Anthurium (Andraeanum Group) syn. Anthurium andraeanum
Flamingo Flower
Early Summer 2020
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 5
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Late Winter 2017
- 1
Early Winter 2017
- 7
Late Summer 2016
- 2
Late Summer 2016
- 2

Anthurium (Andraeanum Group) syn. Anthurium andraeanum
Early Summer 2020
Early Autumn 2017

Lots of new flowers ❤

I have 2 one red one pink and they have had at least 3 flowers often more during the whole 2 years I've had them. Amazing plants and so easy to keep 😊

Only two? 😮 these are all new I must be doing something right 😂 I'll have to add a pink one to my list ❤


Pink ones are lovely i did see a 2 tone one the other day i nearly bought it but I'm fast running out of room plus it's yet another plant for prudence to attack 😂😂😂
Late Spring 2017

Flower 😮😍
Late Winter 2017

Not sure if the leaf is turning red or something els 🤔 Either way its beautiful 💚 #flamingoplant #flamingoflower #laceleaf #anthurium
Early Winter 2017

New flower 😊 And this is in the hall needs the bathroom door open for light and above a radiator... It must like its new place I'm the house

I got mine in Oct 2005 & it's flowered constantly ever since I bought a pink one a few months later & that's been the same. Fab plants 😄


@kimmy01, looking very healthy. @angiecrazycatlady @linfoster. What are your hints to help it flower? Mine seems to produce beautiful shinny leaves, but no flowers since I got it 4 months ago.


@kaigia to be honest I don't do much, it's in a bright room but not in direct sunlight I always take it to the sink to water to make sure it's drained, & occasional fees 😄

Late Summer 2016

£3.75 Morrison's sale 😍 finally got my own

Ohh I love these 👏👏❤️
After a mist in the #vivarium