Zinnia elegans 'Sunbow Mix'
Zinnia 'Sunbow Mix'
- Late Summer 2020
- 33
- 8
- Early Autumn 2019
- 25
- 13
- Early Autumn 2019
- 38
- 22
- Early Autumn 2019
- 31
- 0
- Late Summer 2019
- 51
- 23
- Late Summer 2019
- 28
- 6
- Mid Summer 2019
- 35
- 3
- Mid Summer 2019
- 43
- 17
Zinnia elegans 'Sunbow Mix'
- Late Summer 2020
- 33
- Early Autumn 2019
- 25
Nice! Are yours still going strong or are they slowing down like mine
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom still the odd one opening up 😁
@alan1111 they are, and the flowers are much smaller too. Still plenty of buds but not enough warmth to push them into flowering 😐
@gjones thanks Katy ☺️ a few are still looking ok but the rain is ruining most 😔
Same here and all the rain isn't helping
@gjones it’s driving me insane. Rotting most flowers that are trying to hold on 😜
@alan1111 it’s just relentless isn’t it 😐
Bad here this morning and tomorrow rain all day forecasted
@alan1111 same here. Hopefully Tuesday will stay mostly dry as forecast 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Long enough to cut the grass 😉 fingers crossed
@alan1111 that’s a long time for it to stay dry lately 🤣
- Early Autumn 2019
- 38
Your red ones are just awesome ❤❤
Love it
#perfection 😍
I was going to say 'perfection' too Susan 😍 @novicegardenlover
@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😁 surprised they’re still opening but not had many red so it’s nice to see. Hopefully can collect seeds 🤞🏻
@alan1111 thank you Alan 😀
@novicegardenlover thanks Susan 😃
@anges thank you Ange 😛
@gjones I’ll try collect some seed for you 😋
@gjones ❤️
I collected a lot of very soggy seeds yesterday. Got them spread out on old newspapers drying out for a few days
@jeatacake I bet they were drowned, poor things. I often think about little plant umbrellas to protect each flower... 🤣😂🤣
- Early Autumn 2019
- 31
- Late Summer 2019
- 51
Fantastic colour & camera coping well with the intensity 👍❤
@bandicoot amazing flowers aren’t they 😍
@jeatacake it seems to cope ok when it’s in shade. The left half looks better than the sunny half 😜
@gjones it’s always the way isn’t it 😜 I’ll attempt to save you some seed 😁
@gjones always welcome ❤️
Yes, I see what you mean & I thought "red shift" was a term only relevant to far flung galaxies! 😄
Looks perfect 😊
@jeatacake sounds like a weird Schwarzenegger film from the 80’s 😂
@bluefox23 thanks Alison 😛
Ah yes, that too! Although I preferred Red Dwarf! 😄
@jeatacake never seen it before 🙈
- Late Summer 2019
- 28
Another beauty 💕🧡💕🧡💕
@anges thanks ange 😀 quite glad I staggered the sowing now. Some are just kicking in as the rest die back 😁
Great, good planning 😀
The zinnias have done well for you this year, lovely
@alan1111 I have to agree! They’ve been great 😍 just wish a few other annuals would take a leaf out of their book 😂
- Mid Summer 2019
- 35
@gjones I think I grew too many varieties 🙈 but they’ve brought so much colour to the garden 🌈
@gjones the flowers seem to last for ages too which is great. Less gaps or empty pots 😁 oh wow, I had no idea they would hybridise by themselves 😯 makes for some interesting surprises 😛
@gjones 🙈 I forgot about bees having a helping hand 🤣
- Mid Summer 2019
- 43
Sunbow Mix
This is so pretty! 💓
That's lovely Kerry 💕
@ublaszko thanks Urszula 😀
That's one good looking zinnia
Beautiful 💕
@lilybee thanks sue 😃
Pink perfection
@alan1111 thanks Alan 😃
@anges thank you Ange 😄
@columbiariver they’ve all had a bit of a growth spurt since last week 😛 thanks Laura 😀
@plants thanks Judy 😀
#zinnia #zinnia-sunbow-mixed #grown-from-seed
That's a gorgeous one 💖
Wow Kerry! That's so beautiful 💗❤💗
@cyndi not sure why that happens. The darker petals grow from that centre part but about half inch above the other petals 😜
@anges thanks Ange 😀
@gjones thanks Katy 😃
@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😄
@cyndi thanks Cyndi 😁