Loropetalum chinense 'Black Pearl'
Chinese Fringe Flower 'Black Pearl'
Mid Spring 2022
- 26
Late Summer 2021
- 17
Early Summer 2021
- 12
Early Autumn 2020
- 4
Late Summer 2020
- 21

Loropetalum chinense 'Black Pearl'
Mid Spring 2022
Late Summer 2021

It’s back from the brink and now thriving, thanks to advice from @ublaszko 😁🙏🏻 #loropetalum #chinese-fringe-flower #loropetalum-black-pearl

Lovely dark leaves🌟

Mine is looking much better too. Let's hope they stay that way! 🤞🤞🤞

Beautiful foliage. Love the tiny pink flowers. 👍😊

Awww 😻

Mine’s hanging on to life by a thread! I’m not sure it’ll make it 😢😢

Mine looks a bit sickly, what did you do?💘😍

@crabby58 it’s such beautiful foliage 🖤

@pelly I’m glad to hear it 😁 they’re a lot more difficult to keep happy than you expect 🙈😂

@hkyfvr isn’t the contrast lovely 🖤💕 not many flowers but it’s doing so well considering it was literally one branch and a few leaves back in spring!

@ublaszko you know I was so close to binning it! But your advice saved it for sure! Appreciate ya 😛😘

@jacaranda so was this one Barbara. It’s been moved to a more sheltered position but still plenty of sun. I do hope yours pulls through 🙏🏻🤞🏻
Early Summer 2021

Finally 💕 #loropetalum #chinese-fringe-flower #loropetalum-black-pearl

That looks like it's doing well now 💕🤔

Lovely. Pretty flower and great foliage. 💕💗

What fabulous colour contrast Kerry…it’s lovely!

@pelly half the plant looks decent but half is struggling 😂 I’m hoping it’s on the road to recovery now it’s flowering 🤞🏻

@hkyfvr thank you Diane 😁 these don’t do well for me so I’m super happy it flowered 🥳

@italydiva that pink certainly stands out against those leaves! Would look amazing with more than one flower 😂

Always welcome Kerry. So glad it flowered for you 💗 @kez001uk

Sounds like mine 😢

@pelly I think they’re a plant that takes a long time to establish. How Dave manages to get his looking so amazing I’ll never know 😩

He definitely has the knack with foliage plants 👍

@pelly oh yes! 🙌🏻
Early Autumn 2020

Not the prettiest photo but the red roots are amazing 😍 #loropetalum #chinese-fringe-flower #loropetalum-black-pearl

Wow! I've seen yellow roots, but never red ones 😮

@angiie I never usually pay attention to roots 🙈 but they were so bright I couldn’t miss them! ❤️

@jeatacake they’re crazy looking aren’t they 😜 the blood grass had red roots too but not quite like this 😍
Late Summer 2020

Cataloging. #loropetalum #chinese-fringe-flower #loropetalum-black-pearl

Good luck 👍🏻👍🏻

I hope you have better luck with this one 😆

@gjones already is a huge improvement on the one I had. It never looked this good 😢 thought it was worth a try having seen the one @davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co has 🖤

@ublaszko thanks Urszula 😅 will need it! The other one is a leafless twig now so time to give up on it 😭

@pelly it can’t be any worse 🤣 thought I’d started to see an improvement before the heatwave but that just ended it 😵

@cyndi can’t beat dark leaves huh 🖤 this is a replacement for my Ever Red one that now has no leaves 😅

🙈🙈🙈 Mine is recovering well now. It's still in full sun but I planted it in the ground.

Maybe it was just a weak plant. Mine is growing slowly but it’s looking very healthy now as I hope yours will 🖤👍

@cyndi dead dead 😵 it’s always struggled and I could never find a place it was happy for long. This one is a much better size to start with so hopefully stands a better chance 🤞🏻

@ublaszko I’m glad yours is doing ok. It always has looked great though 😍 will be putting this one in a sheltered but sunny position, hopefully that’ll suit it 🤔

@pelly I’m glad yours is doing well 😁 think you’re right, it struggled from the start so we just delaying the inevitable 😜
Doing well this year. May have finally found its happy place 🤞🏻 #loropetalum #chinese-fringe-flower #loropetalum-black-pearl
That's brilliant, I hope it has. Mines not looking too bad either 😍
Very pretty flower. Great foliage too. 😍😍
@pelly I’m glad yours is doing well 😊 we’ve got a way to go before they’re looking like Dave’s though 😍 always jealous of his 😂
@hkyfvr thanks Diane 😀 it’s a colourful looking thing 🤩 nice to see it with lots of new growth too. I’m usually cutting it back due to frost damage but it’s escaped most of it this year 🤗
Very welcome Kerry. So happy it escaped frost damage. 👍😄
@hkyfvr I’m hopeful it’s a little hardened to the weather now 🙏🏻
Good to see these in flower. I never had any success with mine.
@jeatacake me either up til now. Urszula said about defoliating rather than cutting them back after frost damage and that seems to have done the trick 🤞🏻 is it too cold for them up your way?
It could be. The one I had just died in the spring. Maybe from a late but severe frost? 🤷
@jeatacake that’s what got my last one 🥶
It's been mild now for a few weeks, so there's lots of tender & vulnerable new growth around. We've just got to hope there'll be no nasty surprise late frost this year 🙏🙏