Sedum spurium 'Green Mound'
Late Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

#groundcover #sedum #yellow-flowers #cataloging #kimguy2018

I like this it's cool man cool!!💘😍

Why thank yah, Shelley. I was so excited to spend some time outside today!!!😎💜 @ShelleySnyder

Very nice is it finally getting spring up there?? That looks real good. The snow didn’t seem to bother it🤗🤗😊💕

Glad you got outside! I was raised in!😢💘😍

@kimguy do these flower yellow.

Yes they do💛 @petitelake

Can you believe it @terrimclaughlin. We are going to have at least 4-5 warm days! I'm already quite sore and I was only out for 1 1/2 hours. Boo hoo.There's work to be done. Lol.

Poor girl! You would have melted. We are expecting rain to go with the warmer weather, as well.☔☔☔ @ShelleySnyder

We are supposed to get rain until next Wednesday!😲😢💘😍

Uh oh.😨 ☔☔☔ @ShelleySnyder

@kimguy I have these too but never knew what they were. I am very excited to have a name to a plant. Thanks bunches!
#serum #greenmound #spirium #yellow-flower. 5.31.18
You found it! I have this too!
It's pretty when it flowers💛 @Liz3202
And it looks like u have a few flowers. I like those too😊💕
Thanks Terri! I always forget how pretty it flowers💛💛💛 @terrimclaughlin