Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin'
Chilean Potato Vine/Mexican Potato Vine
Early Summer 2016
- 1
Early Summer 2016
- 0
Late Spring 2016
- 1
Late Spring 2016
- 5
Mid Spring 2016
- 1
Early Spring 2016
- 9
Late Summer 2015
- 14

Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin'
Early Summer 2016
Early Summer 2016
Late Spring 2016

Few more flowers today
Late Spring 2016

Just need flowers on this then il be a happy 🐰

They are so pretty when in flower is it a blue or white one?

Blue @janric

Will look lovely again

Morning @kathy
Mid Spring 2016

Sigh of relief 😊
Early Spring 2016

Was feeling very concerned that this happened 😩but i think i spy some little bits of green, i loved this last year and hope it will be the same again

@krishnahairdo The masses of blue flowers are beautiful. I had it growing on the garage wall but after a few years I had to dig it out as it had taken over even though I had pruned it back. The root was massive and I never got it out. Had to kill it on site Was an original Morrisons £1.99 shrub great value #SolanumJasminoides #PotatoVine

@angipangi does it loose all its foliage usualy?

@krishnahairdo From memory I think it's semi evergreen. It used to lose most of it's leaves in the very cold winters but always bounced back. Although it comes from Chile I put it on the garage wall which faces west. This meant it didn't get buffeted by cold North or usual South winds & benefitted from any winter sunshine. Like you I never give up. Where there's a chink of green I live in hope.

@linfoster lol

Fingers crossed...


Hope it bounces back Kris.

@fuschia with all this rain im sure it will be ok! ☔️💧💦💦💦
Late Summer 2015

One of my favourite. Its not stopped flowering since april. Love it so much

Super @krishnahairdo 😺

Is that part of the deadly nightshade family?

Gorgeous blue colour !!! :)

Amazing display Kris! 😍

Beautiful colour 😊


@kathy i am not sure sorry

They are fab plants, I have one too, I have cut it right back so I can move it from a planter to a better position for it, really hope I haven't killed it! 😞

@aybe, im way to scared to touch it, i would take it to bed with me i love it so much, thats scary! Hope you havent killed it to!

Lovely colour 😍

They can make an enormous shrub, we saw a beauty at Terry's House in York, it was amazing, so pretty. 😀
Wow love these @krishnahairdo the purple really stands out against the green lovely 💕😊