Abutilon megapotamicum syn. Abutilon vexillarium
Trailing Abutilon
Late Summer 2016
- 3
Late Spring 2016
- 7

Abutilon megapotamicum syn. Abutilon vexillarium
Late Summer 2016
Late Spring 2016

All caged up and raring to grow 😁

@krishnahairdo Best Abutilon I've seen in a long time. My attempt to grow one was a disaster. It was nothing like the photo. Handful of flowers. 👍🏻🤔

@angipangi, out of my sisters garden in cheshire, so hope it does as well in my garden, cant believe she was going to dispose of it as she said it was a messy plant 😳well give it a hair cut, cant be bothered 😳oh well her loss my gain 😂

@krishnahairdo Lucky you to have a generous sister. The flowers are very beautiful which first attracted me to it but stems are very fragile. In my case life's too short to struggle with a bl--dy plant that doesn't want to do what I want it to. I'd much rather watch your one flourish. 😂😂

@angipangi we will see if flourish it will do, depends if oz uses it for a lampost like he did with fatsia that WAS there and died a wee death 😤

@krishnahairdo 😂😂 At least I only have yellow grass with Angus Poor lad had such a difficult start in life that he never learnt to lift his leg so everybody laughs at him because he squats & pees like a lady dog (much nicer than saying a bitch) My plants are saved but not the grass. 😂😂

Poor angus, bet he has identity issues 😂
Taken from my sisters garden 4 months ago, thought i had killed it off, happy gardener 😊
Love it ❤💛
I loved this climber had it for a long time but lost it and never been able to replace it. X