Schizophragma hydrangeoides
Japanese hydrangea vine
- Early Summer 2023
- 16
- 16
- Mid Spring 2020
- 42
- 8
- Early Summer 2019
- 24
- 11
Schizophragma hydrangeoides
- Early Summer 2023
- 16
- Mid Spring 2020
- 42
#japanese-hydrangea-vine #hydrangea-vine #schizophragma #schizophragma-rose
It's starting to climb! 😊👍
Interesting. Not seen these before but just checked them out & they look incredible 😯
@ublaszko and the other one too! It’s doing great in the shady spot you suggested to try it 😁
@jeatacake they look great don’t they 😍 not had them long so don’t expect flowers any time soon, but well worth waiting for 😋
👍👍 Glad you found a climber for your shade border 😊
Keep us posted on its progress 👍
@jeatacake certainly will 😁
- Early Summer 2019
- 24
Rose. Cataloging
Nice one! This is the one I meant to buy when I got my climbing hydrangea. You'll love the flowers on this 😍😍😍
@ublaszko aaaahh, I did wonder when I saw it was a hydrangea vine if it was. They look so interesting and the flowers are beautiful. Hoping it’ll be a fence covering eventually as the ivy isn’t doing much very fast 😐
@cyndi sorry, rose is the variety. It wasn’t listed and I’ve been trying to add new encyclopedia entries but I’m not doing well at it. They never have photos 😂
It has much better foliage than the one I have 😆
@ublaszko I really like yours! And the colour of the stems is so lovely 💗
But your flowers are going to be lovelier 😂😂
@ublaszko oh I don’t know, anything hydrangea is perfect 😍
😁😁 Hydrangea addict!
@ublaszko but they’re sooooo pretty 😍😋😅
Opening and being eaten 😂 #japanese-hydrangea-vine #hydrangea-vine #schizophragma #schizophragma-rose
So many things are out there munching away. 🤨
I think the beasties are just fascinated with something so different 😁
@hkyfvr @jeatacake I cleaned the plant up today and found no less than 21 snails from top to bottom 🙈
Oh no. So many of them. My roses are not doing well this year and I checked the few leaves they have and found evidence of Japanese Beetle 🪲 decimation. I have also seen a lot of earwigs this year. They love dahlias and zinnias 😖 I think I may just give up on roses. It is not worth the aggravation and stress. 😢 Hope your snails leave town. 🫣
@hkyfvr that Japanese beetle is awful 🙈 will it attack any plant? Aaah, I remember earwig issues with my dahlias the first year I grew them. A tip someone gave me was small pots crammed with hay put upside down on canes. The earwigs will then go into the hay and you can dispose of them. Must admit it worked wonders
It seems just to like certain plants. I could not believe it when it ate some of my orange marigolds last year. Thanks for the tip though. I have seen that and wondered what it was for. 😆
OMG, that's incredible. Obviously more than just a fascination with it! 😲
@hkyfvr I never knew they could be so destructive and you rarely see them on plants so wasn’t until I asked on here that I found out what was destroying my plants 😤 the pots on sticks does look a bit ‘crazy lady’ 😂 but it works a treat 😛
@jeatacake they quickly became acquainted with the green bin 🤣 they had a feast before they met the dustbin lorry 🫢
I told Beth about it as she has so many earwigs. She has been using dishes of a soy sauce and oil mixture which attracts them. She also used diatomaceous earth spray which is working too. 🤞🤞 Found my first Japanese beetle on my dahlia today. The battle begins 😖
@hkyfvr oh I’ve not heard of that one. Will give it a go if I have more earwig issues 😜 those beetles are on so many more of your plants this year 😞 I hope you can drown them all before they destroy too much 🤞🏻🤞🏻