Late Spring 2024
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Late Spring 2022
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Late Spring 2021
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Late Spring 2021
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Mid Spring 2020
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Mid Spring 2020
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Mid Autumn 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
- 1

Rhododendron (Azalea Varieties)
Late Spring 2024
Late Spring 2022

Small but mighty 💪🏻❤️💗 #azalea

Love the colour ❤️💗

It certainly is 💞💞💞

@hkyfvr @pelly thank you both ☺️ seems to struggle all year, right up until flowering. Then it explodes 😅 a confusing little plant 🤪

Very welcome. It comes through at the right time. Lovely flowers. ❤️💗

@gjones it’s a ball of flower at the moment, just doesn’t last for long enough 😜

Absolutely dazzling 🤩🤩🤩

@jeatacake it certainly put on a show, until the winds tore it apart! 😏

Such a shame. We had hailstones this morning. It made a right mess of several things 🙁

@jeatacake hail is evil 😫 the way it punctures plants, so destructive 😣 we had heavy rain that has ripped the flowers off most plants

The wisteria & roses here certainly took a beating ☹️

@jeatacake not the wisteria 😩😫😩
Late Spring 2021


So very pretty ❤️❤️🥰

Mine is popping now 😁

@hkyfvr thank you Diane 😀

@gjones thank you Katy 😃 it’s bounced back well thankfully

@bluefox23 they seem to explode from nowhere don’t they 🤩

Dazzling 🤩

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😄
Late Spring 2021


What a super colour 💕💕💕

Beautiful. Love the colour 😍😍

@pelly thanks Jane ☺️ the plant isn’t looking great so am surprised it’s flowered so well

@hkyfvr thanks Diane 😊 looking a little more red than usual 🤔

@gjones thanks Katy 😀 same can’t be said for the plant itself 😜 can’t seem to find its happy place 😐

It does look red. It is the lighting maybe? ❤️💗

@hkyfvr I think you’re right. It’s more in shade now so that could be it 🤔

@gjones you’re right, can’t really complain 😛

Very welcome for your earlier comment. The colour is beautiful whatever it is 🌺🌸

@hkyfvr 🙏🏻❤️💗
Mid Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2020


Going to look amazing very soon ❤

Azaleas are great colourful plants! I love them. Yours is super 😊😊♥️♥️

@jeatacake can’t wait! It looked so good last year. Hoping for more of the same ❤️

@midnightgardener aren’t they just 😍 only wish there was more foliage. Looks so sparse without the flowers 😜 not bad for a cheap Tesco plant though

@kez001uk I know what you mean. The one I bought a while ago, I posted it, I'm sure it had more foliage when I planted it. How long do Azaleas last Kez? Just that the one I've put in my Easter Island planter isn't doing anything no colour at all and it didn't flower last year. Yet the year before it was amazing. Hopefully I can pop something better in it with something I'm growing ♥️

@midnightgardener I read they can live fir decades if they’re taken care of. I need to read up about pruning them. Have seen some that have just a handful of leaves but still bloom like mad 😜 I hope yours makes a swift recovery 🤞🏻

@kez001uk I think I need to move it from the planter. I'll do it next time I go out. Thank you Kez 😊😊♥️♥️

@midnightgardener by all accounts they’re difficult plants to keep. Apparently they like a little shade and only rain water, protection over winter and not pruned into old wood. I must say I’ve done none of that for mine 🙈 always welcome Christine ☺️

@kez001uk When I took it out of the planter it was bone dry 😓so it's gone in a shady and moist spot. If it doesn't recover there it wouldn't anywhere in my garden. I moved my Peace Rose yesterday as it's hardly grown. It's in a sunny spot which I feel it needs. Amazingly my Freddie rose is really growing well! I'm sure it's gained height since I planted it, and, I've got two buds in it too. I just knew Freddie 👑 would be a good performer 🎤🎸♥️♥️

Hi Chris, they definitely don't like getting bone dry. Also, ericaceous compost is a must for it to flourish well, unless you have acidic soil. As Kerry said, they don't like tap water unless that's all you have @midnightgardener

@jeatacake It's in acidic soil now and it was when it was in the planter but I'm glad I took it out of there. I got the feeling it wasn't happy in there. Hopefully the move should do it good. We'll see 😊😊
Mid Spring 2020


Nice, but I'm looking at the foxtail lily behind it. Not a single flower bud on any of mine!

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😁 there was nothing on it a week ago and now it’s covered ❤️ as for the foxtail lily, all foliage I’m afraid 😐

I have a red azalea too which was just leaves a week ago. Now almost in full flower. Maybe not a good year for foxtail lilies 😞

@jeatacake crazy how fast things move isn’t it! Oh I hope it is, I wanna see yours! When do they usually flower?

The foxtails should have flowers now & fully open in May, but no sign of any on mine. I'll try & get out later to see that azalea. Just resting up after a little accident earlier!

@jeatacake are you ok????? 😨

I think so thanks. Just had a bit of a fall. God I sound like a geriatric, but perhaps not far off? Not sure if I ever told you that 7 years ago, I had a knee replacement op. Wrecked from playing too much football. The new knee affects my balance a little & I lost it getting the lawnmower out of the shed & fell, catching my knee on the corner of some paving stones stood on end against the shed wall. I've cut into the joint but fortunately not damaged it & no sign of infection. ⬇️

It swelled up as if half a tennis ball was stuck on the side of it & it bled a lot, but it's settling down now & bruising is appearing & I can bend it ok. Just been taking some Ibuprofen & put antiseptic cream on it. 🤞 it'll be fine. Sorry to be such a drama queen! 😄

@jeatacake I didn’t know about your knee replacement but can imagine it changes your movements slightly now. Sounds like more than a bit of a fall too!!! Ouch 🙈 make sure you take it easy and get it checked if it gets any worse! Feel better 🤕x

Thanks Kerry x It did shake me up a bit. Fortunately it seems to have settled down now. No major swelling or any infection 🤞Its just sore now from the bruising & a bit stiff. I'll take it easy for a couple of days until it's less painful 👍

@jeatacake not surprised! But glad you’re feeling a little better ☺️ lesson is: get someone to mow the lawn for you 😉😂 rest up x
Mid Autumn 2019

Fuzzy #foliagefriday
Mid Spring 2019


@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley ☺️

Pretty! #red #azalea #rhododendron

@lovestogarden thank you Janice 😀

My pleasure Kerry!💘😍

Wow. Love these. Their so pretty 🤗🤗😊💕

Brilliant colour ❤❤❤

Beautiful colour...💞💞

Like mine, the stamens seem silvery, so cool 😊

@terrimclaughlin thanks Terri 😀

@gjones thank you Katy 😃

@anges thanks Ange 😄
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019

Talk about shot of colour! 💋

Wow!! It's gorgeous and will only get better!!💘😍

@ublaszko thanks Urszula 😀 not bad for a supermarket bargain (even though it’s not white like it said 🤣)

@gjones waited til the sun went in to try get it at its reddest but still pink-ish 🤣

@ShelleySnyder thank you ☺️ can only hope 😜

Beautiful 😍

Well, that's quite a difference from white 😁😁

Welcome! Don't worry it will!💘😍

It's a beauty ❤

Fabulous 😎❤

Mines nearly ready to bloom too 😊

@jyotu thanks Jyoty 😀
Mid Spring 2019

Little more true to colour

How old are your azalea @kez001uk

@wtwitchell6969 bought it about a month ago 😊

It’s beautiful mine was bought in 9cm pots really tiny I’ve got a few flowers but nothing like I’ve seen. Can’t wait love watching beautiful things blossom 💐

@wtwitchell6969 thank you 😊 just a cheap one from Tesco. Guess as you got them small it’ll take a while before they are fully established like ones you see on here. My grandparents have 2 that are decades old and look incredible. All you see is flowers

@kez001uk do you live with your family do you have kids ?

@wtwitchell6969 nope, just me

Wow 😮 you have done so well it’s amazing how much someone can do on there own hey x

@wtwitchell6969 I enjoy it 😊

So beautiful 😊😊😊

@jyotu thank you Jyoty ☺️

I want a life with such freedom @wtwitchell6969 & @kez001uk my mom isn't let me plant now!!! Cause I've so many pots 😂 I got scolded severally because I waste my money for plants
Mid Spring 2019

Looks much more red in reality

Isn't that crazy! It looks as Pink as can be! But beautiful!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley ☺️ I know red is hard to photograph but to show as a different colour is nuts 😂 and there’s a lot of detail that seems to disappear when I upload the photo 😐 not sure what’s going on 😜

I've had that happen before and I finally gave up because it was too frustrating that it was so different! Then there are the ones that are so perfect! Go figure!🤔🤨💘😍

@ShelleySnyder think it just takes it right when it feels like it 😂


I know what you mean. My phone camera usually has a funny turn with red, especially in full sun! Still looks great though ❤👍

Looks vibrant- my azalea colours are fading- being bleached by the sun- do they need shade?

Beautiful colour 💖

My phone doesn't capture bright colours accurately either especially when it's in sun.

@gjones thanks Katy ☺️ the photo I just posted shows it a bit closer to its actual colour 😁

@jeatacake think that’s why, the damn sun 😠🤣 thank you Jeff ☺️
Mid Spring 2019

Yay!!👏👏 Opening!💘😍

Beautiful @kez001uk buds on mine just opened over last few days

@ShelleySnyder a few have opened now. Officially in love with azaleas 😍

@gjones it’s still quite small but can’t wait to see the whole thing in bloom 😁

@phyl1978 thank you Phyllis ☺️ they move fast once the buds start opening don’t they!

Yes they do move fast once they start, just needed a little heat from the sun @kez001uk

I love them too! Wish they bloomed longer!💘😍

@phyl1978 hopefully it’ll stick around a while to get the rest of the plants moving 😛

@ShelleySnyder they don’t last very long do they 🙁 but they make a big impact in that short time 😍

Mid Spring 2019

Enjoy ur night Kerry x

@gavy thanks 😊 you too 😁

Love this shot Kerry!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley ☺️ the buds are so tiny I needed to take a close up 😜

Welcome! All the better to see!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder 😘😘😘

My azalea flowered. And now there's no more buds will it flower again do i need to trim it. ???

@nikkicasas it’ll start forming new buds around the start of summer so its best to cut away the dead flowers and tidy it up before it starts to regrow 😊

Thank you. Wil do.

Going to look amazing very soon ❤

@jeatacake was expecting it to be white so it’s a surprise to see it red 🤣🤣🤣

Just a bit! Don't tell me .... another mailorder mishap? 😐
Early Spring 2019
