Prunus triloba
Flowering Almond
Early Spring 2024
- 3
Early Spring 2022
- 19
Early Spring 2022
- 23
Mid Summer 2021
- 13
Early Spring 2021
- 13
Early Spring 2021
- 18
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 9
Early Spring 2020
- 5
Early Spring 2020
- 18
Early Spring 2020
- 9
Late Winter 2020
- 9
Mid Winter 2020
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 8
Mid Spring 2019
- 12
Mid Spring 2019
- 13
Mid Spring 2019
- 5
Mid Spring 2019
- 11
Late Winter 2019
- 1

Prunus triloba
Early Spring 2024
Early Spring 2022

#flowering-almond #prunus-triloba

So many pretty blossoms 🌸😍

Wow, wow wow 🌸🌸🌸

Such lovely blossom 🌸🌸🌸😘

Beautiful blossoms

Very pretty!

Absolutely gorgeous 🌸🌸🌸

@hkyfvr @pelly @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @vegandmore @lesliecole49 @jeatacake thank you all 💗 it’s looking better than ever this year. Must like its new position in the garden 😛

Always welcome. It definitely must. 👍😍

It's beautiful Kerry and each year it'll get better and better 😍

@alan1111 thanks Alan 😁 thought I’d lost it last year when the trunk started to bleed so I’m incredibly happy it’s bounced back so well 💕

Bleeding? What happened to it? I'm delighted it's come back and doing so well
Early Spring 2022

#flowering-almond #prunus-triloba

Love these. 😍😍

@hkyfvr they look so pretty when they’re in full flower. A couple opened this afternoon 😁

@KOutdoors 😂 it’s an easy mistake! They look remarkably similar, both beautiful 💕🌸💕

They really do. We had a flowering Cherry at our last house and it was amazing. Then the town put one by the road in the front our house. It only lasted a few years as the salt they put on the roads in the Winter got to it. It was small but pretty. 🌸🌸

Very nice. Have you ever had almonds on it? 🤔

@hkyfvr such a shame they killed it off ☹️ they seem to take ages to get to a decent size too 😜

@jeatacake I’ve never thought to check 🙈 once it stops flowering it gets ignored 😂

It had just got to the stage where it was full of blossoms too. They replaced it with a lovely red maple so I am happy. 👍😍

@hkyfvr you can’t go wrong with a maple 😍 making me wish for their autumnal colours already 😜😂

They are reliable trees. Except for the gypsy moth caterpillars last year. They say they will be back this year again. They were everywhere on the trees. They were even hanging from the trees. A lot of work getting rid of them. 🙀

@hkyfvr I’ve not heard of them but they found scary 😱 gonna have to Google them now 🧐
Mid Summer 2021

A stupid question but never noticed this before: is it ok that the trunk is bleeding? #flowering-almond #prunus-triloba

Don’t know if this will help 🤫

Thanks @gjones @kez001uk @pelly I had that happen to a nectarine and assumed I'd over watered, was annoyed with myself as it was expensive. It died back to the graft. Hadn't heard of gummosis 🍑

Glad to help Sue 👍 @churchfarmgarden

@pelly @gjones thank you both so much. I’ve had a look and the rest of the tree looks ok at the moment. This has appeared about halfway up the trunk where some small branches had started to grow. I’m hoping it’s just where they’ve broken away but will be cleaning it up and getting wound paint to try help it as much as I can. Would be so sad to lose it as it’s just starting to look good 😞

@churchfarmgarden was the issue above the graft? Mine is on the trunk, way below the graft, which doesn’t sound good 🙈


Yes mine was just above the graft Kerry, so all the grafted on material died back. The root stock has since sprouted out enormous branches 🍑 @kez001uk

@gjones thanks Katy ☺️ Me too 🤞🏻

@churchfarmgarden it’s great you didn’t lose the whole plant! I’m assuming the root stock won’t be a nectarine?

In the ad for the nectarine it says it's a 'Montclair semi dwarfing rootstock' Kerry, so yes I might just grow it on and see what happens @kez001uk. I suspect it may be an apricot? 🍑

@churchfarmgarden will be interesting to see what happens with it 😛
Early Spring 2021

🖤🌸🖤 #flowering-almond #prunus-triloba

That’s lovely 🌸🌸🌸

Beautiful 😍

Looks lovely 😊

Lovely tree

Amazing tree Kerry. 🌸🌸

@pelly thank you Jane ☺️

@DeborahBanks thanks Deborah 😊

@italydiva thank you Angela 😀

@crabby58 thanks Thelma 😃

@hkyfvr thank you Diane 😄

@gjones thanks Katy 😁
Early Spring 2021

#flowering-almond #prunus-triloba #blossom


So beautiful 🌸🌸🌸

Stunning 😍

Gorgeous @kez001uk

Just beautiful 💗💗💗

Gorgeous flowers 🌸

@italydiva thanks Angela 😀

@gjones thanks Katy 😃

@jeatacake thank you Jeff 😄

@hebelover thank you Jason 😁

@phyl1978 thanks Phyl ☺️
Early Spring 2021

#flowering-almond #prunus-triloba
Mid Spring 2020

🌸 #flowering-almond #prunus-triloba

So pretty 💖💖💖

Very pretty flower 😊😊💕💕

@pelly thank you Jane ☺️

@midnightgardener thanks Christine 😊


@laketitlow thanks Annette 😁

Gorgeous little flower

@alan1111 thanks Alan 😁
Early Spring 2020

#flowering-almond #prunus-triloba

Really pretty!!

@gjones they’re the prettiest, especially when the whole tree is in bloom. Mine didn’t get to that stage because of a hard frost 🙄 oh no, I thought it would be almost time for you to get back out in the garden 😦 the snow is finished though?

@kamaki thanks Andreas 😀 gotta love blossom season 😛

@gjones can imagine it takes a while after the amount of snow you get 😜 it’s such a difficult time, and you being in a remote area has it’s pros and cons. But being as safe as you can is the best you can do because sadly it’s not always possible to stay home the whole time 😐 will be plenty to keep you occupied once you can get back outside ☺️
Early Spring 2020

#flowering-almond #prunus-triloba

Beautiful 💖💖💖

Gorgeous 💞

#prettyinpink 😍😍

So beautiful fully open 🌸

Lovely photo 😊😊🌸🌸

That looks so soft delicate and very pretty

@dirtgirlworld thanks Maggie 😀

@pelly thank you Jane 😃

@lovemygarden65 thank you Marilyn 😄

@sherrisgarden thanks Sherri 😁

@jeatacake thanks Jeff ☺️
Early Spring 2020

#flowering-almond #prunus-triloba

Do you think this can actually produce any almonds? 🤔

Awesome 😍

Oh 😲#pink

@jeatacake from what I’ve read it produces fruit but not almonds. It’s fragranced though apparently 😋

@Navydsouza the flowers are so pretty even before they open but can’t wait until they do 😁

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom bubblegum pink, til it opens 😜 lightens a little 💕

Maybe the flowers smell like almonds? 🤔

@jeatacake I will hopefully find out soon 😁
Late Winter 2020

Taking ages 🥱 #flowering-almond #prunus-triloba

They’re so pretty Kerry

That's going to look fantastic kerry and its still only small

@sieveheadsarah thanks Sarah 😀 only had a few flowers last year so looking forward to it being covered very soon 🤞🏻

@ukjohnny it has pretty pale pink flowers but they like to take their time 😂

@alan1111 thank you Alan 😃 I can’t wait as it’ll be its first proper flowering 😍

Always exciting to see a plant flower for the first time

@alan1111 it’s exciting every time and only other gardeners get it 🤣

@ukjohnny sadly not 🙄😅
Mid Winter 2020

#flowering-almond #prunus-triloba #newgrowth
Early Summer 2019

@gjones thank you Katy 😊 it’s finally put on some leaves 😅
Late Spring 2019

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom a little less bald now 😂

That's quite long lasting blossom 👍

@ublaszko they last ages, just didn’t get many blooms this year ☹️

Oh yeah...still very pretty 💗😘

It's still young so it's great that you already got flowers in the first year you got it 😉 It's such unusual blossom growing straight from the stems. Does it have any scent?

@gjones thanks Katy 😀

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank you Elaine 😃

@ublaszko that’s very true, I didn’t expect any so the few I got are a bonus. I did actually sniff it a few times and didn’t notice a scent at all 🙁
Mid Spring 2019

So #delicate. Looks a bit like cake icing. 😋 #floweringalmond #almond #prunus #prunus-triloba

@lovestogarden thanks Janice 😊 they do look piped on. Such pretty flowers but sadly very sparse too 😂

@gardengirlla thank you 😁



Fabulous. Looking even more like miniature pink roses 🌸🌸🌸

@gjones thanks Katy ☺️ sadly there aren’t many but hoping next year it’ll bloom its socks off 🤞🏻

@anges thank you Ange 😁

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it really is 🤣 there’s a few coming out now but basically looks like twigs with a few stuck on flowers 😂

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😛 they really do! 𗁳

@daisyrozanne thanks Ash 😊
Mid Spring 2019

@MarcoCee it’s first flower 😍 how is yours doing?

Just like little cherry blossom flowers 🏵👍😍


Mine's coming along, but probably a week or two behind 🌺

@jeatacake they seem a little more robust though. The heavy rain and wind yesterday didn’t shift a single petal 😜

@ublaszko thanks Urszula 😁

@MarcoCee these are the only 2 flowers that are anywhere near ready. The rest are a fair bit behind. Would look so lovely if they all opened together 💕

They look so adorable!

@ublaszko the only 2 on the tree, little and large 💕

I saw a flowering almond the other day. It look like covered with cotton candy 😍

@ublaszko I bet it looked lovely 😍 mine looks like a bit of cotton candy got caught on it 🤣

It must help not being on a dangly flower stalk like cherry blossom flowers, I stead being held close to the stem 👍
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019

@MarcoCee this is how mine is going 😂 the most minuscule flower buds but it’s getting there ☺️

Very promising colour in them there buds 👌

@jeatacake I’m so excited about this one. Thought I got it too late to see it flower but looks like I’m going to have some blossom 😁

Mine is in the exact same state 🤔

@MarcoCee they like to take their time huh 😅

Look forward to seeing it in all its glory 👍

@jeatacake me too, I keep checking it several times a day, expecting some miracle growth spurt 🤣

Ha ha, I'm like that with a few things! 😁

@jeatacake I’m glad to hear it! Feel a little less nutty now 😂

Nothing wrong with a little eccentricity! 🤪😂

@jeatacake too true!
Late Winter 2019

@gjones I was hoping I’d get to see it flower this year but looks very unlikely. The blooms are just gorgeous 💕
#flowering-almond #prunus-triloba
So pretty 🥰
Gorgeous 😍