Camellia japonica 'Doctor Burnside'
Camellia 'Doctor Burnside'
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 5
Early Spring 2017
- 10
Early Spring 2017
- 9
Early Spring 2017
- 7
Early Spring 2017
- 2
Late Winter 2017
- 3
Late Winter 2017
- 11
Mid Winter 2017
- 6
Mid Winter 2017
- 4
Early Winter 2016
- 28
Late Autumn 2016
- 6
Early Autumn 2016
- 1
Mid Summer 2016
- 2
Mid Summer 2016
- 17
Mid Summer 2016
- 25
Mid Spring 2016
- 1

Camellia japonica 'Doctor Burnside'
Mid Spring 2018
Early Spring 2017

#pink #camellia

Very pretty flower Kyle 😊

So pretty

Do you ever have a green thumb. I'm just a beginner with limited resources, but I try. You, on the other hand, are a pro gardener.
Nice pic
Early Spring 2017

#closeup of the #Camellia 🌸 in all its glory

Beautiful pic.

What a close up! Lovely 🌸

Stunning 😍😍😍💕💕💕💕😍😍😊

Stunning photo Kyle. Love the colour 😍😍

Pretty pink 💗

What a nice colour

Beautiful 😊

Very pretty 💖

Sooo pretty
Early Spring 2017

The #Camellia is about 8ft tall.. it's grown so much in the last 5 years

Amazing!!! "Camelia Goals"... As the youngsters would say! Our camelias are little & want to be like yours when they grow up 😂

They (mum and dad) have another further along this fence which is twice the size in width.. shades everything under it @fifififi

Gorgeous ❤❤❤

It's magnificent👌

Full size photo is so much better - shame we can only do square ones on here! @jeatacake @lovemygarden65

I agree @kyleleonard the square photos cut out so much ☹️

Beautiful show of flowers ❤

It's a beauty 😍
Early Spring 2017

#Camellia flower in the morning sun 🌞


Beautiful 🐾

Stunning Kyle 😍

Gorgeous ✨

Absolutely lovely 😌

She's topping up her tan 👌🏻
Early Spring 2017

Morning! 🌞#Camellia

Good morning.......
Late Winter 2017

Lots & lots & lots of buds on the #Camellia #pink #bud

Beautiful hun

Oh I'm getting a tad impatient with mine buds are their colour is showing just need a few glorious days and they my show their little faces 😊
Late Winter 2017

Morning 🌞 officially the first few flowers have bloomed on the #Camellia might just be me but they seem so delayed compared to last year @justin @mikethegardener? Might just be me though! #pink #flower #spring #2017

I think that last year was a little exceptional because of the milder winter, certainly where I am anyway! My largest camellia started flowering late November the year before which was just weird but this year it's behaved itself 😂 the red one I have has only started this week too so I think things are sorta on track 👍🏼

Morning Kyle my plants often seem behind others too, my hellebores are just sprouting and only have one leaf unless there are different varieties that flower different times 😮

Remember my first photo @keely @justin? The photo of all the dead flowers from the Camellia in the bucket.. think it must have been May.. so maybe they bloomed later than I thought

Its great that you can scroll back to look I did exactly that when everyone's hellebores were out and mine were def late Spring 😃

I saved under 'garden' so I'd have to scroll through to the end 😞 but I remember the bucket full of flower heads. Only thing I dislike about them! Covers everything below it with dead flowers @Keely

Absolutely gorgeous
Morning Kyle, beautiful flower and colour

Morning Kyle 🌺 that's a beauty - don't think it's particularly late...🤔


Yay KYLE what a beauty. Mine didnt flower last year but has 3 buds this year although it is very leggy 😉
Mid Winter 2017

A closer photo of the #camellia bud 🌺

I love their shiny leaves.

Oh exciting..they're such beautiful plants 🤗❤️

Great pic Kyle can't wait to see the bloom's,oh and before I forget i was in lidl the other day looking at the seeds and they have about 4 different varieties of nasturtiums in,i know one was a small bush type and another was a large variety but can't remember the other two,if I pop in tomorrow I'll take a pic for you 😀👍

@daisy-jane - thank you 😗

Mid Winter 2017

Camellia budding up nicely 🌞 #camellia

When do they normally flower dude?

This exact tree I think normally March @steven2016

Oh ok cool. I jus took some pics of one I planted for my Nan. Just about to upload it. Can see the colour coming through :-)
Early Winter 2016

Happy New Year to all my followers 🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾 #2017

All the best for 2017 🍾🍾🍾

Happy healthy new year to you and yours Kyle 🍾🍷🎉🎆

Happy new year!

A lot of exciting things happening in 2017 - but can't elaborate too much on it! I'll post more when I'm allowed to 📃

Happy new year Kyle.

Happy new year Kyle. 🎊🍺🥃2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣7️⃣

Happy new year! 🍾🍾🍾🎉✨

Happy New Year Kyle. Hope it's a brilliant one. 😊😊

Happy New Year to you and yours

Happy new year to you too Kyle 🎉🍾😀👍

Happy New Year to you too 😊🍺🍷🌻
Late Autumn 2016

That time of year again #camellia #seeds #seedharvest

Oh .. yum never sown them I'll watch your seed swap 💡👌

@kyleleonard I didn't know you could get camellia seeds, did they come from your camellia?

@shelleyB - yes! Only the past two years. Tree must be about 15-18 years old. It started to form these large fruit-like pods which it has never done before

@kyleleonard one of my camellias is about 15 years old so I could be getting these over the next few years, I'll look forward to it

#myhand #camellia-seed
Early Autumn 2016

Budding up for next year #camellia
Mid Summer 2016

First true leaves 🌱 #camellia

Mid Summer 2016

Seed pods!

I don't know when to expect them on my camelia but I'm looking closely at it each day!

@belindah - I have two of the same Camellia, one I've never seen them on. So strange

Mine struggled for years in the ground so I finally put it in a pot about 3 months ago and in more shady position and I'm trying to only give it rain water and it's already looking much happier so I'm liking forward to

...seeing is progress

....but I think they're very sensitive

@belindah - I never really do much with mine - don't give it any special treatment or anything. I believe they've been here about 20 years so quite established

They must be very happy where they are then!...mine was a present nearly 10 years ago. ..I tried it in several places around the garden and it never took then thanks Gtags advice on it

It now seems to be doing well finally. seems to be particularly sensitive

That's good! Hopefully yours gets pods this year @belindah

@kyleleonard Do you plant the whole pod or are there seeds inside it?

About 3/4 seeds in a pod, they start to crack which is when I take them off the tree @steven2016
Mid Summer 2016

Seed that I sown on 3rd November 2015 repotted into a larger temporary pot until I get some new ones (drinks bottle). Seed taken from my Camellia.


I wanted to Bonsai it initially 😱 it'll take years to look good

@raregold71 forgot to @ you in above

That's doing really well 😊

@charlottejhurst - should it be bigger than this after nearly 9 months? It has a good root system which is good. It grew a third leaf but was scorched a few months ago and it fell off, now it's got a new third leaf forming

@kyleleonard it's a hardy bush. So its got to put a lot of work onto itself to withstand all the weather that will be thrown at it 😊

Kyle is there a way I can message you maybe via DM on Twitter regarding the Camelia? @kyleleonard

I think this is fantastic. Never thought of growing Camelia from seed it looks very healthy. Well done. 👍🏻👍🏻

Hey @kyleleonard I notice u are #reusing your water bottles to start your seedlings. This is good for the environment.

@Steven my email is don't have Twitter on my phone so don't check it sorry

Brilliant , that's was my birthday too ! 👌🏻📸👌🏻
Mid Spring 2016

Fabulous photo.
#camellia still going strong #closeup #pink