Late Winter 2022
- 5
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Late Summer 2020
- 5
Late Spring 2020
- 7
Late Winter 2020
- 28
Late Winter 2020
- 12
Mid Winter 2020
- 15
Early Winter 2020
- 13
Early Autumn 2019
- 4
Late Winter 2019
- 17
Late Winter 2019
- 4
Late Winter 2019
- 8

Salix caprea 'Kilmarnock' syn. Salix caprea 'Pendula', Salix caprea var. pendula
Late Winter 2022
Early Spring 2021

#willow #salix-caprea #kilmarnock-willow
Late Summer 2020

After a drastic haircut 🙈 #willow #salix-caprea #kilmarnock-willow

Looks good after its lockdown haircut, especially set-off against that wall 👍

@jeatacake the damage the weather caused was insane! So many dead branches and leaves. Was looking so full before the heatwave too 😐 this is its temporary home but quite like it covering the horrible pebbles 🤣

I'm not a big fan of pebble dash either, but they make a great combination together 💚👍

@jeatacake I can honestly say it wasn’t my choice 😂 but it does sometimes make a good backdrop 😅
Late Spring 2020

A house sparrow (I think) sitting on top of my Kilmarnock willow 🥰 #willow #salix-caprea #kilmarnock-willow #wildlifewednesday

It a beautiful male sparrow a year old judging by his little dark bib under his beak it gets bigger with age

What a great photo. Lovely little bird 💙💙

@alan1111 thank you Alan 😁 I had tried to work out what it was but at least I got the right type of bird 😂 he’s a frequent visitor to the top of that tree now 🥰

@midnightgardener thanks Christine 😛 makes a nice change to the giant pigeons that usually roam the garden. I swear they’re the size of cats! 😅

@kez001uk I know just what you mean. We're plagued with blasted Wood Pigeons here. I have to pick up their poo! Because I don't want the girls treading in it. Those birds make the most awful mess 😱

@midnightgardener there is just some wildlife that we don’t need in our gardens 😡 I have that problem too, except they like to cover my clematises and the top of my guinea pig cages. I have to cover them now so the boys don’t get it all on the grass they eat 😞 and last thing you want is your dogs running all in it 😝 they’re beastly things 😣
Late Winter 2020

#willow #salix-caprea #kilmarnock-willow

That's amazing and looks like a happy Willow. All those little tails 😊😊💕💕

@cyndi thanks Cyndi 😀 they look like cascading fairy lights 🤩

@midnightgardener thank you Christine 😃 it’s one of the few that have loved the rain 😂

Dunnes stores here in Dublin are selling them two for €20 and their a fair size plant if only I had the room

@alan1111 that’s a great price! Is a shame you don’t have space because they’re wonderful trees. But think they can get quite big over time 😜

Great price but I've no room. With these you can shap to look like umbrellas or toadstools

@alan1111 I saw a photo of a shaped one and was gorgeous! Think mine is a few years off being able to do that though 😂

It takes time to shape them alright but wort it. Magical for kids to hide under and play

@alan1111 think I’d like to hide under there right now 😂😣 escape from this horrible time

Hang in there things are going to get better 😉

@alan1111 they will 😊 just seems like the world has gone on its head 🤪 thank god for the distraction of a garden 🙏🏻
Late Winter 2020

#willow #salix-caprea #kilmarnock-willow

Aren't they fab

@alan1111 love them! They look like they’re twinkling on a dull day 🤩

They do kerry especially when your looking at them form the house 😆

@alan1111 that’s the only view I get of them lately. Still so cold and windy here 🙁

Here too Kerry but it won't be for too much longer

@alan1111 nope, spring is apparently just around the corner 😁 how’s the aquarium coming?

The base has gone down. Some trellis has to go up on the wall and around the oil thank just to dress it up after that will be plumbing and electric

@alan1111 sounds like it’s all going well 😁 am looking forward to seeing the end result 😋

Not fast enough for me 😜

@alan1111 😂 you need your garden time back ASAP! 😛

Now you have it 😂
Mid Winter 2020

#willow #salix-caprea #kilmarnock-willow

Looks so soft 😍😍 I just want to brush it against my cheek 😁😁😅😍😍😍

Pussy willows in all colours! 👍😻

@ublaszko they really are! Like stroking an obedient animal 🤣

@cyndi you really can’t help but touch them 😜

@jeatacake variety is the spice of life 😉 I’m wondering if there are others though 🤔🤭 they looks so amazing at this time of year 😍

Certainly is 😁 You already have 2 more varieties than I knew of! ☺️ They are interesting specimens. The only one I've ever had mysteriously died a few years ago 😕

So nothing at all like Pudgy 😂😂😂

@jeatacake they certainly are. Sorry to hear that. I know they’re a pain with needing so much water. Not so easy to keep their feet wet in the summers we’ve been having

@ublaszko nearly as fluffy though 😛

@ukjohnny thank you John 😁

That could be what killed it then, the dry weather in the summer of 2018 🤔
Early Winter 2020

#willow #salix-caprea #kilmarnock-willow

This is on my I NEED list! It's another request I made to Father Christmas who got confused and bought the same buddleia twice 😬


I love that you have I need list 😂😂😂 I need to rename my wishlist 😉 @DeborahBanks

@DeborahBanks oh I like the sound of a NEED list 😋 oh that’s so adorable though 🤣 the same wrong plant twice over 🤣 has made me laugh too much 😆

@ripjuju thanks Judy 😀

@auricula it’s been sprouting the odd catkin since autumn but it’s well and truly on the way now. Things seem to be on their own weird schedules out in our gardens 🤣

@auricula same! The heat wasn’t kind to it at all 🙈


@ublaszko and @kez001uk, informing him I want one everytime we see one is not cutting the mustard. I'm taking it up a few notches until he gets the not very subtle at all hints. If that still doesnt do it I'll have to take matters into my own hands 😁


@DeborahBanks it’ll get to the point of “here’s what you bought me...” before they get the hint 🤣🤣 don’t think men know how hints work 🙈
Early Autumn 2019
Late Winter 2019

Beautiful 💛

@suerichards thank you Sue 😁

@candycane2017 thanks Candy ☺️

Spring? Let's hope 😊

I agree 100% with @gjones 👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕

I’d love one of these 💛💛

How lovely is that..😲👌🏼😘

Very beautiful flowers and photo! 🙂👍

Beautiful photo 💛💛💛

@kylers would be a spring feast for the bees if I could get it out outside. Living in the greenhouse until the wind eases up 😜

@gjones thank you Katy 😁 the buds just exploded 😂

@terrimclaughlin thanks Terri 😁
Late Winter 2019


These are so pretty! 😊

@natii thanks Natalie 😁 they’re so cute aren’t they 😛

@gjones they’re stunning trees aren’t they 😁 never noticed them in the wild but only just started paying attention to trees 😂 the buds on this are addictive to touch, so fluffy 😛
Late Winter 2019

I saw one in M&S. I was very tempted 😅

@cyndi thanks Cyndi 😁 saw one on here last week and fell in love with it 😍

@ublaszko they’re very tempting 😛 so pretty too, like fairy lights 🤩

@cyndi it really is! I do try let things stay on my wish list for a while before I decide whether or not I want them but wasn’t happening with this one 😆

I quite fancy an upright willow but haven't seen one yet, except online.

@cyndi very true! Just be nice if some of them came true 😉😜

@ublaszko willows are beautiful trees, I hope you find one 😁

#willow #salix-caprea #kilmarnock-willow
Awesome photos. So soft and fluffy then so full of pollen. 😍😍
@hkyfvr I thought it wasn’t going to do anything this year but it exploded out of nowhere 🤩 cut it back hard last spring so it’s not very ‘weeping’ at the moment 😅
@ukjohnny a before and after but at the same time 😂 think there’s a bit of every stage of growth on it at the moment 🤯
I am sure the weeping stage will arrive soon. Willows are lovely trees. 😍😍