Howea Forsteriana
Kentia Palm
- Early Spring 2022
- 17
- 0
- Early Summer 2020
- 12
- 0
- Late Spring 2020
- 27
- 1
- Late Summer 2017
- 31
- 1
- Late Summer 2017
- 29
- 1
- Late Winter 2017
- 18
- 4
- Late Winter 2017
- 13
- 5
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 16
- 3
- Early Autumn 2016
- 30
- 6
Howea Forsteriana
- Early Spring 2022
- 17
- Early Summer 2020
- 12
- Late Spring 2020
- 27
Just realized I haven't taken a picture of this since 2017! 😮🤣🤣
- Late Summer 2017
- 31
💚💚💚💚 #kentiapalm #palm #houseplants #indoorplants
- Late Summer 2017
- 29
Palm moved from the conservatory back in to the house, its doing well now after loosing a lot of leafs its now growing new ones at the base and 2 have just opened 😊
- Late Winter 2017
- 18
This is still going brown what am I doing wrong? :( #help #advice
Was thinking about one of your other pics and they looked a bit near to the radiator, could they be a bit plant expert..NOT.
Its only just been moved there @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it was in the corner of the room not getting much light and I let it fully dry out ... Its had a good drink all drained away now getting a lot more light and the radiators won't be on much now I'm hoping lol but I'll keep a eye in it and move it away when its on 👍 omg these house plants keep you on your toes lol
@kimmy01 Tell me about it! I've had loads but they never lasted very long, to many extreme changes..💚
- Late Winter 2017
- 13
This is still going brown what am I doing wrong? :( #help #advice
Its bone dry @helsbelle well it was so I've watered it now but you've just given me a thought maybe needs more air at roots I'm going to have a look and find some pebbles... It's in a corner of the room gets low light no drafts no radiators since it's been going between I've been misting it, misting is new to me but all my plants are getting it now I never had this many house plants before so I'm still learning lol
That could be not enough light or not enough water they don't like to dry out completely and they don't like to stand in water either so better on a tray so you can empty the water out when it comes out the bottom I would only let the top of the soil dry between watering and maybe get it in the window it's tropical so it will want a fair bit of light just not direct sun but the leaf probabem can only be not enough light or water if was too much water it would be mushy stems
Thanks @slj its had a water now its going near the front window tomorrow morning
It's so hard with house plants! Good luck
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 16
This is it now doing well o lost the little one at the bottom I just need to cut off. @brightcolours
Well done!
#palm #kentiapalm
- Early Autumn 2016
- 30
£16 b&q was £35 lots of brown leaves
It maybe wants a baby bio feed👒
#kentiapalm #palm
How's it doing?
Great @brightcolours I'll take a update pic tomorrow x