Dracaena marginata
Madagascar Dragon Tree
Early Summer 2024
- 1
Late Autumn 2021
- 1
Mid Winter 2021
- 1
Late Autumn 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2016
- 9
Late Summer 2016
- 6
Late Summer 2016
- 1

Dracaena marginata
Early Summer 2024
Late Autumn 2021

Nice wallpaper- are you a Banksy fan? 😜
Mid Winter 2021

Well that was a lot of dead leaves 😯
Late Autumn 2018

My daughter decorated the tree 😀
Late Summer 2017

Having a bit of a dust and moving back in the front room, the conservatory is getting a bit cold at night now 😊 #dragontree #houseplant
Early Autumn 2016

🤔 Now its shivering up ... Lots of leaves still falling of 🙁

Have you over watered it?

Hmm, try carefully lifting it out the pot to see if the roots look healthy? I'm not sure the stems should be shrivelling. 🤔

Only watered it 3 times since got it @slj x

Sounds like you could have then 😕 it needs out the pot like Richard says and dried but it could be to late x

3 times in 4-5 weeks? 🤔 a cups worth @slj

Could be and it does look like it from the pics it maybe that you are just loosing one of them but I would get in there are have a good look at the roots. The problem can be with house plants that they are bone dry on the surface as deep as two centre meters and sodden underneath mine only needs water once a month in the summer if that they dry quicker when the heating is on but neglect is a good thing with this variety which is why they are so popular but easy to kill if you are a plant lover

Did you water your dads as much? Has your dads got any leaves left?

How's it doing? Did you check the soil and/or roots out?
Late Summer 2016

Why? :(

Mine was doing that too! Is it getting too much sunlight or water?

I don't know I've only had it 2-3 weeks its not near a window and only watered it 3 times 🤔 I'm going to search on it today I can't have it dyeing on me yet @beckers1974

Mine lives by french doors and a radiator, so it was kinda going yellow then dry at the tips. Repotted it a few weeks ago and it's in much better shape. Leaves have a lifespan of 2-3 years and will naturally die back - generally from the bottom though. Hope you can find an answer! I've left you a wee note on the seed swap spreadsheet xx

Oh thanks I'll go have a look @beckers1974 .. Mines still new maybe its just a old leafy then 🤔

I hope so xx
Late Summer 2016

New plant 😊 this was one of my first plants years ago that I killed let's hope this one survives.