Turk's Cap Cactus
Mid Spring 2017
- 1
Late Winter 2017
- 6
Mid Summer 2016
- 3
Late Spring 2016
- 7

Mid Spring 2017
Late Winter 2017

Morning 🌞 tonight I'm going to see my childhood hero - Eric Cantona! It's an evening with him at Salford Lowry, my girlfriend got me tickets for Christmas. Should be fun!

Have a good time 🐾

Ohh enjoy. 😊😊

Great shot kyle and hope you have a great time tonight 😆 @kyleleonard

Great pic. 👍😊

Have fun!
Mid Summer 2016
Late Spring 2016

This is the as you said earlier 'unkillable' cactus along with your other pic posted today. Looks very healthy now get it into some sunshine & get some flowers on it. I don't know if you feed it or not but if you give them proper cacti liquid feed it will help flowering. You're doing a good job with them. 👍🏻👍🏻

I'll look into this, thanks! And I have a few other cacti but don't know the type - are you good with identifying cacti, @angipangi?

@kyleleonard Not really a cacti expert have quite a few but if you have a look at @wilko 's scroll through her pics you'll see quite a lot of cacti. I think she's a bit of an expert. From memory I think she inherited a big collection from her late father. I'm sure she would be happy to help.

@wilko Hope you don't mind me passing your tag to @kyleleonard but felt you are probably best placed to give him some help. He's a keen cacti grower. Thanks.

@angipangi don't mind at all, will always help if I can.

Thanks @wilko Your a ⭐️

@kyleleonard See @wilko 's reply above. She will be happy to answer your queries re cacti.
#cacti #cactus