
We only had a little bit this morning. It actually went above zero today. Could get to 8 degrees Sunday but rain all day. That will melt some snow. 👍😁 Happy Shrove Tuesday. We had blueberry pancakes today. Love them. 💙
@hkyfvr 8° will feel like summer after the cold & snow! 😂 happy shrove Tuesday to you too 😁 those pancakes sound incredible 🤤 mine have to wait until tomorrow as I promised I’d make some for my grandad, and today was baking a big cake for my cousins birthday 😋 I’m all floured out 🤣
It will feel so nice. Can’t wait. How sweet of you to bake a cake for your cousin. I bet it is delicious. I am sure your grandad will love his pancakes tomorrow. 😍😍 You must have your whole family close by. So awesome ♥️