Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Late Winter 2017
- 4
Late Autumn 2016
- 5
Mid Summer 2016
- 3
Mid Summer 2016
- 4

Fittonia argyroneura syn. Fittonia verschaffeltii
Mid Summer 2017
Late Winter 2017

#nerveplant #pink #foliage #closeup #fittonia


Is your fittonia still doing well? I am struggling to keep mine happy... any tips?? I read that it needs a humid environment, so I have been misting it. The leaves are turning lighter and lighter in color by the day.... I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

I killed one of mine.. This ones doing all though I just leave it in the bathroom in a pebble bowl and top up the water every now and then @beccamurgo they like to have humidity but not submerged in water and no direct hot sun. Hope this helps.
Late Autumn 2016

Starting to bush out a lot now #nerveplant #pink #foliage #fittonia

What type of plant is it!? X

I love these 😍😍

Beautiful plant 😘😘👌👍

Sorry it's late @KRerica it's a nerve plant, fittonia argyroneura
Mid Summer 2016

I've been bad and neglected this for a few weeks! 😮 finally in a bowl with stones under for humidity #nerveplant #pink #foliage #fittonia

That's beautiful.. love it

Mid Summer 2016

£1.50 wilkos 👍 #nerveplant #pink #foliage #fittonia

Bargain but weird name 🤔

Never heard that name for it!

Fittonia was the name on the tag too @juliesgarden @usgardentags
Nerve plant round 2 😂
RIP! Plant