Passiflora x violacea
Violet Passion Flower
Late Summer 2019
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Late Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
- 11
Early Summer 2019
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Late Winter 2019
- 1

Passiflora x violacea
Late Summer 2019
Late Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

My heart just skipped a beat!💜💜💜💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I get excited every time more open 😂

I bet!!💘😍

Mine too. It’s gorgeous @kez001uk 💜😉😉

@suerichards thanks Sue 😀 this one in particular has been great. First year and had so many flowers. The blue and white ones haven’t bothered to flower much at all 😂

Wow I love these!! They're much more attractive than the white ones. Where did you get it?@kez001uk 😊😊💜💜

@midnightgardener they’ve been amazing! Fallen in love with this purple one especially. I bought all 3 in a collection from - called ‘passion flower collection’

@kez001uk You did well to bag those. I never knew you could get purple ones 😊😊💜💜

@midnightgardener me either til I saw that collection. There’s a red one too ❤️

@kez001uk Wow red too!! Amazing I'm a big fan of red 😊😊❤❤

@midnightgardener it’s really beautiful but I think it’s a tender plant so would have to be brought in over winter. Tempted to try it though 😜
Early Summer 2019

Love the colours of this one. 💜

@novicegardenlover thanks Susan ☺️ looking like a neon jellyfish 💜


@gjones thanks Katy 😁 this one seems to have been the best of the 3. Can’t wait to see how it goes next year 😛

@DeborahBanks thanks Deborah 😄

Absolutely love these .... stunning Kerry @kez001uk

@vinny3000 fantastic aren’t they! Thanks Gary 😁

Early Summer 2019


Wow 💜💜💜😍😍😍

@ShelleySnyder think it’s the last one on the vine but definitely the brightest!!! 💜

@ublaszko thanks Urszula 😃

Now where can I find space for one of these beauties in my garden 😁😁

@ublaszko you can find a space 😉 and you already know what it needs since you’ve got the blue one 😛

Yep 😉

Gorgeous color! #passifloraviolacea #passionflower

@lovestogarden thank you Janice

@gjones it’s so different to the first one that opened. Thanks Katy 😄

Gorgeous colour 💜💜

Early Summer 2019

Stunning bloom! 💜💜💜

Be still my beating heart!💜💜💜💜💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy 😀 I just love them. Can’t wait for the white ones now 😋

@bellabells thanks Bella 😃

@ShelleySnyder the colours are just amazing on this one. So bright 😍

Yes they are!!💜💜💘😍
Early Summer 2019

@gjones fascinating aren’t they 😁 thanks Katy ☺️


So beautiful 💜 Do you leave this one out in winter?


@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley 💜

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😀 I bought it at the end of February I think, and it’s been outside since so has put up with some harsh weathers already

@dan5584 thank you Dan ☺️

Excellent 👍 It does have the appearance of a tender one though.

@jeatacake I expect your right. Might need greenhoused over winter

If it's in a pot & you have room in there, then it might be as well to, just in case 👍

@jeatacake will stop it growing out of control too. Pruning taken care of 😉🤣

Wow! That looks amazing 👌🏼
Early Summer 2019

@Sephy 🤗💜


Be still my beating heart!💜💜💜💘😍

@bellabells thanks Bella 😁

@ShelleySnyder I thought the blue one was special but this, well I may marry it! 🤣😂

🤣🤣🤣 invite me to the wedding!🤣💘😍

@ShelleySnyder least the flowers will sort themselves 🤣🤣🤣

Yep!! You'll have some real beauties!😂💘😍

@ShelleySnyder 😆😂🤣

Beautiful kerry @kez001uk

@vinny3000 thank you Gary 😊
Early Summer 2019

X.violacea is a rare beauty and empress Eugenie too. Go on @kez001uk with your green fingers! Lovely 👌👍👊✌

@Sephy was so excited to see buds today! Was expecting it not to flower but looks like I’ll get at least 2 blooms 😁🤞🏻 - that’s of whatever is munching the leaves stays away from the buds 🤬

Spray it with pyrethrum and it'll kill all your pests @kez001uk can't wait to see yours as mine are all to small this year without my lights set up 👌✌🤞😍


Or spray it with neem oil in the evenings after the good bugs good to bed. I've found that the grasshoppers like yo nibble on my clematis at night.

@Sephy I’ve ordered some of that today, thanks for the tip 😛 think it’s earwigs chewing at the foliage 🙄 I looked back at your photos and they’re incredible flowers 😍 you can share mine this year 😉

@ublaszko so exciting to have all 3 in bud 🤗 can’t wait for the first one to open 😜

@lesliecole49 aaah, I have some neem oil, stinking stuff 😂 I’ll try that too, anything to stop getting holey leaves 🤣 grasshoppers? Never think about them being pests 😜

I was just looking at purple passionflower in Wilko but remembered I still have a messy tangled up passionflower to sort out at home 😂

@ublaszko would make a good addition 😉 how is yours doing?

My passionflower has lots of flowerbuds this year and is about to start flowering. It looks very messy though as my homemade trellis fell apart and it's all holding together haphazardly until I get a chance to put some nails and twine in.

@ublaszko they grow so fast it’s hard to keep up with training it! I remember how great yours looked last year 💚 the tangle won’t matter once it’s in bloom 😛
Late Winter 2019

@gjones I do hope so. The heatwave killed my old one last year so trying again 😜
Gorgeous ....💜
Really pretty, great colour 💜
Gorgeous 💜💜💜 I lost mine 😢
Amazing! 💜💜 I think I like it better than blue passionflower 😉
Oh boy! You know I love this Kerry!💘😍
Superb 😍💜😍💜😍💜
This is very pretty 💜
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😀
@anges thanks Ange 😃
@gjones think it’s the best looking flower it’s produced so far 💜
@vec thanks Julie 😄 oh no ☹️ did you have it outside over the winter? (Not quite sure what to do with this 😜)