Salix x sepulcralis var. chrysocoma
Golden Weeping Willow
Mid Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
- 3
Mid Summer 2017
- 3
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 2

Salix x sepulcralis var. chrysocoma
Mid Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

Willow cuttings I did on Oct.10 and the following picture was taken last night Nov.1 22days later
Early Autumn 2017

Updated photo of my weeping willow tree that I air-layed a couple months back
Mid Summer 2017

When I potted her 7/29 I was planning on keeping it inside till the roots established more and because of the heat🔥&🔥humidity🔥rain,wind, & thunderstorms everyday here in SC..I was concerned about it getting blown away or drowned. I found out shortly after that the inside wasn't a good idea because within two days it looked horrible and dropped ever single leaf it had. Since than I've moved it outside staked-up under our oak tree out of nature's harsh elements she can throw at us sometimes. I

Is it doing better?

yes @ofthought doing really good now..I'll post a picture in the morning so you can see
Mid Summer 2017

This is the incredible root system that it formed in such a short period of time...right around 4 weeks. 7/29/17


When a Willow's happy and they do grow fast
Mid Summer 2017

Growing up as a child, my grandfather had two of these on our hunting cabin back home in By God 😇West Virginia! I use to lay underneath them daydreaming and playing with their long flowing branches.🌿 Ever since than I've always wanted one to call my own. They are pretty pricey to buy though.This is the first picture of my neighbors willow tree that I did a air-layer on back on 6/22/17 Willow Trees produce a natural rooting hormone...more pics coming!!!
WOW! Impressive! #propagation #weepingwillow #rootinghormone