Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn'
Bodnant Viburnum 'Dawn'
Late Spring 2023
- 11
Mid Spring 2023
- 7
Late Winter 2022
- 15
Late Autumn 2020
- 12
Early Autumn 2020
- 5
Mid Winter 2020
- 13
Mid Winter 2020
- 16
Early Winter 2020
- 3
Late Autumn 2019
- 19
Early Summer 2019
- 2
Mid Spring 2019
- 9
Mid Autumn 2018
- 14

Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn'
Late Spring 2023
Mid Spring 2023

#viburnum #viburnum-bodnantense-dawn

I bet they smell fabulous Kerry 😀

#prettyinpink 😍

Soooo pretty 💗

Such pretty little flowers 💗

@sieveheadsarah @sherrisgarden @juliesgarden @hkyfvr thanks ladies 💕 smells lovely and looks pretty - can’t complain with this one 😛

Always welcome 😄
Late Winter 2022

#viburnum #viburnum-bodnantense-dawn

Beautiful 🌸🌸🌸

Perfect pink. 💗🌸💗

Beautiful & sweet smelling too I bet 🌸🌸🌸


@pelly @hkyfvr @gjones @jeatacake @juliesgarden thank you all 💗 such a pretty little plant, looking like it’s covered in pink candy floss 😋 and the smell is lovely. Some great scents wafting about at the moment 🥰

Always welcome. So nice to have pretty scents already. Snow does not really smell that exciting. 😂

Mmmmmm, #fragrant

Lovely. Kind of feel like I want to eat it 😆 looks sweet like candy 💗

@hkyfvr 🤣😂 it’s not known for its scent 😆

@emch it does have a lovely scent but needs moving to a place I get to enjoy it more 😋

@Luna_Lina it does look edible 😋 not sure it is though 😅
Late Autumn 2020

More than one flower for the first time ever!!! 🥳 #viburnum #viburnum-bodnantense-dawn


Fabulous! 🎉🎉🎉😃

@novicegardenlover I was so excited when I noticed 😂

@anges just shows what can happen when you stop pruning everything to oblivion 🤣

@columbiariver can’t wait til those buds explode 😁

It will smell gorgeous- I think mine are over😫

That's going to be amazing 👍💗

@sharonhayden I do hope so. I’ve had so few flowers that I’ve not really noticed the scent before 😜 yours must have been fairly early to flower!

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😛 by far the best it’s ever looked 💕 still tiny though 😅

Mine are dead!! Not just over! Just reread my comment 😳

@sharonhayden oh no 😣 I thought you meant they’d just finished flowering 😜
Early Autumn 2020

#viburnum #viburnum-bodnantense-dawn

@gjones they always have something interesting going on 💚 just wish it would flower more 😜

@gjones I don’t and had never heard of it until now. It’s gorgeous! 😍 the flowers are very similar to a white Sambucus 🤍🤍🤍

@gjones please don’t leave yourself short of seed! I’m going to have to take a look at yours now 😛 - couldn’t find it in your plant list 🙈

@gjones that might be why 🤦🏻♀️😆😆
Mid Winter 2020

#viburnum #viburnum-bodnantense-dawn

Beautiful close up & not dissimilar to daphne flowers 👍

@jeatacake good eye! They’re really similar 😋 can’t say the same for the scent 🥴

Stop it Kerry...😆

Does Daphne win that contest? 👃

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom after smelling it I’m glad there’s only one flower 😂 sooooo strong 😷

@jeatacake she does 😛 by a mile! 😅

Oh no is it that bad...😖

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it’s a bit washing-up-liquidy 😝

I like the smell of washing up liquid Kerry 😆😆

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 🤣😂🤣 then this could be the plant for you 😉😆😆

Send it over...😆😆
Mid Winter 2020

Still has no scent at all 😖 #viburnum #viburnum-bodnantense-dawn

@dirtgirlworld thanks Maggie 😀 better if it smelled good though 😂

You could cup your hands around the flowers and blow warm air to bring out the scent. ☺

@dirtgirlworld now that’s an idea! Can spray it dvd just pretend it smells good 😂

@ublaszko will be trying that if the freezing wind ever stops 😭

Aw that’s a shame...Unfortunately mine got beaten up by the weather🙁

Omg so cold today! Icy wind! 🏂I did manage to get to Bargain Buys though and get a calla lily (the same one I had last year) and acidenthera 😆

Btw, can you tag me in a photo of your calla lilies from last year? You had a nice black one but I can't find it in your plant list. ☺

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom I’d send you mine but it’s pitiful 🤣

@ublaszko that makes having to go outdoors worthwhile 😋

Probably a bit delicate for all the rain and wind we’ve had 🙁💗

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it’s bad here today. The wind is like knives 🥶
Early Winter 2020
Late Autumn 2019

Flowers? #viburnum #viburnum-bodnantense-dawn

I think so Kerry, they'll smell fabulous.


Very promising 👍

They are all in flower at class right now, lovely scent too 👌🏼

@sieveheadsarah excited 😛 will be the first time it’s flowered 😁

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 🙏🏻😁

@jeatacake one bud across 2 plants 😂 but better than none I guess 😜

@richard.spicer.7906 the photos on here look so pretty but bonus that they smell good 😋 looking forward to a sniff 😂

Oh the excitement Kerry, you'll be out there everyday smelling it 👍🏼😀

@sieveheadsarah it’ll be enough of an excuse to get outside. Not much worth venturing out for at the moment 😝

Maybe the other buds are just a bit slow to open? 🤔
Early Summer 2019

Ive got that kerry, its nice 🤗 I just looked at yours, wow! It’s gigantic! Have high hopes for mine now 😂
Mid Spring 2019


Beautiful foliage 🧡💛🧡

@gjones thank you Katy 😀

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank you Elaine 😃

@suerichards thanks Sue 😄

What a brilliant plant! Interest all year round. 😆👍 Really need to get one of these 😍😍

@ublaszko it’s gorgeous isn’t it! Much nicer than the twig it started out as 😆

Mid Autumn 2018

Jealous! 😍 I've just added it to my wishlist! 😍 😍 😍

@ublaszko I listened to you about fragrance and thought this sounded like a decent choice 😁

This and wintersweet will be lovely once they're both in flower. 💕💕💕 I have my eyes out for this viburnum and one of the Chinese witch hazels. I wouldn't have the patience to wait for wintersweet to flower 😅

@ublaszko do you not have a witch hazel already? A red one? Oh no, do they take a long time to flower? I know nothing about this (or pretty much any) plant 😬

I just read in Garden Answers that wintersweet can take up to 7 years to flower 😥😂 I have a pinkish loropetalum which is a relative of witch hazels but it's without scent. I'd like to get a witch hazel for fragrance.

@ublaszko that’s wee’d on my bonfire 😝 I had no idea they take so long 😵 a scented one would be nice. Just adds to how pretty they are 😍

Oh no, don't get rid off it 😨 Hopefully, your one has already been growing for a couple of years before you bought it. I have a climbing hydrangea that's supposed to take 7 years to flower but it still looks nice in the meantime. It has a really nice framework and shiny brown stems. I'm sure there's more to wintersweet than just the flowers in winter. 😊

@ublaszko I always am disheartened when plants arrive and have little or nothing to show. Learning to have more patience but 7 years is a long time 😜 climbing hydrangeas at least look interesting without flowers 😊

I'm too stingy to buy mature plants with buds on 😅😂😂 They're much cheaper as young plants so I can buy more plants 😂😂😂

@ublaszko the price difference is usually ridiculous! But I’ve learned by waiting til the end of the season the online shops sell plants soooo cheap!

I might check it out then. I'm after some smallish trees and there are quite a few shrubs on my wishlist for winter interest. 👍👍

@ublaszko I got 6 scented shrubs (can’t remember which ones 🤣) for £5 a few weeks ago. At that price it doesn’t even matter if they don’t work out 😛
Haven’t noticed berries on this before 🤔 #viburnum #viburnum-bodnantense-dawn
Bonus berries. Yay. ♥️
@hkyfvr very few but they did get it a promotion to a bigger pot 🤣
Alway an ulterior motive with these plants. 😆
@hkyfvr they’re crafty! 🤣
@hkyfvr Diane, I just heard that Katy has left the app. Is she ok?? 😦
I was so very sad to hear this. I think the size of her gardens and keeping it maintained has become too much for she and Glyn. Plus they want to downsize the flower garden and concentrate on vegetables. Their gardens are very large and as we get older it just gets too much for us. She told me she was ok but just needed time to work all this out. I will miss her dearly as will we all. So few Canadians on gtags now. I learned so much from her and really feel a bond there. Hope she will come back
@hkyfvr there aren’t so many Canadian gt’ers and now one less ☹️ I’ll miss her dearly but I understand her needing the time to do other things. GYO is difficult enough at any age but as we get on it becomes much more work, and they’ve both had health issues too 😞 please pass on my love to her if you email 💚
I will Kerry. Miss her already. 😢
@hkyfvr me too 💔