Echeveria Hera
Mid Summer 2020
Late Summer 2019
This guy just won’t stop growing! I need to take his neighbours out of the pot after only a couple months in there. They were nicely spaced I swear 😂

Could it be a E HERA ?
@QT it could be! There’s not too many of them on here but some look just like mine!

Late Spring 2018
Help me identify this plant. This was labelled “Echeveria Rosea” which I can’t find. #ID #succulent-id-help #Succulent #Echeveria
This baby hasn’t been looking very healthy for a while. A lot of it’s leaves have been dying off while it has been shooting out heaps of babies. I was worried I was doing something wrong but it finally showed me why it’s been looking so sad. It makes so much more sense now! #terminalflower #terminal #flower #Succulent #echevaria #hera #echeveria-hera
It's a lovely colour, I just lost my E.Cante, so I'm very sad😢
@angiecrazycatlady Oh no! Was it because of a terminal flower? At least this way you get replacements to start again! Such a bugger though as this one was one of favourites and it was huge!
No it started to rot, even though the compost was really dry, it just collapsed into its self. I'll try to propagate some leaves but I don't hold out much hope. It was huge and gorgeous in the summer😥 not any more. It did flower in the summer but all my echeveria do and it doesn't cause them to die, cant wait for sunny days again 🌞😎
@angiecrazycatlady oh no! Rot is horrible! Sometimes they can just be super sensitive. I lost my first E.Romeo from the some unexpected rain. There was no warnings and so saving the leaves. One day it was fine and then next it had just fallen to pieces. Did the whole thing fall apart? Sometimes if it hasn’t set in the whole plant you can cut the head off and grow it back from that? This is the first time I’ve had a terminal flower on an echeveria. They usually just flower like normal.
@angiecrazycatlady I just looked up your E.Cante. It was beautiful! So elegant in both shape and colour! Definitely going to keep my eye out for one!
My Romeo did the same but I managed to pull lower leaves off and save it, one if the leaves rooted too. I'm afraid it's not so good for my Cante as the stalk was rotten and the roots were almost all gone, I've saved some leaves but dont hold out much hope as theh look a little black on the edge. Fingers crossed even one grows some roots 🤞
Oh no! Good luck! I didn’t have a chance with my Romeo. 1 day he was fine the next he was turning to dust and in pieces there wasn’t anything healthy left. Just so happened to be I found it as I came home with a second one that I found while shopping.
@angiecrazycatlady ^
Strange how they can look so healthy one minute and the next they just disintegrate. Yet I have other echeveria that have been fine for years🤔 I dont gave much trouble with my aeoniums, they seem to cope much better with winter 😊