Phlebodium aureum
Early Winter 2020
Early Spring 2019

April-6/19 Love the colour, I have kept it happy for just over a year now. I don’t have much luck with ferns. #houseplant #bluestarfern #fern #fern-advice #fernfronds #fernsarebeautiful

@gjones I know exactly what you mean. It’s sad really because ferns are so beautiful and varied. 🤞 🤞 I have this one cracked.
Going over the leaf babies with a fine tooth comb, giving some much needed TLC after the holidays. Not sure what is going on here, any thoughts my fellow GTers?
It’s not supposed to look like this 😢
I was thinking maybe a nutrient deficiency. This is the only fern I have ever had any luck with,. @gjones