Nerine bowdenii 'Isabel'
Bowden Lily 'Isabel'
Mid Autumn 2022
- 4
Late Autumn 2020
- 18
Early Autumn 2020
- 5
Early Autumn 2020
- 3
Early Autumn 2020
- 16
Mid Autumn 2019
- 13
Mid Autumn 2019
- 16
Mid Autumn 2019
- 5
Mid Autumn 2019
- 5
Mid Autumn 2019
- 11
Mid Autumn 2019
- 0
Mid Autumn 2019
- 8
Early Autumn 2019
- 5
Early Autumn 2019
- 3
Early Autumn 2019
- 8
Early Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 16

Nerine bowdenii 'Isabel'
Mid Autumn 2022
Late Autumn 2020

#nerine #bowden-lily #nerine-bowdenii #nerine-isabel

Oh looky, seed pods! Are you going to sow them perhaps? (Ps - did you know there was a encyclopaedia entry for isabel?)

@richard.spicer.7906 I’d usually have cut them down long before now but am seeing how much I’ve been missing out on! I’ve collected them and am giving them a go. Can imagine they’ll take a good few years to reach flowering stage 😜 and thank you, I must remember to check for entries that have been added ☺️

Well guess what Santa brought me today? A little collection of Nerine berries! Thank you so much 😘 I shall let them completely dry out before I try removing the seeds, but will let you know how they get on. Thanks again & my very best wishes for a lovely, pleasant & enjoyable Christmas 👍🎅🎁☃️💕

@jeatacake I hope you had a great Christmas and 🍻 to a better year ahead! Glad they reached you ok. Wasn’t sure what to do with them but sounds like you know what you’re doing 😛 did you get to see your family on Christmas Day? x

It was very quiet on Christmas day and the first that I can recall spending at home all day. Saw my sister & daughter on Monday though in an outdoor location. Hope yours went well 😊 x

@jeatacake it’s just rubbish isn’t it 😞 I’m glad you got to see them, just a shame it had to be outdoors. Now things are even worse I bet you’re grateful you even got that chance!

Definitely. Glad it didn't get put back a week! With all this lockdown lark, I might start planning my seed planting early! 🙄

@jeatacake good thinking! Need to get organised in that department too 😜 or maybe some plant shopping online 😉 still have lilies to pot up but not motivated to dig about in compost 😝

It's far too cold for anything in the garden. I won't be sowing anything for at least another 6 weeks. Just planning and preparation for now.

@jeatacake almost as exciting to plan it though. Means it’s not too far away from sowing time 😁

Very true. Already got the heated propagators down from the loft! 🙂
Early Autumn 2020

#nerine #bowden-lily #nerine-bowdenii #nerine-isabel


@laketitlow thank you Annette 😀

Very pretty 😍

@sherrisgarden thank you Sherri 😃
Early Autumn 2020
Early Autumn 2020

#nerine #bowden-lily #nerine-bowdenii #nerine-isabel

Beautiful colour 💞💞💞

Fabulous rich colour 💕💕💕

That's a beautiful colour 💗💗💗

Hot pink....💞💞💞

Beautiful 😍 I think I killed mine (there’s a running theme emerging) 😆

Unusual shape of the petals 👍

The curly petals are so pretty 💕😊

@anges thank you Ange 😀

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😃

@pelly thank you Jane 😄

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it’s the brightest one I have, love it 💗
Mid Autumn 2019

Really vibrant pink 💖

Still looking good even after all that rain

Very beautiful Kerry!💘😍

It’s a tough little bird....💗

Wow, they go on a long time!

@gjones thanks Katy 😀 they’ve lasted so well given the awful weather we’ve had recently

@anges they’re the brightest spot outside at the moment 😂💗

@alan1111 thanks Alan 😃 the first variety are fading now but still waiting on 2 others to open 🤞🏻

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😄 thank god for them bringing a little colour 💕

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom way stronger than they look! So delicate but stood up to all weathers so far 💞

@lesliecole49 seems like they’ve been in flower for weeks 😜 not that I’ll be complaining about that 😂

Very welcome Kerry! Thank goodness for sure!💘😍
Mid Autumn 2019

Fab colours! (I must have fallen on my head 😂)

Just because I'm curious, why do you have everything in pots? Are you renting and can't plant anything in ground?

Absolutely fabulous!💘😍

@ublaszko did Lucius headbutt you?? 😅 it’s not quite so obscene when it’s the only colour. Makes a nice statement 💕

@lesliecole49 I broke my back a few years back so I struggle to bend and, at times, stand for any decent length. Pots are much easier for me to reach, move and manage. I’d not be able to do a fraction of my garden if it was in the ground 😜 I know it’s not to many peoples taste and it is nowhere near as pretty as the gardens on here but I just adapted it to my capabilities really ☺️ least I can still have a garden of sorts 😁

@gjones thanks Katy ☺️ I’m really pleased with them 💕

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😁

I think it's ok because it's late in the season so there's not much other colour around. I have a lot of bright red and burgundy colour right now. Red miniature rose, acer turning red, same with dogwood, and ninebark has turned burgundy red. Love these rich colours as the light starts to change.

My pleasure!💘😍

@ublaszko sounds like you have loads of colour still ❤️ love how great the dogwoods are starting to look 😋

Didn't expect much from my dogwood except reddish brown stems in winter but the leaves have turned cherry red just like my Japanese acer.

Whatever works! A garden in pots or in the ground! You've got it set up in a very pleasing manner and I think it looks great.
Mid Autumn 2019
Mid Autumn 2019

Ooh that one has frilly edges! Nice.


@gjones thanks Katy 😊

@valjones-hughes they get more ruffled as they open, both colours i have in bloom are frilly ☺️

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley ☺️
Mid Autumn 2019

The colour of these is so intense 💖

Colour envy 💞💓💞


I like this colour!

@jeatacake like a pink highlighter pen 😜 love how flamboyant they are 😛

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it’s not messing about with it’s pinkness is it 😛

@gjones thanks Katy ☺️

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😁

@ublaszko did the hammer hit your head??? 😉😂


Ha ha, aren't they just! 😁
Mid Autumn 2019
Mid Autumn 2019

At last....💗😘

So gorgeous!💘😍

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom they seem to take an age to open up 😴

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😀 they’re so much more impressive than I expected they’d be 💗

@gjones it’s so much brighter than the other that’s in flower. Hoping the 3rd pink one will be in between the both 💕

Wow. That is one beautiful lily!

Very welcome!💘😍

@laketitlow thanks Annette 😃 they’re gorgeous, have stayed looking good through endless rain & wind, and have lasted for ages too 😁
Early Autumn 2019

Come on! 😴

They really do take their time! But so worth the wait!

@cyndi I think so too. Just everything seems to take longer now it’s getting colder 😫

@valjones-hughes I saw yours the other day and am just hoping this gets to look as good 🙏🏻 such a gorgeous, vibrant pink 💗

@gjones and we have a little sunshine today so hopefully will be much closer to opening after a good sunbathe 😛
Early Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019

I got some of these in the spring & was hoping they'd flower this year. Maybe next? These ones of yours are beautiful 😍

Do these come in multiple colors? 😯

@gjones they look so good as they’re breaking open 💗

@jeatacake these I got in spring too but only 2 of the 4 varieties have flowered 😜 think the others are planted too deep 🙈 I hope yours will give you a gorgeous display next year 😁

@heelerpup they come in white, pinks and red, as far as I’m aware. They’re such beautiful flowers, scruffy foliage though 😝

Thanks Kerry 😊👍 I wonder if that's where I've gone wrong too? 🤔

Ahh okay lol. I’ve seen quite a lot of these on here this year snd had never seen them before. But all that I had seen were white, I’ve got and have seen flowers that develop more color as they open, but never any that lost color as they opened. That would have been cool 🙈 Still a very pretty lily! I’m gonna look up the red ones 👺

@heelerpup I’ve loved seeing this one lighten as it’s opened. They’re really beautiful. Red ones look stunning from the photos I’ve seen. I hope you manage to find some bulbs 🤞🏻
Early Autumn 2019

More buds 😁
Early Spring 2019

Cataloging - Isabel

@jeatacake urszula had tagged me in a post Rich made, mine would still be buried otherwise 😜

Oh God! 😣 Mine are way too deep! 😞

@jeatacake even these were too deep. Pretty much half the bulb needs to be exposed to bake in the sun. I’d never have known if Urszula hasn’t said 😜

Cheers Kerry & @ublaszko 👍 I'll have to repot all mine! 😩

@jeatacake at least you’ll have flowers for sure next year 😁

I wouldn't go that far! A better chance maybe! 😀

@jeatacake 😂 anything that improves a chance for flowers is good 😉

Agreed 👍😉

Funny that, I told Kerry about nerine bulbs and hers flowered but mine didn't 😅 I repotted mine in the spring and perhaps they need a year or two to settle. Supposedly, they don't like being disturbed. @kez001uk @jeatacake

Oh well, that'll be 2020 for yours & maybe 2021 for mine! 😄 @ublaszko

Fingers crossed 😊 Good thing I had my calla lilies this year and my gladioli are still flowering now. @jeatacake
#nerine #bowden-lily #nerine-bowdenii #nerine-isabel
#cheerful #colorpop
Pretty pink. Love these 💗💕💗