Phalaenopsis 'Sin-Yuan Golden Beauty'
MothOrchid 'Sin-Yuan Golden Beauty'
Late Summer 2017
- 4
Late Summer 2017
- 3
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 4
Late Autumn 2017
- 7

Phalaenopsis 'Sin-Yuan Golden Beauty'
Late Summer 2017
Late Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

My Orchid is growing like crazy (air and ground roots). I water 1x a week and feed every other during warmer weather. However, my older leaves are yellowing. 2 have dried and fallen off on their own. You can see in the top pic there's a new sprout. I don't know if this is a spike or new plant (my first Orchid). Growing tells me it happy but the yellowing tells me something is wrong ... Any advice?
Mid Spring 2017

New leaf. New air root. Spike! I think my Phalaenopsis is happy 💖🌱

@Jennlamaye ... This is the same Phalaenopsis.

@teamgardentags: I need advice. My phalaenopsis is growing. It has new leaves and roots (both air and ground roots) which tells me it's happy, but, one of the older leaves are yellowing. Is this normal or could I be doing something wrong? Do I prune them off when they turn yellow?

Try using the hashtag #advice and someone is sure to help you 🙂
Late Autumn 2017

Mounted Phalaenopsis Orchid

Did you mount this orchid? Beautiful presentation!

@jennlamaye ... I did. I found this lil guy at Lowe's for $3 .. knew nothing about it. Researched Phalaenopsis; they grow in trees so I went to PetSmart and bought a piece of driftwood and mounted it to the driftwood.

That is so brilliant!! I'm going to have to take this idea! :)

@jennlamaye ... Do it! They like to feel secure but don't choak em out. I used both the bark medium along with the moss on top. The first time (shown above) I used sewing string to secure it. The second time I didn't use anything but the medium and it's happy. It's currently growing a new leaf, air root, and I believe it's growing a new spike. First time it's spiked for me (if it is a spike).

@KOsborne That's just so beautiful!

@jennlamaye .. Thank you very much.
😍 #TheFirstBloom - August 31, 2017 🌱❤️
I believe I named my Orchid wrong. How do I fix the name?
Try going to your page, then to "plants" this will give you your list of plants you've posted. Each entry has a pencil in its box, click that, thats edit, then you should be able to change the setting.
Thanks #lesliecole49 ... I'll look at it.