Interesting, but I don't know what this is. I will forward this to a few others that might be able to provide you with a better identification. @drumadixit @gjones @juliesgarden @jamesshobbs @linfoster @SikoMa @grantham @perennialgrbs @joanboston @bigemrg @nej @tesselaarplants
Thank you @KariSamuel @brightcolours . Poinsettia seems right and apparently it's common in this state.I don't recall seeing a pink one before though I've seen pictures of the red ones. I'll go with poinsettia..
Help me identify this plant
#plantID @KariSamuel @carolgs @Muzz67 @leisel @mrsflowerpot @deekay
Cant help with this one sorry 😐
@Muzz67 thanks for having a look
Is the sap milky?
Interesting, but I don't know what this is. I will forward this to a few others that might be able to provide you with a better identification. @drumadixit @gjones @juliesgarden @jamesshobbs @linfoster @SikoMa @grantham @perennialgrbs @joanboston @bigemrg @nej @tesselaarplants
Is it a tree..
Could it be a poinsettia tree they don't grow into tree's here so have never seen a big one @knightins. @brightcolours
I'm thinking one of the many Euphorbias. In which case it would be related to Poinsettia. @carolgs
Thank you @KariSamuel @brightcolours . Poinsettia seems right and apparently it's common in this state.I don't recall seeing a pink one before though I've seen pictures of the red ones. I'll go with poinsettia..
This one is probably undernourished? I'll post another photo tomorrow
Where are you? I don't think it's a pink Euphorbia: